Hi everyone! My name is Unda Dittaboot and I’m a junior. I’m a DVC concentration with a minor in film studies. In my free time I love to watch lots of movies, listen to music, and go hiking with friends! I’m personally taking this class because I love creating and being innovative so 305 seemed like the perfect course to take. I’ve never worked with 3D printers before so I’m very excited to learn more about it this semester as well!
The object that I chose to represent me is a camera because I enjoy documenting and making videos of people and places around me. I appreciate seeing the world through a different lens and it is something I try to do daily. This object also slightly relates to why I want to take this class because both filming and 3d printing allow me to be creative and experiment in many different ways.
As a creative type I am an Innovator!

You can find me on: