The NEH places high priority on the dissemination of this seminar’s findings to its constituents, stakeholders, and the general public. The NEH expects those who join this program to support these efforts as a condition of participation, in accordance with NEH guidelines for established summer programs. During and following the seminar, the seminar director will request that participants provide a clearly articulated end-product for use in teaching or research, such as a digital videocast, pedagogical document (such as a unit plan or syllabus dedicated to teaching the History of the Book), an annotated bibliography, or a related document. He will deposit this collection at Scholarly Commons, an open-access repository curated by JMU Libraries (commons.lib.jmu.edu). It operates under a Creative Commons-Attribution-Non Commercial-No derivative license while allowing individual contributors to retain copyright. Scholarly Commons will accept data from seminar participants who simultaneously plan to publish their research elsewhere. These efforts will allow the seminar to attract new end-users of our shared findings.
Each accepted participant is expected to provide this end-product on or before September 1, 2022.
The seminar director will publicize this content through notices on social media, discipline-specific list-serves and email lists to faculty members in literature, history, and other disciplines, and will encourage summer scholars to do the same. This effort will raise awareness of the seminar’s findings among audiences of college and university faculty and members of the public, and thereby extend the seminar’s intellectual reach. Scholarly Commons contains built-in structures for measuring impact, including pre-programmed internet search engine optimization (including Google Scholar), periodic reports on the frequency of views and downloads, and further publicizing through social media notices and RSS feeds. Mark Rankin also plans to organize at least one panel at the 2023 annual meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, in San Juan, from among the participants in this program, as he did following the conclusion of its previous iterations. The application deadline to the RSA for its 2023 meeting is early August 2022.
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