For the Tinkercad design project we decided to make the Career and Academic planning chess piece that is in the logo.We are still adding our finishing touches to the assignments. The chess piece itself was the easiest part of the assignment. Within that part we just used the different shapes to make it look like a chess piece. While doing so, we made sure everything was aligned properly so that it did not have any off pieces. The challenging part was making the checkered section that was on the left hand side of the piece. This was a struggle because we had to ensure that all the pieces were aligned properly and were the same shape.


The first print of our chess piece turned out pretty well, the holes/squares in the chess piece came out well except in the back where it was being printed/supported. Since we wanted to ensure that the holes came out well, we rotated the chess piece onto it’s side to make it print correctly. However, before printing it, we had to go in and make the holes closer together because at first, parts of the chess piece on the holes side were floating in the air.


We made some modifications to our original design. Instead of being a chess piece, we modified it be a key-chain, we added a key-chain hook and added the words of Career and Academic Planning to the base of the chess piece. With the base essentially being the words stretched out, there are some concerns about how it’ll be printed out, but since the chess piece with the holes printed just fine, there shouldn’t be any problems.


We printed the Chess-piece key-chain several times and designed differently each time. We first printed it with a graduation cap and the words as the base on the bottom of the chess piece with a hole in the graduation hat for a key-chain ring. After printing, we discovered that the part of the words that were face down printed wrong and you couldn’t make out any of the words on the front. We modified it for another print where we placed the chess piece on top of a cube based with the words printed on top of that cube block. However, once that one was done printing, we discovered that the words weren’t printed correctly, this time because either the words were too close together or they were to short to give the words definition. Another problem was that the graduation cap collapsed when it was printing the key-chain hole. On our next print, we made it so that the words were actually sunken into the cube block and took out the graduation cap entirely since it kept giving us problems.