F|F Research & Concept
The object I would like to make to demonstrate form and function is this cotton swab and cotton pad container. The purpose of this is to effectively organize those items and either leave the out on your counter or be able to store them away or travel with them using the lid. It is perfectly fitted for the round pads and contains small compartments to fit in a bunch of swabs.
Some personalizations I would like to make in order to make it more usable for me would be to lessen the amount of compartments. By making only 3 compartments it would give me more space to fit something other than just cotton swabs that may be bigger like makeup brushes. Another personalization I could make would be to make the base of it wider. The original design is just under 119 cm wide. If I made it 123cm I think that would be enough to give more space to fit other things, all while keeping the spot for the cotton pads the same size.
F|F Iterations
This is my original print of the un-altered cotton swab and q-tip holder by Syzguru11 on Thingiverse. This print took about 7 hours and came out great. In my sketches I mentioned wanting to get rid of some of the walls that section it off but after seeing this first print I decided to focus on just removing the lid and the lip at the bottom of the front opening.
After seeing the original print I decided I wanted to remove the small lip from the bottom of opening in the front. I thought this would be a good idea since having that there may make it more difficult when trying to get out the last cotton pad. Finally, I decided to remove the lid seeing as it was not very useful and for myself it did not seem to serve a purpose.
If I had more time to test out more versions of this print I would try to take out some of the walls that make the compartments but when I tried to do that originally, I could not figure out how to properly cover the wall with a hole without messing up anything else in the process.
As you can see the lip was removed but not in the best way. It was hard for me to tell how it would turn out on Tinkercad but obviously this still works and I think was a beneficial change.
Overall, the process of remixing and reworking this print was really fun and I learned a lot about Tinkercad. I wish that I had more time to reprint my last version without the walls but either way I think my final print was good enough and it has already been extremely useful!