The fix we chose to take on for class was a missing zipper on a toiletry bag for Cam. We looked through a bunch of designs through thingiverse and found one a print that clipped around a paperclip which went into the space of the zipper. We added some customization to it and extruded a JMU onto the end of the zipper. We chose to do it there instead of on the main surfaces of the zipper because we wanted to avoid having to use support. This was our final design:

The print seemed to go pretty successfully, but when we tried to clip it together it wouldn’t go in. We realized we accidentally printed in fast mode, which cause a few blemishes that prevented the clip spots from going in, as seen in the following picture:

So we had to spend a few minutes sanding away the excess extrusions to finally get the clip to go in and stay tight. Here is the final product, which works perfectly: