Mariana Lorenzana

Interview with Mariana Lorenzana

by Anna Clark and Evan Finley

After a few emails back and forth, we finally met Mariana Lorenzana in her second grade classroom at Spotswood Elementary school right here in Harrisonburg, VA. She greeted us with a big smile and quickly admitted that she was a little nervous about the interview. We ensured her that we are also nervous, but there was nothing to be worried about. We sat down at a child sized desk and chairs, and began the interview after checking the recording device and signing the consent forms for the project. We started out with basic background questions. Looking back at our experiences it would have been nice to know a little bit about our subject in order to better customize our questions. Mariana was very excited to have the opportunity to share her story, but her nerves might have rushed her a bit and she skipped a lot of details at the beginning of the interview, so we had to make sure to come back to certain parts of her story to learn more about the timeline of her events.

Migration and Integration
Mariana was born in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. When describing her childhood in Honduras, she says it was “peaceful at that time.” She eludes to some violence within the public schools, but said it was better when she was growing up than it is now. Mariana first came to the US after graduating High School in Honduras. Through her church pastor’s connections, she was given the opportunity to participate in a program to learn English in Seattle, Washington. If she could pass all her English exams during the program, she could stay in the US longer and go to college there. Mariana said she didn’t plan on staying in the US for a long time and her motivation was her education, because she wanted to be a teacher. After a lot of hard work, Mariana passed all of her tests and was able to stay in Seattle and finish college there. She said this experience was a “dream come true.”
“I didn’t see that much of the city [Seattle] because I was always studying because I knew they just gave me six months to study to take the test and be able to go to college if I didn’t pass the test I was when I sent back home and I really wanted to go to school because what you guys have here or what we have that freedom and openings and all the chances, it’s not like that back in Latin American. You really have to work hard and it’s expensive. Even though universities here are so expensive, now that I have one [child] in college, it’s like, Ooh, but the opportunities that you have, it’s just there. So we, this people always ask us with my husband, how can you continue studying? I say because there is a chance to study. My husband just graduated with a doctorate in ministry and people say, why do you keep studying? Because there is a chance for us to study. If we were back home, we wouldn’t have that.”

After college, Mariana returned to Honduras to become a teacher at a bilingual school. After she got married, he husband was invited to come to the US by the Mennonite Church to work with the Hispanic community in New Orleans. At the time, they planned to be in the states for three to four years. She said she didn’t particularly enjoy her time in New Orleans, as they were only there temporarily, she couldn’t drive or work, so she just tried to enjoy her time working with the Church’s youth group. Eventually they were invited to become permanent residents through the Gulf States Mennonite Conference. Even though they only planned to be in the US temporarily, once they got their permanent residency status, they became more settled in the states and had kids. Mariana was worried that if they went back to Honduras, their kids would lose some of the advantages they have in the US such as educational opportunities and medical coverage for her adopted son.
After a few years in New Orleans, her husband was invited to move to El Paso, Texas and open a Mennonite Church there. “We fell in love with the place,” she said, “We really enjoyed it because we were able to go to Mexico and get some of the food, the spicy food and beans and the cheese and you know, at that time we just drove by and went to those expensive restaurants and they were not that expensive because we were paying in dollars and just the whole culture. It was a nice, nice place.” After being in El Paso for a few years, Mariana said that she and her husband began to feel more homesick and that it was harder to travel to Honduras from Texas, so when the opportunity arose for them to go Miami, Fl, they decided to move.
“It was more like being in Latin America,” she said. While her family was living in Miami, she started to work in a bilingual school. However, she and her husband felt that the Miami area was to “hectic” and unsafe, and her husband wanted to pursue another degree, that is when they found EMU and decided to move to Harrisonburg.

Mariana Lorenzana lives in Harrisonburg and is a teacher at Spotswood Elementary. After living in Louisiana, Texas, and Florida, she and her husband made Harrisonburg their home in 2004. Mariana Lorenzana has feels that Harrisonburg is by far the best place she has lived in the U.S. She said that once they moved here with her two children, they fell in love with the community, and that her kids feel that this is home for them. One of the most important factors for her about Harrisonburg bang the best place to live is that it is very safe. Compared to where they had lived before, Harrisonburg was by far the safest. She felt comfortable allowing her kids to play outside knowing they would be safe.
She also said that Harrisonburg was “a welcoming place.” Mariana Lorenzana was very connected with the EMU community. She talked about how she and her kids would walk around the campus and felt a real sense of community there. We asked Mariana if there were many other Hondurans in Harrisonburg when they first came and she said, “I think I didn’t know them because I was so involved in the EMU community, so I was not involved that much with them.” The Mennonite church clearly had the most influence over Mariana and her family’s experience in coming to the US and integrating here. In his article, “The Social Organization of Migration,” Massey talks about how voluntary organizations help facilitate migration, and this is true in the case of Mariana’s story. Since they have been here for so long, she and her husband, have branched out from the church and have become more integrated, but their faith is still an important factor that shapes their experience here in the US. “Now it’s easy, so much easier just to connect with other Hispanics because of the parents and at that time, not that much. We were new in the area.” She also had this to say about the EMU community: “EMU plays a big role because both of us graduated from there. So EMU has a special, you know, part in our heart and probably, you know, the connection.” This shows that all immigrant stories are different. Mariana Lorenzana didn’t know anyone when they came to the Harrisonburg area, but they soon found a community that was welcoming and safe.

When asked about the decision to naturalize, Mariana Lorenzana’s said the decision came quite easy. She made the decision because her residency was going to expire. They had always postponed the step of becoming a citizen because it was expensive. She said that they never really had the money to change their immigration status, but that they basically had no choice. They either would become citizens or leave the states. This made the decision quite easy. She then took us through the process of becoming a citizen.
She made the decision around 10 years ago and said that she took a class to prepare. She also bought a book and studied on her own, going through the questions in preparation. Some of the questions she was asked was about politics and about who her Representative and Senators are, and jokingly told us not to ask her who they are as she can’t remember. She also said that she was very nervous for the interview and that you need to be prepared and professional. She also thought that the people who interviewed her were very nice. The interview consisted of five questions, and if those five questions go well then that’s it, you pass the test.
She said she had one regret about the whole process. The regret she had was that she couldn’t keep her maiden name or her own last name. They told her that she could only have one last name and not a hyphenated last name. She regretted not fighting for it. But, like she said after this, it brings to attention how much you don’t know when going through the process of becoming a citizen. She felt that she had no choice but to listen to the people helping her with the process. It does seem strange that they wouldn’t let her have two last names but she didn’t want to cause any problems so she decided not to fight it. After the interview, the process continues. This consisted of getting fingerprints, going to the doctors, and conducting a background check. Overall, she said that the process was easy, but a long process, which was around a year.
Next, we wanted to get a sense of how much she goes back to Honduras and if she misses anything about Honduras. Since coming to the United States, she has gone back to Honduras four or five times. At first, she would go back to visit her parents and other family member. But since becoming an American citizen, she was able to request her parents to come live in the U.S. she said that this has made things easier, and has caused her not to want to go back to Honduras. She still has siblings in Honduras, but she doesn’t feel the impulse or need to go back to Honduras, because she has her parents here now. Massey talks about the importance of Kinship a social base of network migration and Mariana bringing her parents here is a good example of this. Massey discusses how family members are our closest ties and that is why it is one of the most popular network that fuels migration.
The last question we had for Mariana Lorenzana was if she feels American or more Honduran. She thought this was a good question, and we could tell it really made her think deeply. First, she jokingly said that her husband thinks she can be too American sometimes. But her answer was interesting. She said that she feels like both. Sometimes she feels very Honduran but other time she realizes that she has changed a lot since coming to the United States. She does feel that she has embraced American culture but that she has also brought her heritage with her. An example of this is when she spoke about her daughter coming home from college on break. She said that all her daughter wanted after coming home from college was rice and beans. This resonated with us because it shows that she has brought her heritage into the house and embraces it too. Mrs. Lorenzana said she felt a lot of joy when her daughter asked for rice and beans, because it means that she embraces her heritage and feels it’s a piece of who she is as well. This speaks to the experience of raising children as an immigrant, as well how the second generation creates their own identity, as discussed in the article “Becoming Ethnic or Becoming American,” by Min Zhou and Jennifer Lee. They point out the struggle that the second generation and their parents go through where they don’t want to lose their heritage, but feel pressure to be only one or the other (Honduran or American). However, many feel they connect to both as Mariana and her daughter feel.

Since Mariana Lorenzana has been here since 2004, we were curious to know how she saw Harrisonburg change over the years. She said that a lot had changed. There are more roads and streets. She also said that a lot more immigrants have come to the Harrisonburg area since she first arrived. She has seen more immigrants from not just Latin America but also Asia and the Middle East. She also said that there are more stores, where she can get the food she craves, and by this I think she means more stores that have Hispanic food. She appreciated that immigrants are bringing their heritage to Harrisonburg. She appreciates this because she tries to the same in her own house. Another change that she was excited about was that Harrisonburg schools have a bilingual program. She said, “kids are learning English and Spanish at the same time and I think that’s a plus that brings a lot to the community and it’s not that the Hispanic or taken over, it’s just we’re teaching the community to be open to new cultures, to new languages.” She was proud of this because she was one of the founders of the program when it was only in one school. Now the program is in every school in Harrisonburg, except for one. This goes to show how much Harrisonburg has changed and embraced the immigrant community.
Harrisonburg offered a welcoming, safe home for Mariana and her family and she has appreciated calling Harrisonburg her home. We share that same appreciation for Harrisonburg and how it has changed and how it has offered for us as a great place to get our education. We also truly appreciate the opportunity to listen to Mariana Lorenzana’s story and get to know her. It has shown us that immigration stories are different and listening to these stories helps us appreciate being American. The United States provides many immigrants with the opportunity of education, work, and safety and it was very humbling to listen to someone who can give us a first-hand view of an immigrant experience.

Anna : So we’ll start with um, when, and where were you born?
Mrs. Lorenzana: Date and years. I was born in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Did you say date?
Anna : You don’t have to…
Mrs. Lorenzana: Yeah, I was born in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
Anna : Okay, and what was it like growing up?
Mrs. Lorenzana: I think it was kind of peaceful at that time and I remember taking public transportation, going to school and now if we do that it’s kind of dangerous, but it was, you know, free. And the only thing I regret is girls could not play soccer and I was a pretty fan of soccer and I couldn’t play because girls were not allowed during that time. Now it’s fine. Um, so people decided either you go to a public school, public school or not like this, like the ones in the state. Sometimes kind of hard, you know, because everybody goes there and sometimes can be lots of violence and my parents will not accept that. So. So it was peaceful and not the way it is now.
Anna : Um, when did you first come to the US?
Mrs. Lorenzana: My very first time was just right after high school, uh, I came to learn English and I have the chance to go to college. So they said you take this course and then you take a proficiency test and if you pass it then you can enter college. So for me that was my dream coming true because I always wanted to be a teacher and I had the chance of coming in and becoming one. So I did that. So I was able to go to college, graduated and then I went back home. That was the first time.
Anna : So you were here from about 18, 17, something like that?
Mrs. Lorenzana: Yeah. And for like four or five years or five years.
Anna : Nice, and was your main motivation for coming to learn English education?
Mrs. Lorenzana: Yeah, basically I wanted to learn English and I wanted it to be a teacher.
Anna : So, um, what happened next when you went back?
Mrs. Lorenzana: Then? I went back home and I got a job as a teacher at a bilingual school and I was happy. We got married and then we were invited by the Mennonite church to come and work with the Hispanic community. My husband is a minister, so it was a chance for us to plan churches and just basically to work with the Hispanic community. So we came up, basically it was, we thought maybe only three years we’d been 25 now after we get the kids. And so.
Anna : How old were you then when he came back to the US for the second time?
Mrs. Lorenzana: I came back, got married when I was 30, 31 I think.
Anna : OK Yeah.
Mrs. Lorenzana: Yeah. So I was an adult.
Anna : Um, so when you came back here, and your husband was preaching or?
Mrs. Lorenzana: We, we started as a youth pastor. See in the Hispanic churches is not as um, they don’t have that many people working full time. So he was the young, the young pastor and he functioned as an assistant pastor to this moment.
Anna : What were you doing during that time?
Mrs. Lorenzana: Just helping him because we didn’t have our permanent residency. We were just in the process of getting one, so I couldn’t work. I couldn’t drive. He had a driver’s license because he went to school, were in that area where we used to live that was in New Orleans, so I couldn’t drive, I couldn’t work. So I waited until I was enjoying just working with the kids and, and a church.
Anna: So at what point did you decide to become a permanent resident?
Mrs. Lorenzana: Well, we were, uh, we were invited, as I say, we were invited by the Gulf States Mennonite conference, something like that to be, I think it was a religious visa and then we were asked, would you like a permanent visa. We didn’t understand exactly what we’re saying and say, yeah. So we got the visa and, but the idea was to be here for three years. But then kids came along and our oldest son, he got asthma. So medical expenses were really high, almost $400 per month. And since he was adopted, the government paid for that. So we thought, what can we offer him? I mean going back home, we couldn’t afford it. Yeah, you know, his for his health and then we thought about education for them and how much we had the chance to have an education and we want to offer that to our children. So that’s how make us decide. Let’s go for the permanent resident.
Anna : So was that in the Harrisonburg area?
Mrs. Lorenzana: No no, that was Harrisonburg is our fourth place that we live and the longest.
Anna : So kind of take me through that journey.
Mrs. Lorenzana: We started, we came to New Orleans, we were there for I think three or four years and I was not working. We were just, I was helping my husband at church and just getting around and it’s not the same like I went to school in the north, all of north and, and then um, he was invited to open the church in El Paso, Texas. So we went to visit and we fell in love with the place. It was in the on the border with Mexico and we could go to Mexico if we wanted just to visit. So we moved there and that’s where we have our kids in El Paso. Um, and then we decided we were beginning, we were starting to get homesick and it was kind of far away traveling to Honduras from El Paso and they were not that many Hondurans there and just, we just began getting homesick and the kids now that we had the kids, we wanted them to be closer to home so he had an opening, there was an opening in Miami, so we went there and it was more like being in Latin America. However, I didn’t like the area because it’s too hectic, but I began teaching again in a bilingual school, so I really loved it, but I didn’t like the area and my husband always wanted to, uh, he always wanted to get a higher education. So he came to visit EMU and there was a chance for him to get his master’s degree. So we said why not? So let’s move. So we came with our two kids and we fell in love with the area and we’ve been here ever since. And for our children, this is home, Harrisonburg. It was a nice move.
Anna : How did you feel you were accepted here in Harrisonburg compared to other places and was there a community of people from Honduras here at all?
Mrs. Lorenzana: At first, not really. Not that many Hispanics that we met and we were not connected with any Hispanic churches because my husband was going into the seminary so it was mostly his classmates and going to church. And then I began working. I was working in the county my first two years. It was hard because I feel like I was not being accepted that well just because I was Hispanic. I even have comments of people saying, oh, but how come you, can you be a teacher when you were Hispanic? And I was like, why not? And people assume that my husband was an American because he was getting his master’s degree and I say how come a Hispanic can’t do that? So those two years were kind of hard trying to figure out because I never experienced that and after awhile you learn to deal with that. Then I got a job with Harrisonburg city school and I feel like this is where I belong because I was able to give back something to the community. Then I met others like me and I’ve never felt that discrimination from the administrators or the staff. Nothing. It’s like it’s me. Whether I have an accent, whether I looked different it is just me. One of the other teachers.
Anna: And, what year was it that you got to the Harrisonburg area?
Mrs. Lorenzana: We came 2004.
Anna : Okay, great. And how was it raising kids in this area?
Mrs. Lorenzana: Well, I will say Harrisonburg. Harrisonburg is total different than other places. We came from Miami and even though there were lots of Hispanics in the area, at some point it was not that safe. Having kids outside here. It’s such a great community. We live in the park view area. So for us having the kids outside playing on their own, riding their bikes, that was wonderful. That was great. It was, we felt like it was a safe place and a welcoming place and we never told the kids that, oh, you’re Hispanic, but we never mentioned that word because we didn’t want to feel them different than anybody else. And even though we made the rule at home only in Spanish, not English, they never questioned why. I mean, for them it was just natural.
Anna : Were there any norms that you saw in the U.S. that it took time to get used to or that you found kind of weird?
Mrs. Lorenzana: Um, the individualistic part sometime, even now it’s hard because we’re in a collectivism community. Everybody’s into everybody’s business. I’m probably that part in. It was interesting seeing how people treat us and I talk about the plural because I’m including my husband. We noticed when people knew we had some kind of education, people started treating us differently and it was that, wow, that’s as soon as we mentioned, Oh, you know, I’m a school teacher. Oh, okay. Oh, there were a couple of people at the beginning thinking, oh, so you were an assistant assuming that just because I was Hispanic, I couldn’t have. So that part. I remember one time my husband was mowing when the lawn and one of his coworkers drove by us, oh, so this is, you have a part time job. And I said, no, this is my house, this is where I live, just because he looks Hispanic. So that was kind of different and trying to learn to deal with that and, and helping our children to learn that they don’t have to react when people treat them differently. Um, Harrisonburg’s a nice place to be. It is, its a, it’s a great community and, but that was something we got to our attention why people treat us different when they know the education that we have.
Anna : Um, have you been back to Honduras? How many times?
Mrs. Lorenzana: Since I came to Harrisonburg?
Anna : Or I guess since the US.
Mrs. Lorenzana: Since the U.S. Not that many. Probably last time I was home was last year and after that it took me almost 10 years. So probably four or five the most that had been home.
Anna : And was it just to visit family and everything?
Mrs. Lorenzana: Yeah, just a family. At first I wanted to go home because my parents lived there so I wanted mostly for my parents even though I got siblings back there, but then when we became Americans citizens, then I was able to request my parents so they came and lived with me and so that made it easier, not so urgent to go back home because I had my parents with me.
Anna : So when did you make the decision to naturalize?
Mrs. Lorenzana: Oh, our residency was going to expire. So basically that because it was pretty expensive, just changing the status. So we never, we always postpone it because we never had the money basically. So it was either becoming an American citizen or keeping keep it right in and say, you know, what, let’s go for the citizenship. And we did it and I’m glad we did. Especially now with this environment. Yeah, it’s pretty hard.
Anna : Uh, so what was that process like?
Mrs. Lorenzana: Ah, we, let me see if I remember of 10 years. You have to take a class and, and they asked me some questions. I think I, I bought a book and I studied on my own, the questions and just prepare for that. Then we had an interview separate, you know, my husband went side and me and you have to be ready, you know, they asked you about politics and they ask you about who are your Senators, your Congress. So I have to learn that. Don’t ask me now who they are because I can’t, I don’t remember and, but I knew, you know, the basic history, so that was not that bad, but it’s always so tension, know, so nervous going in and, to have that interview. However, I felt like they were really nice people. Very nice. In our interview, the only thing I regretted is I wanted to use my maiden name and they didn’t allow me to do that. They say no, that’s the last name. You cannot do that. And of course you know, you’re getting into the process. I didn’t feel free to fight for it because it’s like, okay, then they’re not going to give me my citizenship because I wanted to keep my own last name. And they say, no, you use only one last name, your name and last name. So, yeah, now it’s like, how come I didn’t fight for it? I mean now that I know, but during that process you don’t have so much of a choice. It’s like, okay, whatever you say, I’m going to do it because I’m in this process. Probably the, the people that helped me were being like that. But the interview, it wasn’t that bad. It was only five questions. If you pass the five questions, that’s it. And then you know, all the process, the fingerprint and going to the doctor and background check and everything. So it was a long process. I think now it’s harder. I think that’s what I heard and it was expensive. I can’t remember how much but almost a thousand dollars probably for each one of us.
Anna : How long did that process take from start to finish?
Mrs. Lorenzana: Probably no more than a year. No more than a year I think.
Anna: And how old were you then? What year was it?
Mrs. Lorenzana: Uh, I was in my forties.
Anna : Um, Evan?
Evan : Um so you first came to the, to the New Orleans area?
Mrs. Lorenzana: My very first time, no.
Evan : When you went, where did you go to school?
Mrs. Lorenzana: Seattle, Washington.
Evan : Nice, Seattle’s cool.
Mrs. Lorenzana: Yeah.
Anna : Um, how did you get the opportunity to study in the US? How did you find out about that?
Mrs. Lorenzana: Through my pastor. The church was a church connecting.
Anna : Um, I guess, what do you miss about Honduras the most?
Mrs. Lorenzana: What I miss? Know, it’s kind of hard because for me, if I have my family with me, I don’t miss anything. But what I miss about Honduras is that friendship for example, this time of the year. Oh, it’s the best going home because everywhere you go it’s music. There’s music and just feel the Christmas spirit that here we don’t and that part, the friendship. Having lots of my friends in always getting together because here you’re busy and we’ve been very lucky for having good friends, good people. We have met good people, but we’re always busy.
Evan : So the first. So after you went back, after coming from school, you went back to Honduras and then you said your husband got a job in New Orleans. Okay. Um, how’d you like the New Orleans area or it was like…
