Morgan Moritz, Yassine Abassi

We decided to make a majestic tree for our OpenScad Project.  Our tree is used for an aesthetic purpose. We see this tree as a decoration for peoples homes.

Additionally, we chose to make this tree because we believe the program works well with making and developing the leaves on the tree. Our main focus right now is to make our tree leaves more dense and make the tree overall look more full.

Our code so far is:

module simple_tree(size, dna, n) {
if (n > 0) {
// trunk
cylinder(r1=size/10, r2=size/12, h=size, $fn=24);
// branches
for(bd = dna) {
angx = bd[0];
angz = bd[1];
scal = bd[2];
simple_tree(scal*size, dna, n-1);
else // leaves
for (i=[0:3])
for (i=[0:3])
for (i=[0:3])
// dna is a list of branching data bd of the tree:
// bd[0] – inclination of the branch
// bd[1] – Z rotation angle of the branch
// bd[2] – relative scale of the branch
dna = [ [12, 80, 0.85], [55, 0, 0.6],
[62, 125, 0.6], [57, -125, 0.6] ];
simple_tree(50, dna, 3);

scale ([3,3,.1]) {

First Print (DNA 3)

We wanted to do a tree that was more full of leaves but we thought it would be very difficult to get the support out. As such, we decided to do a tree that has a DNA of only 3 instead of our original that has 6. We attempted multiple first prints. The scale was set at 50% the size and we scaled another at 25%. 50% was a good size but the support proved to be a bit difficult to take off. 25% is not possible to print because it is too fragile. Our next print will be at 100%; the support will be less of a difficulty but the print will take a considerable amount of time.

2nd Print

This print was made at 100%. As this is the case, It was much easier to take out the support from the branches and the leaves. However, because the print was so large- the Ultiamker ran out of filament during our print. As this is the case, our print ended up not being done. As such, we have decided to print another one at 100% and made sure that there is enough filament on the machine to make this tree.

Final Print

By having it at 100% it was much easier to take off the support. Additionally, we are very happy at our final product. We had to do several different prints but in the end we ended up with a product that we are very proud of.