Research and Concept
The functional form I want to add playfulness to is this white coffee mug. All the coffee mugs that I have in my house are plain white mugs just like the one in the picture and they are all boring to look at. I feel as if I had unique mugs that were in my cabinet that I looked at first thing in the morning it would automatically brighten my mood.
Above is the original picture of the mug and below is the alterations that I would make to it to inject playfulness into it. I decided to turn the cup into a dinosaur. I out dinosaur spikes on the handle of the mug so that it replicates the tail of a dinosaur. I put the face of a dinosaur on the opposite side of the handle to give the mug the full body dinosaur experience. For the colors I want the handle to be green and the spikes to be orange. I want the body of the mug to be camouflage with light green and dark green.
For my first iteration is used Tinkercad to create my print. I originally thought using Tinkercad would be a lot easier than using Sharpr3D but I feel as if I was wrong. For this iteration of my dinosaur cup it was very hard to adjust the angle of the dinosaur bumps that are supposed to replicate the tail of a dinosaur as the handle of the cup due to the fact that I was using Tinkercad on my laptop. I feel as if using the stylus on the iPad in Sharper3D will allow for more fluidity so I may have to look into using that application as I continue to make improvements on my iterations of this item.
One of the main differences between my research section and my iteration section is that the size of the cup is much smaller. I underestimated the size of creations in Tinkercad vs. how they would come out as a 3D print.This iteration came out well my only problem is that the dinosaur bumps on the tail did not come out like I thought they would. For future iterations I will adjust those so that they will appear more prominently. Other than that, the shape of the cup came out well all though it was a lot smaller than originally intended.
I fear that the overall aesthetic o f the cup is not truly showing the playfulness that I intended it to have. Some of the ideas that I have for this problem is to add a tail like figure that extends off of the cup . I also would like to add a dinosaur face on the front side of the cup to increase the playfulness of the item.
Final Print
For my final print my original plan was to add a tail on the cup to make it look more like a dinosaur. I then decided to add a face on it to add on to the ‘playfulness’ element. After printing my second iteration I realized that the face was not coming out as I expected and would not be a good idea to add to the final print.
After my second iteration I decided to add text to the side of the cup. I put the phrase ‘rawr’ on the side of the cup which I think was a great touch to the playfulness element.
Unfortunately the print did not turn out as i wanted it to
The printer did not print the tail out correctly and the text came out very sloppy.
After this I stuck to my original plan which was to fix the ridges on the handle of the cup so that it would look more like a dinosaur tail. To do this I made the ridges on the tail bigger and I also staggered them and made them uneven so that it would add a more realistic touch to it.