Howdy. My name is Nicholas Maoury. Although, I would definitely prefer it if you would call me Nic.

Yes, without the “k”.

I’m a Junior Computer Science student here at JMU taking this class for a Gen-Ed lab, although I am genuinely intrigued by 3D Printing.

A little bit about me:
I’m super into music, I mean a lot. If you’re interested in checking out my music, I’ll embed this post with a music video of my last release. Although, you can find my music on any streaming site (Spotify, Apple Music, etc).

I also produce other people’s music (mainly alt-indie music) and have built up a little home studio. I’m releasing a new EP in October titled “Teal” that features piano, cello, guitars, full band, etc.

Other than that, I code a lot. Like a lot. Please help me.
I was born and raised in Winchester Virginia but currently spend my summers in Annapolis Maryland.

Also, give me a follow on twitter