Mrs. Lorenzana: I didn’t like it at all. So we were there only for 3 years. It’s kind of gloomy and I don’t know, just, you know, Mardi Gras. I was not into that. Now, the food is good. I mean there were a lot of visitors but I was not really so excited make New Orleans my home. I know it was just temporary compared to El Paso and here. Those have been my best places.
Evan : And how’d you uh, was the reception in New Orleans? Like, when you first came did you see differences in the reception between New Orleans and like El Paso or Miami?
Mrs. Lorenzana: Every place that I’ve been, even though there are some Hispanic, since Hispanic is such a broad, you know, culture and, and, and in New Orleans there were a lot of Hondurans and we spent most of the time with the people at Church. My last year that I was there, I began working in a public school, so that’s I feel like I have. That’s the first time I experienced the American culture and it wasn’t that bad. I was taken well, of course you know when you have an education and you have a degree, people respect you. So, we learned that. I don’t know how we can sense that the people start treating you differently just because you have a bachelor’s degree, you have a master’s degree. The other day my daughter was telling me, I always remember you always saying when you go to the store, just try to look nice because I always tell her, you know, people are going look at you like, oh, look at that sloppy Hispanic and now with this environment people treat you differently. And, and you know, one of my kids, my son, my son, sometimes he looks more really Hispanic, dark complexion, black hair, and he has felt some people treating him differently. Just the way he looked. Even though he was born here. Both of my kids were born back there. I just remember one incident in New Orleans my first day at school. Um, I went pretty early and one of the teachers. Really Nice Lady. She came and greet me and say, Oh, you’re the new custodian here. Just assuming because I was Hispanic and I say, no, I’m the new bilingual teacher. So you know, things like that, incidents like that I had experience. But you learn, you learn this, not me with the problem is the other one that doesn’t understand. So New Orleans is, I didn’t like the area that much, no particular reasons. Just El Paso. We really enjoyed because we were able to go to Mexico and get some of the food, spicy food and beans and the cheese and you know, at that time we just drove by and went to those expensive restaurants and they will not that expensive because we were paying in dollars and just the whole culture. It was a nice, nice place.
Evan : So in El Paso, did you have permanent residence while you were in El Paso.
Mrs. Lorenzana: Yeah, yeah, well yeah.
Evan : So it was pretty easy to go over the border and come back?
Mrs. Lorenzana: During that time, that was, my daughter’s 18. Yeah. 18. Almost 20 years ago. All you had to do is show you a green card, drive by. That’s fine. Sometimes they just. Do you live here or are you an American citizen or say no, we’re just permanent residents. Okay. Just go. That was that easy. That the trust that people now probably is not that easy. I don’t know. I haven’t been there in 20 years. Yeah. But it was a neat experience just being able to go to two different countries.
Anna : How have you seen Harrisonburg particularly changed from when you got here?
Mrs. Lorenzana: Oh, a lot. A lot more streets, you know, more new roads and more immigrants. I think a lot of immigrants, not just Hispanic, um, Asians and from the Middle East during that time and more stores and now it’s easy for me, whatever I’m craving that I have, you know, from home all I have to go to one store and I get it a little bit more expensive, but I get it. So in that way for like, oh, they’re bringing a little piece of my country here and I want my own children to experience that. My daughter just came from college. And what do you want to eat? Oh, just make me some beans, mom. So like I was, I was, you know, it means a lot to me because like wow. So she’s bringing that, because I don’t want them to lose their heritage. I wanted to keep it and, but at the same time they are Americans, so they need to experience what this culture brings. So it’s a mixture. Yeah. What else? Yeah, the um, the school in the school system now we have a bilingual program. Now it’s in every single school in Harrisonburg cities, except one. We have the bilingual program, kids are learning English and Spanish at the same time and I think that’s a plus that brings a lot to the community and it’s not that the Hispanic or taken over, it’s just we’re teaching the community to be open to new cultures, to new languages. I’ve never been in Europe, but you know, people speak lots of languages. Uh, my husband and I are fan of soccer, so we’re always listening to this European soccer. And like, were so impressed that a lot of them, they speak two, three, four languages and, and, and you listened to like, wow. So hopefully, you know, it will change the whole mentality of not because you’re white, you’re better than someone else. Yeah.
Evan : So within the school and do all of the kids go through the bilingual program?
Mrs. Lorenzana: No, no, they, it’s an, it’s an optional thing.
Anna : Do most people opt in?
Mrs. Lorenzana: Um, it’s probably more and more people wanted to get into the program. When we started 10 years ago, uh, it was a waiting list. I used to teach at Smithland, so I was there 14 years and I started that. I was one of the people, to choose to start the program. So kids drove from different places just to get into the program. Now you go and you don’t have to travel. I mean you don’t have to, you, you can be in your own district and you find a bilingual program. And I think the first group, it’s probably seventh or eighth grade, the first group that started. So more and more people are getting more used to and eh, it’s neat seeing like in parent teacher conference or, and PTO activities, that interaction is not the white or the Hispanic is just parents come into school, kids learning a different language no matter what language it is, it’s just they’re kids. So in that sense, I see a change. You find more Hispanic churches or other cultures. I don’t know what other cultures will be, but you know, that brings more respect to diversity.
Evan : Um, so it sounds like the, uh, the Methodist Church was a big organization that helped…
Mrs. Lorenzana: Mennonite church.
Evan : Excuse me. But it sounds like they had like a very influential part of your immigration story.
Mrs. Lorenzana: Probably, yeah, I will say. Yeah.
Evan : Would you say that, um, it’s like the biggest organization that, um, that helped you connect more than Harrisonburg and um, or were there any other organizations within Harrisonburg that kind of helped you get more comfortable with living here?
Mrs. Lorenzana: Since my husband, a Mennonite minister, probably I will say so, EMU plays a big role because both of us graduated from there. So EMU has special heart especially, you know, part in our heart and probably, you know, the connection. You may people you met there, they’re friends for life. I was telling my kids the friends that you’re making there are for life, you know, those friends, that mentor. So I would say probably the Mennonite church. Um, yeah, EMU, EMU and Harrisonburg city schools in my personal case, because I’ve been teaching here since we came.
Evan : Were there, I think you said this, but there weren’t that many Hondurans in Harrisonburg when you first came?
Mrs. Lorenzana: I think I didn’t know them because I was so involved in the EMU community, so I was not involved that much with now it’s easy, so much easier just to connect with because of the parents and at that time, not that much. We were new in the area, and it takes a while now I feel like this is home for me. I feel that I’m part of this and yeah.
Anna : Do you have anything to add?
Mrs. Lorenzana: Thanks for doing this. I feel like you guys want to educate the community and it’s not a matter of a race or where are you from it is just a person and some people are so caught up on how you look and that will determine who you are and it’s not just one, you know, to bring something good to this. Because we had Americans back home. People decided to move back home. And our faith brings us here. So I know there was a purpose for us to be here and which I want to be the best and help and I always tell our kids, don’t look at the color of the skin. Look at the heart. In fact, yesterday we were talking with my daughter and say, you’re going to marry someone that has a good heart. That’s all we’re asking. Good heart don’t look at…I don’t care what color the person will be, but I’ve learned to say that it’s not easy. You know, at first you were so prejudice even for me thinking, my kids are going marry an American. They’re going to change, no. So I’ve learned that it’s not whether they’re Americans or Hispanic it is just about who they are. My son married an American, but Victoria, I don’t see as different. I mean besides the language it’s learning, but yeah.
Anna : Thank you.
Evan : I thought it was interesting how you said, uh, people seem to kind of be nicer or maybe pay more attention to you when they found your education background. Is that you think just a U.S. Thing or have you seen that back in Honduras?
Mrs. Lorenzana: Oh, uh, probably everywhere, everywhere, everywhere. And probably we feel it more because the tension there is in the environment now that I remember when we were thinking about starting to dual program, there was an article or an interview, I cannot remember the exact thing, but um in the news that we’re thinking about bringing Spanish into education and so many comments of ignorant people. I’m sorry for the word ignorant people, but you know, our languages, English, they’re not going to learn English and all of this. And I remember one particular comment people saying, but send those cockroaches back home, back to Mexico and it’s like, I’m not from Mexico. So you know, those comments really hurt and I’m not saying that all immigrants are the greatest people. But anywhere you go and getting back to your point, I found a, we found it here, not so much of a tension whether you have a degree or not. Like for us, when my husband went to the seminary and people started calling their first name to the teacher, like, oh, you don’t call the doctor. So for us was, it was a shock because back home you have to call someone Dr. so and so or Mr so and so. And here you could call them by their names. That was a shock for us and say, Oh this is neat. And in we don’t know if it’s the mennonite community, that EMU community that was so relaxing and friendly and welcoming. Or it’s just Harrisonburg. I mean so, but you can tell people treat you different. And I don’t know if everybody feels the same way. If they know, Oh, you got a degree also, so we’re big on education, for my husband. We push education, and our daughter now just started college at Mary Washington.
Evan : Mary Washington’s a big education school, so.
Mrs. Lorenzana: I gave up, I wanted her to attend EMU. They said mom it is so close to home and when my, my husband used to work there so my kids were little so they used to be in EMU the time. So they grew up there. They need a break and like, so I’m glad she picked one that is not that far away and yeah, it’s been good. I heard good things and she’s excited for whatever she’s going to study at Mary Washington is close by and she can do some internship or whatever. I didn’t want JMU because it’s too big. It’s still thinking like, no, I can’t do that. Even though I heard good things, but I don’t know. That was my mom’s side of it.
Evan : Um, another question, um, with 2016 being a big election, did you see any kind of differences after that? Or Harrisonburg kind of been more of a vacuum and stayed friendly and a better place or…?
Mrs. Lorenzana: Um, that’s an…I just feel like now it’s kind of hard talking about politics even with your friends because you don’t know who they are. You think they believe like you, but they don’t. In fact, one of my best friends here at school, we’re good friends, but we don’t talk about politics because once we start talking about politics, there was not a common point. So we decided, you know, that not even mentioned. Not even say that I went to vote. Nothing. That’s not part of our relationship because it’s hard. We don’t think about things the same. And I think it’s been harder now with this last election. People are more intense and I don’t know why we just feel there was more tension. We just feel like we have got to be careful now. I don’t know why, but even speaking Spanish in public, I never thought about it, but now it’s like I’m kind of concerned because you don’t know how people are going to react. I was offended when they say Mexicans were criminals because even though I’m not Mexican, I’m Hispanic, I’m one of them and I say I’m not a criminal. That was really hurting me. And just so you know, when you hear those negative comments, it really hurts. It does, because you cannot judge people just by the way they look or how they speak.
Evan : So you said you’ve called Harrisonburg home. Would you say that you feel American or, uh, you still feel more Honduran?
Mrs. Lorenzana: Um, that’s a good one, that a good one. Sometime my husband thinks I’m too American. I will say both. I think we both, what’s the word you acculturate, right? Is that the word acculturation? I think. It’s when you embrace the new culture and it becomes part of you, but you still bring your heritage. Um, it depends. Sometimes. Sometimes I feel like I’m still very Honduran and there are times I feel like I’m, well look how much I have changed. Especially going back home and after 10 years being away, you know, here you are in a restaurant and you don’t like something you can say I don’t like it, it’s not what I ordered and you’ll be fine most of the time. Back home is like, you eat it fine. And um, I have to remind myself like I don’t like to waste food. And I think here we waste so much food here and I think I bring that spending part of me like I cannot waste, especially food. It’s insane how much they waste. Yeah. That’s good. Yeah.

