OpenSCAD project by Vicky and Caitlin

For the OpenSCAD project we decided to do a Turner Cube. This is a design in which you have multiple cubes inside of each other. All the sides are parallel to each other resulting in the image that you see above. Overall, the design does not serve any purpose but it...
OpenSCAD project by Tony and Sharon

OpenSCAD project by Tony and Sharon

Our OpenSCAD project will consist of something to do with the Fibonacci sequence. We want something that might have to do with the golden ratio and spirals. We have looked at many Fibonacci sculptures and thought they might be cool to do. Our featured image is...

OpenScad Project – Megan, Michael, Somer

For our open scad project we chose to use an image file and convert it in OpenScad to be able to print it. To do this we would use Trace2Scad. Trace2Scad is compatible with OpenScad so it would be perfect for this project. Trace2SCAD is a shell script using sed, awk,...
Openscad Project – Nicole and Kendall

Openscad Project – Nicole and Kendall

Hi There! For our project we chose to use primarily for loops and difference functions to create this abstract container. it could be used or pens, or as a decorative piece. The idea was to create rectangular rods at angles, rotating around one another to create a...

Fix It – Jake Meador Michael Busch

For our fix it project we chose to fix the broken cat toy. The toy is broken and can not be held out straight for optimum cat fun. So we decided to print tubes over top of the 2 broken sections. We do this by stopping the print half way and placing the cat toy onto...
Fix It Project – Nicole and Somer

Fix It Project – Nicole and Somer

Hello! For our project we chose to “fix” a microphone in need of stand. The print took a bit of time, however I think we can call it a success! The stand is a layered cylinder – the larger of which hugs the base of the microphone. The smaller...