The object that I would like to recreate to show the principle of form and function is a hook . This hook can be used as hat hook or any clothing item can be hung on this item or even something like keys. I want this design to be a versatile tool that can be used at the convivence of any user.
Some improvements I would like to make to this hook is to add more a curve to the hook so that the user will be able to hold more items on the hook. I feel like the length of the hook is minimizing the potential of the object. I may also look into the possibility of making the base of the hook a rectangle shape instead of a oval type shape in order to provide more stability and to look more aesthetically pleasing when in use.
The original design came out entirely too small. The overall size of the hook would not allow for optimal use. The length of the hook and the curvature contribute to the fact that optimal use could not be made out of the hook. Below are images of the original design and above is a video explaining why this design is not optimal.
The modifications I made to the original design include extending the base of the hook and making the actual hook longer so that it is able to hold more items. Modifications to the hook curvature will allow for optimal use. Below is an example of the moderations I made to the original design in Tinkercad followed by the final product of the new design.
For this second iteration I decided to elongate the curvature of the hook to allow for more items to be placed on the object but I soon realized that this iteration still did was not at its full potential as far as versatility and usage
Below are examples of the second iteration :
Final Iteration
Because my second iteration was not up to par with what I believe the maximum usage of this item was I decided to add some modifications. The lanyard holding side widget is what this item needed to be taken to the next level. The side widget can be used to carry smaller items such as keys, lanyards, or any other miscellaneous items like that.
Below are drafts of my final iteration in Tinkercad:
Below are images of how my final iteration turned out:
Below is an image of my final iteration in use:
Final Conclusion
As you can see, this final iteration was a huge improvement over the first two. I am very satisfied with the model that I ended up with because I was able to figure out what needed to be added in order to make this item as useful as possible. This final iteration of the model incorporates all of the design elements that I envisioned while having many versatile uses. I decided to As you can see it can be used for many items such as clothing, hats, keys, lanyards, masks, etc. This items purpose is to make any users life a lot more easier.