Hi, I’m Dan Drecun

I’m a 20 year old from Alexandria, VA with a concentration in Creative Advertising. A big part of my life consists of making and listening to music. I got started at a very young age and it stuck with me forever. When I’m not working on school stuff or cooking up some fire in the studio, I like to spend time with my friends or roommates (COVID-safe) and I also like to cook and clean things. I also love to drive around aimlessly a LOT; I just replaced my old car with something that doesn’t break down every month and it’s insane how much my quality of life improved.

Just made some chili it was okay
I don’t know if this is allowed but I’d say my desk is a pretty good representation of who I am
My creative type is the dreamer

In case you want to follow my Instagram for music things for whatever reason, it’s daniel.drecun

Tinkercad: https://www.tinkercad.com/users/8rw7DDeIOsT-drecunda
Thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/danieldrecun/designs