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José Cardoso Martinez


José Cardoso Martinez is a home school liaison with Harrisonburg City Public Schools in Harrisonburg, Virginia. This means that he serves as a bridge between the school and parents from Spanish speaking families who may need help understanding communicating with the school, its administration, or its faculty. This is an experience Martinez knows all too well as he was once in the position of many of these families as his family immigrated to Harrisonburg from Mexico when Martinez was just nine years old.


Martinez’s immigration story begins with his father and his dream to achieve a better life for his children. Working as an undocumented migrant worker in Oregon in the late 1980s, Martinez’s father tried to balance working in the United States for part of the year and returning to Mexico to see his family for the remainder of the year. This went on for years with the hope that one day he would have enough money to start a small business back in Mexico and live and work there full time. However, circumstances changed in 1986 with the passage of the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA). This legislation, passed under President Reagan, allowed for millions of undocumented immigrants residing in the US to apply for amnesty and outlined a legalization process for agricultural workers [1]. Soon after IRCA was passed, Martinez’s father was able to obtain documents through the agricultural worker program due to his work picking fruit in Oregon. Through this avenue of legalization, Martinez’s father also applied for his wife and two children to receive documents as well so they could all live in the US.

The Martinez family decided on Harrisonburg, Virginia as their new home through a family network, which is a common factor in deciding immigration destinations for many Mexican and Latin American immigrants and their families [2]. It was because of Martinez’s uncle, who promised jobs were available to the parents and that there were good schools for the children, that, in 2003, the Martinez family made the three-day car ride from Guanajuato, Mexico to the Shenandoah Valley. Upon arriving to his new home, Martinez was scared and upset by the loss of his family and friends from Mexico and the new environment he found himself in. His family had moved into a two-bedroom trailer in a primarily Hispanic neighborhood where Martinez’s mother worked as a community babysitter while his father worked construction. Despite living in a primarily Hispanic neighborhood, it took some time for Martinez to adjust to his new home and realize that not everyone in the US only spoke English and that he could have conversations with the people around him.


Shortly after arriving in Harrisonburg, Martinez enrolled in Harrisonburg City Public Schools about halfway into third grade. Despite Harrisonburg having a high immigrant population, the school in which he enrolled was taught in unilingual fashion meaning that all classes were taught solely in English. This is not an uncommon practice for schools with a high Spanish speaking population with the core concept behind the practice being total immersion for students so they are able to learn English at a more rapid pace [3]. Martinez still used his native language to communicate for much of his elementary school experience as he would often have friends who could speak both English and Spanish translate for him when he needed to speak to a teacher. While the classes Martinez took with the rest of his class were unilingual, he was also enrolled in an English as a Second Language (ESL) class with other students who were learning the language. The structure of the ESL class was centered around practice using Rosetta Stone as well as communication with a teacher who spoke Spanish to help make Spanish students feel more comfortable.

By the time Martinez was in High School, he was fluent in English and doing well in many of his classes. Martinez did not take school too seriously as he felt as though he would most likely join the labor force upon graduating. Regardless of his academic intent, Martinez continued to excel in his classes and was recommended to take Advance Placement (AP) classes during his junior and senior year. Martinez enrolled in these classes and achieved grades of Cs or higher while still expecting to begin working after graduation. This expectation was hard to shake as Martinez even dropped out of school for a time to begin working in order to get a little bit of money for himself before eventually returning to graduate high school. After graduating, Martinez applied to several colleges in the Shenandoah Valley and was accepted and eventually enrolled in Bridgewater College. Being a first generation college student was difficult for Martinez and it was not easy to pay for either, but with help from parents and faculty at the college Martinez was able to graduate in four years with a degree in Spanish with minors in Social Work and Culture Studies.


Martinez became involved in the Harrisonburg immigrant community during his time at Bridgewater College. Determined to help those who are in similar situations to what he went through as a Mexican immigrant, Martinez began an internship at New Bridges Immigrant Resource Center. Working as an intern, Martinez’s typical work week varied greatly in terms of the responsibilities he had. He often spent his time helping families research where to find jobs or housing, translating documents such as birth certificates, or assisting families in filling out documents for financial aid among other things. Martinez spent two semesters at New Bridges during his time at Bridgewater College.

After graduating from Bridgewater, Martinez got a job with Harrisonburg City Public Schools in the welcome center and soon moved to Keister Elementary where he now works as a home school liaison. Much like New Bridges, Martinez’s work week varies as a home school liaison, but his responsibilities can range from translating documents to be sent home to parents in English and Spanish, calling parents to deliver news about how their student is doing in school, or helping to organize events such as Hispanic Family Night. Martinez takes pride in his community involvement because he knows he can help people who he relates to as having gone through some of their experiences himself. He does not know what the future might hold for him regarding his career down the line, but as of now he is incredibly happy working at Keister Elementary and with the work he is doing and the difference he is making.


[1] Phillips, Julie A. and Douglas S. Massey. “The New Labor Market: Immigrants and Wages after IRCA.”Demography 36, no. 2 (Spring 1999): 233-246. Accessed April 8, 2018.

[2] Zarrugh, Laura. “The Latinization of the Central Shenandoah Valley.” International Migration 46, no. 1 (2008): 19-53. Accessed April 8, 2018.

[3] Diggs, Nancy Brown. Hidden in the Heartland: The New Wave of Immigrants and the Challenge to America. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press.


[00:02] Evan Slupe: My name is Evan Slupe. I am here with José Cardoso, and this is for History 439. So could you just go ahead and start off and tell me your name, your age, and who you are.


[00:18] José Cardoso: I am José Cardoso Martinez. I am twenty-four and I’m originally from Mexico and I’ve been in the US for the last fifteen years, fourteen to fifteen years.


[00:33] E: When did you come over from Mexico? At what age?


[00:36] J: I think I was around nine or ten years old. I can’t really tell you exactly. I know it was in 2003 and I was in third grade when I arrived here at Harrisonburg, Virginia.


[00:52] E: What was that transition like from moving from Mexico to the United States? What do you remember about that process?


[00:57] J: It was really hard, to be honest, coming to a new country with no English at all, not knowing anyone. Of course my dad had some family, some relatives, living here, but it’s still not the same. You’re used to having friends having your whole family in your country and then showing up somewhere else you have to start brand new. So that was really hard that whole process, and it took a while to get used to the culture here in the US and to start making friends again and to start picking up the language and so it wasn’t easy at all.


[01:38] E: And so you say your father, did he have family here in the area? Or what was the connection that brought you to Harrisonburg.


[01:43] J: Yeah my dad was a migrant worker for ten or twenty years, something like that. He used to work in Oregon state and then once he was finally able to obtain documentations for my family and I to come to the US he decided to move here to Harrisonburg. And the connection was my uncle. My uncle was working here, he had been living here in Harrisonburg for a few years, and he told my dad, want to try Harrisonburg? There are poultry plants for your wife. There’s good schools for your children and jobs around poultry plants and construction for you to come. So that’s when my dad decided to come to Harrisonburg. He was here for six to eight months before my mom, my sister, and I actually arrived, but I guess he liked it so we landed in Harrisonburg.


[02:49] E: So when he came over was he working in the poultry factories? What was he doing when he first came over?


[02:55] J: No, as soon as he came over, my uncle was working under construction and he got my dad a job right away. I think he only had to wait like a week or two or something like that through the whole hiring process. My dad has been working in the same place ever since. Construction for the last 15 years that we’ve been here. He went from working in the fields and picking apples and other fruit to working construction.


[03:28] ES: Did your mom also work when you first came over?


[03:31] JC: In our community there was a lot of unregistered babysitters, so my mom was like a babysitter in the neighborhood where we used to live because we lived in a little trailer. It was a two-bedroom trailer for four people. She was like a babysitter during the day, my dad was a construction worker, but that was only for the first couple months, first six or eight months and after that my mom was like, well I need benefits. How about if I get injured? I need insurance. So that’s when she decided to work in the local poultry plants. She worked in several ones, then she got laid off from one I can’t remember the name of it. She got laid off because I think that was when the economy started to go down here or something like that. Then after that, she changed poultry plants. Now she’s working Purdue in Bridgewater and she’s been there for I think a good ten, twelve years now I believe.


[04:37] E: When your father came over, he had documentation and then was he was able to get documentation for the rest of your family? For you, your mother, and your sister? How did that process go?


[04:46] J: No, my dad was undocumented when he first arrived to the US. He came several times to the US undocumented and during his last time he was – both him and I talk about it – and he was like, the last time I was coming to the US, I was like I’m going to make enough money, be here for one year and make enough money so I can go back to Mexico and start a small business: a small store. That was his plan. But that last year that he came, that’s where something happened in the US where they started giving documents to several people, I can’t remember who was the president. Either way, that year he applied and thanks to his boss in Oregon he was able to receive documents and as soon as he got his documents he put the application for my family. And I believe he put that application in ’93 or something, 80’s or 90’s, it was around the early 90’s when he put that application in. My family and I did not receive our documents until the early 2000’s, so it took like ten years and tons of talks with lawyers and tons of money from my dad apparently, but during those ten years he was coming back and forth from Mexico to the US. He would spend 9 months in the US working, 3 months in Mexico visiting us and then would do it all over. But once we obtained our documents he said, okay, you guys are ready. You don’t have to suffer crossing the border, crossing the desert or river or anything like that. You guys are ready. So that’s when he decided to bring us here to Harrisonburg.


[06:50] E: What was that trip like? Did you drive all the way from where you were to Harrisonburg?


[06:55] J: I still remember the trip. It wasn’t good, trust me. I was little kid, nine years old, I still remember I was excited. Back in Mexico if you say that you’re going to the US they’re like, oh yeah, you’re going to the US! That’s awesome! I was like, yeah I’m going to the US! I didn’t know what it meant, I didn’t know that I wasn’t going to have any family or anything so I was like, this is going to be cool. I remember getting on the bus and the first hour it was all cool. We came on a bus so I think it was a two or three-day drive from Guanajuato, Mexico, where I’m from, all the way here to Harrisonburg. It was like a two, three-day drive and it was awful. It was stop after stop; you’re tired. It takes a long time, but as soon as I got here, as soon as I got into the border, I remember the bus stop. There were dogs and people checking who were like, well, let me see your documents, and I was like, Dad why are they asking this? And he was explaining that you need to present your documentation so they can let you in. People were getting off the


bus, some people were getting on and I guessed this was normal because this was my first time. Then we came to the US and I was like, man, this is nice. Everything’s different. As soon as you cross the border, you can notice a difference between Mexico and the US. As soon as I got here to Harrisonburg, that’s when it hit that it was going to be difficult. I remember crying most of the nights for at least the first year of being in school. I cried and told my mom, I don’t know why you brought me here to the US. I don’t want to be here in the US, let’s go back. And they were like, no, this is your new home and you’re going to stay here. So yeah, it was rough for the first year. I’m pretty sure my dad was like, did I do the right decision or not, but I guess in the end he did.


[09:03] E: What was it like when you first were in Harrisonburg not being able to speak English and being enrolled in the schools here? What was that experience like?


[09:11] J: It was hard, it was hard. I remember, when we arrived my dad had a small trailer like I said – a two-bedroom trailer on country club road. The trailers are still there so it brings back a lot of memories when I drive though that road. It was a small trailer. The good thing was that there was a lot of Hispanic people living there, so I was like, this is nice. I got to meet some other kids around the neighborhood, which helped a lot, but you’re new to a place and you still think that everyone speaks English. I was like, well how am I going to communicate? I remember sticking to staying inside the room and I would not come out I would just cry; I would go to sleep crying. My mom was like, well what’s wrong? and I was like, well what if they don’t understand? And she was like, well they speak Spanish too you know, and I was like, no they don’t, it’s America: they don’t speak Spanish. In the neighborhood, it got better as soon as I started noticing that they knew Spanish, I knew I could do this. It got better then and I made some friends and started playing soccer around the neighborhood, so that helped a lot. In terms of school, it was hard as well. I remember going to my first day of school and coming back home crying. I was like, I don’t want to go there. Even though some of the students in my class were in the same neighborhood it was not the same. I was like, they speak Spanish here, but they don’t in school. Why are they doing that? My mom told me that I was going to learn. It was hard for my mom as well because she was the one staying at home most of the time since my dad worked a lot. I remember her crying with me saying, I’m sorry but this is our new life. You have to get used to it. In school my friends told me, don’t worry, we’ll try to help you out. I remember doing a lot of Rosetta Stone. I’m not sure what kinds of programs I was enrolled in, but I remember doing a lot of Rosetta Stone. I would go into a class and they would tell me, all right, you’re going to do Rosetta Stone, and I said okay. They would take me into a separate group: it was the group, I guess, of students who were just learning English. Like I said, it was really difficult when I was there, but soon you get used to it. Yes, it is difficult, but after a year of not going back to Mexico or anything – we stayed here for three years without going to Mexico. After the first year I was like: I need to get used to this. The second year I was like, when are we going to Mexico? And my parents asked me, do you know English? And I was like, well I’m trying. It was until the third year that they told me that we could go back to Mexico. I think that they did it so that I wouldn’t suffer so much from going back to Mexico and seeing my family again, then coming back and reliving the whole situation again. I guess that’s why they did it. In school, a few teachers knew Spanish and one of the teachers that knew Spanish – he’s my coworker now – those moments when he pulled me out of the class to talk to me and play some games, those were special moments. I was like, oh this is awesome! I get to speak Spanish for ten minutes, this


is great! And the rest of the day I was like, okay I guess I’m doing things right or I guess I’m doing things wrong. I’m not sure because I didn’t know English, but that was the difficult part about it.


[12:48] E: Aside from the language barrier, were you treated differently because you were Hispanic in the school system, or was it a pretty friendly environment?


[13:03] J: Treated differently? I don’t think we were treated differently with the exception that my parents got a lot of help from the school. My mom up to date keeps telling me, well when you were little this person used to do this for us, they used to help us set up appointments for this, they used to call us for notifications. So in terms of that, I guess you could call it different because I don’t think a specific person would do it for someone else, but I don’t consider that being a negative thing. I think it’s a positive thing welcoming someone into the school system, making them feel welcome. In terms of myself, I don’t think I was treated negatively or different. I think it was a positive. Of course, I didn’t know any English so I guess their best idea was to use Rosetta Stone and place me with a group of students that were also learning English. Which made sense because if you’re all learning English might as well use the same resource instead of having different resources for everybody. Some people might consider that negative, oh well they separated you from the rest of the class, but to me it was great. I mean, if I didn’t have that one on one time with teachers or having a teacher for six or seven students of us, I don’t know if I would have learned English as quickly as I did. But having that small class with one teacher helped a lot because if I didn’t know something I would ask a teacher and the teacher didn’t know any Spanish and teacher would tell me, I don’t understand, and then ask other students to translate for me and I would ask them to tell the teacher that this was going on and that’s how we communicated. So sometimes another friend who knew a little bit more English than I did translated for us and sometimes the teacher was like, can you tell him to do this, or not do this, when I was misbehaving and that’s how I learned. I was like okay I shouldn’t do this because my friend told me this or my teacher told my friend not to do this and that’s how I just started to learn and pick up a little bit of English. But no I don’t feel like I was treated negatively.


[15:18] E: Did either of your parents speak English at this point? Did your father speak English a little bit?


[15:23] J: No, my dad at that point I think my dad had been, like I said, a migrant worker for ten to twenty years now – no I don’t think… No, up to date he doesn’t know any English. Up to date, my mom doesn’t know any English. And I asked them why, how come you haven’t learned any? Especially my dad. I mean I was young when I was asking those questions. He said, For two reasons: One, when I came, I came to work. I wasn’t coming to live here in the US, that was not my plan. My plan was to come, make enough money, start a business. Second reason is when I did bring the whole family to the US, my objective was the same thing. Work, make enough money so that you guys can have a good education. I never put myself first before the family. So it was all about the family, all about the children. And my mom is the same thing, I don’t care if I have to work twenty, forty, fifty, sixty hours a week, as long as you and your sister have what you need. I don’t care if I don’t know the language, I don’t care if I get discriminated in the community or anything like that, but as long as you two are set, that’s what matters. And I think they both put that in front instead of learning English. They put the priority of my sister and


myself on top and then English was one of the last priorities, we have them two, we have bills, we have to pay for the cars, we got a lot of stuff going on, and English is the last thing on their mind and it is still the last thing on their mind up to date. But no, up to date, they don’t know any English.


[17:08] E: So was there a point in school where you started to feel more comfortable with English that you could speak it without any issues?


[17:04] J: So I arrived in third grade, in the middle of third grade – that was hard because of all the language barriers. In fourth grade, I think I had a math class, I believe it was math class, in the regular class and that’s when one of the teachers used to give – like if you did something good – she would have a little chart with like a gumball machine. So if you did something right or answer a question right she would give you a little drawing of a gumball and you would put it on the machine. And then when the machine got full, the whole class got a reward. So all my friends were like, you need to say something in English so you can get a little gumball. And that’s when I remember saying my first English words by myself, they were like, come on you can do it, you can do it. So one morning I was like, good morning, and I said her name – I can’t remember her name now it’s been a long time. But I said good morning and she was like, wow! Congratulations! So she gave me one and I was like, I must have said it right. After that I would say one or two words like bye, hello, or have a good day; something like that, and that’s what motivated me. Then in fifth grade, I started to talk a little bit more and more. I still had tons of difficulties in fifth grade, but I feel that it was in middle school when I started to come out more in terms of speaking. It started mostly in sixth grade and went on. Each year you feel a little bit better, feel a little bit better. There’s always words that come to me easier in Spanish. Up to date, there’s a lot of words that I would say in Spanish rather than English, but each year you just keep improving on what you feel that you need to improve. But yeah, it was hard.


[19:19] E: Moving on into high school, did you have a favorite subject that you were studying?


Was school something you liked a lot or just something you went to?


[19:30] J: So high school was an interesting point – I think it’s an interesting point for everybody. A lot of my friends I think seemed – well first of all, I was really interested in math. So ever since Mexico, math has been one of the things I am interested in like, math, math, math, math. In high school there’s a lot of things going on. I joined the soccer team and I was like, my thing is to play soccer, that’s all. I wasn’t really thinking about school or anything. My first year I was like okay I’m just coming to school, doing my thing, getting my grades, that’s it. sophomore year was the same thing: I was just going to school to go to school. It wasn’t until my junior year when a chemistry teacher was like, well you’ve got really good grades. You’ve got A’s and B’s. And I was like, yeah. And I was falling asleep in that class, in chemistry, I was falling asleep. And she was like, well you keep getting good grades and you’re falling asleep, and I’m like, yeah, I mean, this is pretty easy. That’s when she was like, well you probably need to take AP classes. Have you talked to your counselor? And I was like, no, and she was like, well, have you thought about college? I was like, college? College for me? Yeah right, my parents can’t afford college. And she was like, well there are a lot of ways, and I was like, yeah. I played it off. So at the end of my junior year, I went to my counselor and he was like, a few of your teachers have been saying that you’ve been doing really well. How about we give you some


AP classes for senior year? And I was like, okay, sure. I mean you guys are the experts. I don’t know. I’m just here to graduate so I can go to work. And they were like, okay sounds good. So they gave me a couple of AP classes for the first semester and then I passed them. Only with a B or a C+ or something like that, but they were more difficult so I was happy. I was like, I passed, so that’s all that matters to me. So that’s when, in the middle of my senior year, they were like, okay we need to apply for college. And I was like, I told you guys I’m not going to college, and they were like, oh no, you’re going to college. And they made sure that my parents knew about it too. They were like, okay so we already called your parents, and your parents are informed. There was a college night where one night you went into the high school and they explained how college worked, how to pay for college. My dad came out of the meeting and he was like, that’s it. You’re going to college. I was like, I don’t have money for college, and he was like, me neither, but you’re going to college. So I was like, okay. I’ll just go to Blue Ridge [Community College]. All of my friends were like, yeah we’re going to Blue Ridge. And I was like, okay, Blue Ridge is an option I guess. At that time, I didn’t know where Blue Ridge was. A few of the teachers were like, you have good grades. Not to put Blue Ridge down or anything because I think it’s a great option for people, but my teachers were like, how about you apply for a four-year college? That way you can get a bigger scholarship. I was like, I don’t know if I can pay for that. They were like, don’t worry we’ll help you out. Then one teacher was like, here – he gave me the websites and packages – apply for EMU [Eastern Mennonite University], Bridgewater, and JMU [James Madison University]. I was like, okay this is scary. My dad was like, well I can’t help you. I was like, mom can you help – nope. Nobody could help me. I was on my own. I was filling out those college applications. I went to JMU – I went with like my dad driving around and then I actually went into a class and it was like huge. And I was like, I’m definitely not going to JMU. I was like, it’s between Blue Ridge and Bridgewater and EMU. In the back of my mind I was like, Blue Ridge, Blue Ridge, Blue Ridge. Just because of the whole financial issue and then I didn’t know if I had good enough grades and then we started talking about GPAs and stuff like that. I was like, I’m not good enough for a four-year college. I soon told the teachers, alright here, can you check my applications. They were like, no they look good. Send them in. I sent them in and then I got them back and they were like, you’ve been accepted to EMU and Bridgewater and here’s your financial aid package. So I told my parents, I was like, well here it is. You told me to apply here it is, it’s tons of money don’t you think? And they were like, yeah, yeah it is a lot of money. I was like, told you. And then that’s when they decided to make a deal with me. They were like, if you go to college, we’ll pay for half of your semester and then you’ll pay for half of the semester. And I was like, I don’t know about that. I was still thinking about Blue Ridge. And they were like, but you gotta go to a four-year college. I was like, okay. And at that time I was thinking – by that time, at the end, by the time you make the decision I was like, okay I should definitely go to college. I saw both packages and I was thinking of doing something like the role that I’m doing right now in my current positon or teaching. I saw myself helping students that went through a similar situation that I went through. I was like, I wanna do that. And I saw that both programs had education programs, both had like kinda social work programs and I was like, I guess that there’s no difference. I was like, there’s probably no difference in which school I went to. Even though I really wanted to go to EMU, it was a lot more expensive so that made my decision a lot easier to go to Bridgewater College. I was like, oh I’ll go to Bridgewater. It’s great financial package and they say it’s great. And at that time there were people from Bridgewater that were like, yeah we’re really diverse you should really come out and look at it. And I was like, well I don’t have time to go and look at it. I


don’t even know where Bridgewater college is. So I sent in, I was like, okay here’s my deposit, I’m going to Bridgewater. Without even knowing the school. So that’s how I went to Bridgewater. But to just back up a little bit, my junior year, I did drop out of college [possibly meant to say high school] because as any teenager you wanted a car and everything. So I was like, well I want a car, I want gas, I want all this. So I started working. So by my senior year, when my dad made the deal he knew that I was working. He was like, well you’re working, you can work, pay half the tuition and then I’ll work and we’ll pay the other half. So that’s why I was like, okay. I was like how hard can college be [laughing]? I was like how hard can college be? I knew it was gonna be hard. I was like, I know I’m going in like not knowing anything, but I figured it would be a lot like high school. Middle school, I didn’t know what middle school was I didn’t know what high school was. Maybe college is kinda similar to high school; it’s just all AP classes. I was like, just think of AP classes, it’s gonna be like all AP classes: really hard. As long as you put enough attention you can still work. I was like, okay. So that’s how I made my decision and that’s how my dad has been helping me. I mean they were like, we’ll pay for half, and I mean thanks to them I was able to go to college.


[26:31] E: Did you enjoy being at Bridgewater after you had been there?


[26:35] J: Ah no. [Laughing] No, it was rough man, it was rough. Being the first generation in college you have a lot of pressure. I remember my mom and dad they were really proud. They were like, oh yeah you’re in college. You’re the first one in the family! Of course I had like other cousins who are in Michigan and California who actually went to college, but my family is just my mom and my dad and my sister and I. They were like, yeah you’re going to college! Great, you’re setting a great example for your younger sister. I was like, good. But it was hard. My first semester I wanted to drop out. I think after a month and a half I was like, this is not for me. I was like, I definitely should not be wasting all this money, all this tons of money that my parents are putting into my education and I’m putting all this money. I would rather just be working a full-time job getting as much money as I’m spending and saving it. I was like, this is hard. So my first time my parents talking to me they were like, well you just need to take four classes and do four classes instead of having five classes. And I was living at home to save up money because I couldn’t afford for the whole board and room and stuff like that. I couldn’t so I was living at home. They were like, well if you need to live in Bridgewater we’ll help you pay for that that way you can feel more part of the community. And I was like, no that’s like ten thousand dollars. Don’t put all that money in there. So I stuck through it, but there were a few times where I just like, I need to drop out. One time my dad talked me into it. They were like, no you gotta stay. A few other times, a couple friends were like, no just keep going. It’s gonna be hard. And even now professors from the Spanish department they were really helpful, they were like – and from the social work department as well – they were really helpful with that situation. They were like, well you need to stay, you’re doing good. I mean, I had good grades. I had average grades: B’s, C’s. But they were like, you gotta stick through it. And they understood my situation. I was like, well I don’t if I’m doing everything correctly and they were like, it’s not about if you’re doing it correctly. It’s about you experimenting and getting to know what college is and taking something away from college that could help you in the future. And I was like, yeah that is true. So the first two years I hated it. I wanted to drop out. My junior year, that’s when I kinda started to enjoy it a little bit more. I was like, okay this is not as bad. Two years already on the back. My junior year I was like, I’m set I’m good. There were a few times I was like, I wanna drop out. But for the


most part, I enjoyed it. My senior year I think it was… it was hard, it was hard my senior year just because you have the pressure of being a senior, getting a job, especially from my parents. You just graduated, you have a job already? I’m like, no not yet. But I enjoyed it for the most part. If you told me if I wanted to do the whole thing again I would say no. I would say I did it, I’m done with it, great. As of right now, maybe I’ll go back and get a masters or do a couple more classes to get some other kind of certification, but if you tell me you wanna do the four years again, no thank you. I did that, I’m glad I got through it thanks to the help of teachers, friends, and family I got through it, but I don’t wanna go through it again.


[Part Two]


[30:18] E: And so you majored in social work and Spanish?


[30:20] J: I actually majored – no, Bridgewater doesn’t have a social work major. I majored in Spanish because, like I said, I wanted to help people that were in similar situations. So I was like, maybe I’ll become a teacher. Maybe I wanna do a Spanish teacher and up to date I still have that thought in mind. Maybe I need to go back and be a teacher – a Spanish teacher. Maybe I’ll do it, maybe I won’t, I don’t know, I’m not sure what the future holds, but that’s one thing that I have in mind, like one possibility. So I majored in Spanish and I double minored in social work because that’s the other big passion of mine: social work. The professors, and I love the whole department of social work at Bridgewater. That’s one of the great thing about Bridgewater, the two things, Spanish department and social work, I was like, that’s what kept me in there and not make me drop out. And my second minor is culture studies. Culture studies just kind of grab into the whole Spanish mixing social work. I was like, you know what? This is awesome. And my plans after college I was like, with this I can pretty much try to do a social work kind of job and like I said that’s my passion, that is, helping others. It might not be tons of money, but to me that’s not it. To me, it’s helping families that went through a similar situation that I went through so I can make it easier for them and not have to feel the difficulties that I kind of felt when I was young. But that is what I studied in college.


[32:03] E: So I know you worked with Alicia Horst of the New Bridges Immigrant Center. When was that? Was that a little bit after you graduated from Bridgewater?


[32:11] J: No, that is actually – so in Bridgewater, like many other universities like JMU, EMU, you do internships. So that was one of the internships. I think I received that internship for social work. So one of the social work requirements to get your minor was you had to do a certain amount of hours. So that’s when I talked to Alicia and they accepted me for a semester. I was like, this is good. I mean, I got to learn tons from that program, from that non-profit organization New Bridges, it was great. So I stayed there for the semester. And then I went to the Spanish department and I was like, well you know what? I love it here so much at New Bridges, what can I do to stay another semester with them? And they were like, well you can do an internship for us. So you did an internship for social work, now you can do an internship for Spanish. So I was like, okay. Since in New Bridges, you use Spanish a lot with people that you work with. So that’s how I stayed for a whole year. Of course, there were weeks where I would go six hours, there were weeks where I could only go for four hours. It varied, but they were happy to have me there and I was happy to help them out with whatever I could. I didn’t have tons of experience, I was


just a college student, but it helped me a lot. It helped me a lot how to talk to people, how to relate to them, and it showed me that there are still people in our community that still need the help that my parents once received and that I once received. That kind of pushed me forward. That’s when I was like, I’m definitely going into social work. That helped me a lot. I was like, I need to go into social work. Unfortunately, I was only there for a whole year. My senior year, I think, I wasn’t able to do it just because of all the other stuff that I had going on, but it was great. It was a great time.


[34:14] E: What was like a normal week there? What were the kinds of things that you were doing for the center?


[34:21] J: Well it was a little bit of everything. I didn’t have any specific things. So they have an


immigration center in there, which Alicia runs. I couldn’t do any immigration situations: I didn’t have the experience, the license, or anything like that, but I did everything that they told me to like answer phone calls, make phone calls, do research. Sometimes families would come in and were like, where can I apply for a job? So I would start doing research, let’s find the local jobs that are currently hiring. Where can I find an apartment? I’m like, well let’s do some research. They showed me how to fill out financial aid documents, I was doing a little bit of interpreting – not so much, but since a lot of them spoke Spanish there was no need for interpreting, but a lot of translating. So they were like, can you translate this birth certificate that was in Spanish to English? I was like, okay I will translate it. Can you translate this? Sure, why not. I helped a couple of fundraiser events finding sponsors for an event as well. So it was just a little bit of everything. You just don’t know what you’re coming into. You come in, you might for four hours, it could go really quickly because you’ve got a line of people or it might be like, well we only have two people. But you just didn’t know what because as soon as you’re done with the one person, the other person might be completely opposite from what you were doing. Which was interesting because you get to learn a little bit of everything and it’s interesting learning all the resources that are in the community.


[36:08] E: After you graduated from Bridgewater, did you get involved with the Harrisonburg public school system pretty immediately afterwards?


[36:17] J: Yes. So, in Bridgewater College I did another internship, so I was doing a lot of internships. I did an internship with the home school liaisons here in Harrisonburg in Harrisonburg High School. I only did it for a semester: that was all I could do at that time. And I loved it. I knew what the job was kind of about just from people in the community and from other home school liaisons that I knew and I had talked to. I was like, well what is your job about? And they were telling me. So that made me get an internship at Harrisonburg High School with their home school liaisons. I was there for the semester. I liked it and I kinda wanted one. I was like, maybe I wanna do that job. But home school liaisons, you only need one per school or unless the school is so big then they start adding more. So positions are limited. So in my senior year, my last semester, I started to apply at different places. I applied at the correctional center, the juvenile correctional center and I got interviewed, but they never called me so I guess I wasn’t good enough [laughing]. I was like, okay. I don’t know if I’d be happier or not, but I guess I’m happy because I got the job that I am right now. So they didn’t call me for that one and I applied for like two other jobs and I had interviews but nothing came through. I


also applied for the welcome center here at Harrisonburg city schools and I got the interview and they hired me and a week after I graduated, I started working with Harrisonburg city schools in the welcome center. So I was there for the whole first year, and then, this school year, here at Keister [Elementary School] as a home school liaison. So I’ve been in total two years. This is my second year with Harrisonburg city schools.


[38:15] E: So what do you do here as a home school liaison? What’s your typical work week?


[38:21] J: Once again it’s a little bit of everything, yeah. You’re translating, you’re interpreting, you’re making phone calls to parents, parents are calling you. You’re pretty much like a… like a bridge. You’re a bridge between the school and home. You’re a bridge between parents, administration, and teachers. If someone sends something home in English, parents might call me, hey they sent me this letter and I don’t understand it, can you tell me what it is? But we tend to send everything Spanish and English. Or sometimes they’re like, hey can you tell the teacher that such thing happened in school, is this true or not? And then that’s when I go to the teachers and email and say, hey so so-and-so called me, so-and-so said something happened, is this true? What is your story? Or vice versa. The teacher might say, can you call the parents and say that their student is doing good, or tell them that this happened today, something happened in recess. Or sometimes they just send me translations. Can you translate this to send home? Because we try to send everything in English and Spanish, at least, home, and Arabic and Russian. I don’t know Arabic or Russian [laughing], so someone else takes that, but I’m in charge of all the Spanish ones here at Keister. I’m also in charge of several other events. Not in charge, but to collaborate with administration. So our administration does, for example, Hispanic Family Night. So our administration is like, okay we’re gonna work on this. So I work along with them. Try to recruit people, try to call parents say, hey we’re having this event, come out. If there’s after school events, then I’m there just in case a person comes in and says, hey what’s going on? I can explain it to them. Sometimes when it’s a big event and we know that a lot of parents are coming, I act as an interpreter. So I have an interpreter set, like with your headphones and everything. So as parents are coming in you’re like, do you want an interpreter? A Spanish interpreter, yes or no? And they’re like, yes. You give them a headset, then once the event starts, you’re just interpreting the whole event. It’s a lot of things. There’s a lot of things that come in, so to say, I do this specifically every day – no. My day varies, just like in New Bridges. I might be really busy one day doing a lot of translations, but the next day I might be working on an event with my administration, or I might be doing something else with a teacher or student. It’s awesome, it’s a lot of work, but I enjoy it.


[41:09] E: And so kinda backtracking a little bit, back to when you were growing up here in Harrisonburg, were you involved with any sort of religious community here in Harrisonburg when you were growing up? You and your family?


[41:19] J: Well, yes. Traditionally, Hispanic community is very catholic, [inaudible], especially in Mexico, so my dad and my mom were very catholic. So we went to the local catholic church. I didn’t enjoy it [laughing], I mean like most nine-year olds I was like, what do you gotta go to church for? But yeah, they were really involved in the – I wouldn’t say very, very involved, but they were part of the catholic church. They went every Sunday just like any other person would go to church and they made me go. But after that, I don’t know if my mom or dad ever did


something else. I don’t remember doing anything specific with the church. I know my parents made us go. They were like, you gotta go on Sunday. I was like, okay. I mean I had no option: I was young, so they made me go.


[42:13] E: So I know when you first moved here, you were in that two-bedroom trailer. Did that change as you were growing up? Did you move around at all? Or were you mostly just in that same area?


[42:23] J: No, that did change. So when my dad arrived, he bought the trailer, we stayed there for three years. So like I was telling you, my parents were working long hours. My dad had a plan. He was like, I’m gonna work, I’m gonna get some good education for my children, and I’m gonna find a bigger place. Up to date, I was like, why? And he was like, well trailers were cheap. They’re cheap. I mean, not so cheap but affordable. The parking space is affordable, the situation that your mom and I were – it just made sense. It made a lot more sense than getting an apartment. So we were there for three years. In 2006, I still remember in 2006, my dad bought the current home where we are right now. So he actually bought a home here in Harrisonburg. And he was like, okay this is what I came here for. I came here to bring you guys, to work, to buy a home. That’s his American dream. And so he bought his home – he’s still paying it, I mean, we say buy but he’s still paying it. And that’s where we moved, to that house, and we’ve been there ever since. Unless they plan to sell it sometime soon, but I don’t know. Yeah so I’ve been there since ’06. It’s been quite a while now.


[43:42] E: And so has the area changed at all? Just Harrisonburg in general, has that changed at all since you first moved here, so over the course of fifteen years or so?


[43:51] J: I think it has changed a lot. A lot more business is coming in. In terms of people, I feel a lot more diversity has been happening. Not that back then there was not, but I feel like when I arrived there was less diversity. You can tell. There was less places where they knew Spanish, where they had Spanish speakers. Now, at least, you go somewhere, to a store, I’m pretty sure you can find a worker that knows Spanish in the store. Not a lot, but you can find someone or someone that speaks another language. I’m pretty sure that if you go to a doctor, there will be interpreters, so I have seen the community grow and be more diverse in the last couple years. And I feel that it’s gonna become more diverse as more cultures come in, and we’re gonna need more interpreters as well. We’re gonna need a lot more interpreters, translators that are gonna be able to help us. Of course, there’s those that speak Spanish, but what about the other ones that know Swahili, Tigrinya, Russian are a little bit more difficult to find. What about those families? So we’re gonna need a lot more people that can help the community in those kinds of languages. But yes, it has become a lot more diverse, a lot bigger, and I’m just grateful to see this change and I’m really excited to see what Harrisonburg becomes in the future.


[45:21] E: And then looking towards the future, do you plan on staying in Harrisonburg for a long time or do you have any plans on leaving the area?


[45:29] J: That is questionable, yeah. In college, like I said, I wasn’t getting any calls back to get a job so I was really planning on moving to California. Just because I have family over there. I have a few uncles that live over there. I was like, maybe I gotta over there. That’s like social


work, that’s like where else could you go and be like a social worker. I was like, maybe over there. But I got the job here so I stayed put. Right now, I am really happy with my job. I’m enjoying it, so for the short term no. I plan to stay here in the area. Of course, I don’t know. Maybe in the long run I might move. But I don’t have any plans of it right now. I really love how diverse this area is and that is one of the things that has made me stay here in Harrisonburg and not try to go somewhere else.


[46:30] E: How much younger is your sister than you?


[46:34] J: She is… what is she? So I’m twenty-four almost twenty-five, she… nineteen. I would say nineteen. She is currently at EMU. She is studying to be an RN nurse. She has one more year and then to work or to get her masters, I don’t know what her plan is. Her story is a lot different than mine just because I came a lot older. She was probably like three, so she was able to [laughing] assimilate a lot better than I did into the whole education program, which has helped her a lot especially in her education career. I’m proud of her, but her story is a lot different than mine. Up to date, I feel that I don’t belong to here, to the US, but I also don’t belong to Mexico. Half my life has been in Mexico, a lot of memories have been from Mexico, but a lot of my recent memories are also from the US. To me I feel that I’m split in between. I’m not from here, I’m not from there, I’m right in between. I don’t know how to describe it, which can be hard and easy at the same time, but in comparing that to my sister, if I tell my sister she feels more American even though she was born in Mexico. So that’s interesting, yeah.


[48:07] E: So what are your thoughts on kinda on the national stage? Some of the rhetoric and some of the policies that are being taken away or put into place, depending on what they are specifically around DACA or stuff like that, what are your thoughts on that?


[48:22] J: I’m really sad. Yeah, it’s a sad time for our community. Not just for the Hispanic community, for all diversities here in the US. It’s a sad moment. I don’t agree. I don’t agree with a lot of the things that is going on in the media. I have tons of friends who benefit from DACA, tons of friends. So it’s sad. It’s sad seeing them suffer, it’s sad hearing the stories that say, hey I might be here today, but maybe tomorrow I’m not or I might get split up from my parents. I have friends who were born here, who are under DACA – no, friends that were born in Mexico, but were brought to the US at a very young age, one years, two years. So they don’t really know Mexico. I consider myself lucky, I know Mexico so if I ever go back, I know how everything works, but they don’t. They were actually raised here even though they weren’t born here so I feel sad. I feel really sad. I don’t think Harrisonburg compares to that. I think Harrisonburg is a lot more open to diversity than some parts of the US. And I think the majority of the US is also very open to diversity. I think there’s very few closeminded people in the US in general. Unfortunately, they have their way of thinking and I can’t really do anything about it. I hope I could change it, but I can’t. The only thing we can do is continue to support our diversity here in Harrisonburg and in the US. And like I said, I’m pretty sure the majority of the US is very open to diversity.


