Hi everyone, my name is Karina Arzubiaga. I am a junior Creative Advertising concentration with no minor because I could not think of one to choose from. I am a part of Tri Delta sorority at JMU and sometimes play volleyball in my free time. My favorite things to do are travel, play with puppies, and eat McDonald French fries:) I have always been super creative and love doing arts and crafts or really any hands-on work. That is why I am really looking forward to this 3D printing class!
The object that I choose to represent me is a plane because as I said before, I love to travel. I am a super adventurous person and have made it a goal of mine to travel to at least one new country each year. Shoutout to COVID for making that extremely difficult this past year! Any recommendations where I should go next?
After taking the creative type quiz I discovered that I am the Visionary type who imagines the impossible and lives in a world of infinite possibilities.
You can find my work on: