Joanie & Cameron’s OpenScad Project Draft

Joanie & Cameron’s OpenScad Project Draft

Joanie and I from the beginning wanted to create a cube, connected by linked mini squares, that can be unraveled in to a flat shape. On the left is our first sketches for the project, illustrating the general idea of the cube and its dimensions. In the code, we...
OpenSCAD Project – Emma & Carissa

OpenSCAD Project – Emma & Carissa

For our OpenSCAD Project, Carissa and I are going to create a foldable comb that is able to hook onto a key chain to make it portable. The inspiration for this thing is from Carissa’s coworker who carries a comb with him everywhere but it pokes him when he has...

Openscad Project- Mac, Nicole and Ashley

Nicole, Mac and I have decided to make a train that can roll on a flat, or downhill, surface. We will need to add in axles in order for the wheels to spin.  We believe that this train will use more of the Openscad features than our previous idea of a maze. Our first...