3D Scan

The process of getting a 3D scan of myself took a lot of trial and error. At first my partner and I used ScandyPro on our phones to scan each other but we came to realize that the app wasn’t very accurate. The app only was able to pick up the front of our bodies but was unable to scan the top and back of our heads. We both decided that the iPad was a better option so we switched to using the Monocle Structure Scanner app to get an accurate enough scan to print. When we scanned each other we had to stand very still while the other person went around and got precise shots of our body. We had to angle the camera in the correct positions as well to be able to get detailed enough scans. The iPad allowed us to get scans of the back of our bodies as well as the top of our heads so in the end we stuck with the scans of ourselves from the iPad.

After I got the scan of myself that I thought was the best to 3D print I airdropped the files onto my computer. I downloaded the obj file of my scan and then imported it into Tinkercad. After importing the 3D scan into Tinkercad I then had to clean up my scan because it picked up some random objects but other than that the scan turned out well.

3D Scan

At the beginning of class I downloaded qlone but quickly realized it wasn’t the best app to use when taking my 3D scan. I was told by other classmates that scandy pro was the better option and we began to mess around with it. We started taking each others scans and I began to realize it was more challenging than it looked. I realized I needed to take it slow and my second scan turned out great. When a classmate took my scan it turned out pretty good but there was constantly a slight deformity in the face but it didn’t show up in the 3D print.

After I had a solid scan I exported it as a .obj and airdropped it to my mac. I moved to .obj into tinkercad and made a few adjustments. After that I exported it as an .stl and then I was ready to print!