[50:16] E: Just lastly, what would you like students, or just anyone who might come along these archives, what would you like them to take away from your story as it relates to immigration as a whole or immigration to Harrisonburg?



[50:30] J: Each story’s different. Take into perspective the story of everybody. Each immigrant, it’s different. I consider myself lucky because I didn’t have to cross the border undocumented, or as some people would say, illegally. I consider myself lucky. There are tons of people in this community that are not as lucky as I am. And I would say before you judge someone, you really got to know their story first before you can even comment on it. Each one is different. I would say accept diversity because we all bring something to the table. And if you accept it, and as long as you’re in a community that accepts it, that community will prosper. It will be a lot of great things coming out of that community. So I would just say in terms of immigration, I can’t really tell you believe this, believe that, but I can say listen. Listen to the stories and try to reflect and be in their shoes. Put yourself in their shoes and try to see if you would do the same thing or not. But I’m pretty sure a lot of the people would understand why families are immigrating to the US once they hear individual stories.

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Alicia Horst: A Story of Identity, Transition, and Purpose


Alicia Horst is the Executive Director of New Bridges Immigrant Resource Center in Harrisonburg, Virginia. Born in Harrisonburg in 1979, Horst’s immigration story is unique in that she is a native-born US citizen, but left the country at a very young age. Her parents being Mennonite missionaries, the Horst family moved to Sicily to staff a post-World War II relief church. The driving force in the study of US immigration history is the discovery and analysis of identity. Growing up in a foreign culture, her ability to explain her identity as an American is remarkably specific through a comparative look at her youth. Sicilian culture’s communal emphasis contrasts with American individualism, but the experience Horst had in her own transition to the US instilled a love of community development and social work at a young age.

Horst was about five months old when her family moved to Sicily, Italy. She grew up in a Mennonite family and her parents were heavily involved in the church, so much so that the family traveled to Sicily as religious workers. They were stationed at an old church founded after World War II that served as a center for reconstruction and poverty aid for those who lost their livelihood in the war. People from the US would send bandages, medicine, and supplies to the church and eventually the Mennonite church was established on the island as a core institution for many communities. The relief emphasis ended some years after the War ended, so her childhood was heavily centered around religion.

Horst described her childhood as relatively similar to most children, though her identity often clashed within her own perception. She described an early goal to not have people realize that she was from a foreign country. “Yeah my goal was to get away with not letting anybody know that I was from another place, so unless they found out my last name… but that was my goal as a child, to just kind of be under the radar.” This innocent insecurity is an interesting reflection of her assimilation technique, and one that also reflects the sentiments of many US immigrants. The feeling of being inherently different in an environment can risk the loss of those qualities that create the difference. Horst’s understanding of that feeling greatly improves her ability to connect with Harrisonburg immigrants through the New Bridges Immigrant Resource Center.



Horst returned to the US with her family when she was thirteen years old. Already being a US citizen, she did not encounter the complex legal obstacles that many immigrants struggle with. Rather, Horst’s struggles were concentrated in social assimilation. Sicilian culture has a deep-rooted communal orientation. American culture has a deep-rooted individualist orientation. Horst perceived this transition as many immigrants do, lonely. “It’s something that I’ve heard from many people who come into this office as well. That you learn how to eventually work with some of the systems, but the loneliness that is inherent in the American culture is really difficult for people because the US places so much emphasis on mobility and independence it… contributes to people feeling like relationships are not nearly as important and not as much priority is placed on that.” Happy to leave the multitude of social constructs found in American high schools, Horst went to the Eastern Mennonite School to study social work as an undergraduate student.

Her journey as a social worker was the foundation for her career at New Bridges. Study abroad trips to Venezuela and the influence of social work professors facilitated her love of the field, and studying Spanish at university gave her the tools for effective community outreach. Following graduate school work concentrating on theology, Horst began her career working for Virginia agencies that treat mental illness and child. She worked as an interpreter there before moving to New Bridges.



New Bridges was founded in 2000 by a coalition of Mennonite churches and initially run by Susannah Lepley. Horst first met Lepley in her undergraduate career while volunteering for New Bridges. The two loosely stayed in contact over the next several years until the position for executive director opened up. Horst’s experience in the bureaucracy was one of legislative restrictions, rules, and a lack of intimate relationship building with those she was providing aid, so the communal nonprofit seemed like a perfect fit for her. Assuming the position in 2010, Horst has introduced an impressive number of programs to the organization’s portfolio and led it into a place for immigrants to build genuine connections to the Harrisonburg community. Providing legal, financial, and social aid, New Bridges is a critical haven for the people and immigrants of Harrisonburg.

Jake Adams:  Hello my name is Jake Adams I am an undergraduate student and James Madison university and today I am sitting down with Alicia Horst, would you mind spelling that for anyone listening.?


Alicia Horst: Sure it’s ALICIA last name is HORST


Jake Adams: Thank you very much um today we are going to be discussing miss horses personal history so I want to begin with you tell me your age and you are some of your background


Alicia Horst: OK so I am 39, recently turned 39 arm was born in this town but moved away when I was an infant. About five months o OK so am I am 39, recently turned 39 arm was born in this town but moved away when I was an infant. About five months old. It’s kind of funny because I was born where JMU is now located


Jake Adams: Oh wow


Alicia Horst: Because that used to be the hospital one of the buildings um. I lived um until I was ready to go to high school I lived in southern Italy on the island of Sicily my entire education through middle school through eighth grade would’ve been in Italian, Moved here, and have often on been in the United States ever since did some time in South America some other locations. Travel has been a very important part of my life. But certainly I think that my childhood has definitely influenced who I am as a person. I lived in a place that is in the middle of um certain civilizations that would have been part of the Western influence so it was interesting as a child to live in a place… live on an island that had both Greek temples and also recent migrations from when the Eastern Bloc of Europe would’ve changed starting in ‘89, 1989. So it was a very formative experience, I guess I am who I am because of that.


Jake Adams: Thank you um your parents I understand to be Mennonite missionaries. Which is…


Alicia Horst: Yeah the worked with, they were religious workers? I guess? There was a church that started in the island (Sicily) after… the history is that in this area people sent packages, relief packages, to Sicily after WWII because of the bombing on the island it was pretty devastating. So people here would send bandages and packages to that area and after a while the people there asked who on earth was sending these up so it started this relationship with um between churches here and people on the island and eventually ended up in a church. So by the time my family moved there that would’ve been the case. So I was just a regular kid growing up in the schools with everyone else. All of.. most of my friends by far were not from the United States but um that’s the reason that my family moved there.


Jake Adams: Okay. Did you… I can tell you don’t have an accent. Was English your first language or was it…?


Alicia Horst: No actually. I’m not sure my parents, my mother in particular tried to speak in English at home, I would say that when I first moved to the United States I did have an accent but I lost it over time. My first language, the language i felt most comfortable interacting with definitely was not English growing up because all of my education was in another language and I think the brain tries to be as efficient as possible and you just use what you are most commonly using, but my mother would make it a point to speak to me in English so that I would understand it and she taught me how to read and write in English. But yeah really I didn’t start using it on a regular basis until I went to high school.


Jake Adams: Okay. Being a part of a religious organization, with parents who were heavily involved in something like that overseas, how did… what was your experience in a sort of religious relief community? You mentioned you were exposed to migrants from other areas like Eastern Europe and Northern Africa l, what was your experience like interacting with….


Alicia Horst: So my parents probably weren’t, their primary focus wasn’t probably in relief. That was the origin of it, but by the time they got there it was very like church-focused I would say. What I remember happening, when all of these events were going on in the Eastern Bloc and people started moving, they were taking like rafts basically to cross this area of the Med (Mediterranean) that is not very large but kind of rough to get to the island, was that there was just a lot of need for it there were these camps that were set up and so that made a huge impression on me as a child in a way that I don’t think my parents even realized because as an adult I’ve talked to them about it and yeah they have vague memories of it but for me it was like this huge deal. Just realizing that people make huge sacrifices and do things that place them in a completely unknown area where they are very vulnerable for the sake of either a new life or to flee danger. The North African community that was on the island would’ve been there the entire time I was there and probably still is. But a lot of the street vendors, people we would interact with on the beach would’ve been from North Africa mostly Tunisia, and Algeria, Morocco, those three countries. Yeah so it was very interesting when you’re in a space we’re there are people kind of traveling through on a regular basis. That was always a part of my childhood.


Jake Adams: So um you left Italy when you were 13 correct?


Alicia Horst: Yes


Jake Adams: I am interested… growing up I would imagine that you felt strongly, you identified strongly with Italian culture or Sicilian culture I guess.


Alicia Horst: Yeah my goal was to get away with not letting anybody know that I was from another place so unless they found out my last name, my first name is a little unusual, they wouldn’t use my first name there but they could pronounce it or whatever but that was my goal as a child, to just kind of be under the radar.


Jake Adams: Mhm do you know much about your family history as far as their coming to the US? What’s your lineage?


Alicia Horst: So it’s interesting because I think, I’m sort of intrigued by the idea of doing genetic testing only because l, I don’t think it’s necessarily like the end all be all, but because what I think what people always tell as family stories aren’t always accurate. So what I know of my family history is that there would’ve been people fleeing religious persecution in the like 17th century probably mostly. And would have eventually come because of William Penn’s recruitment of people providing religious freedom and land, that was not his to give, but there we go.


Jake Adams: Yeah


Alicia Horst: That’s the history so um to my knowledge that’s the original way that most of my ancestors would’ve come to the United States but I… I’ve wondered at times if I might not have some history of middle eastern background and don’t have any specific way or demonstrating that but just because of some of the stories that I’ve heard


Jake Adams: Yeah that’s really interesting. How was the transition back to America or I guess to America for the first time for you? Did you… how was assimilation? I imagine you probably spoke English pretty well.


Alicia Horst: Yeah I spoke it, not comfortably I would say but I did speak it so I did within a few months I felt fairly comfortable. There are still words that will trip me up because context is so important so you know when you read something in a book versus how people use a word colloquially I still have to sometimes ask for clarification. English is such a complex language to begin with. It has so much vocabulary that anybody that is sort of interacting with it for the first time a lot is going to encounter some type of difficulty along the way no matter how fluent you are. I think the main struggle for me was social moving here. I think that the way that relationships are built in the United… well I should not say everywhere in the United States but certainly were I was in the valley versus being in a really large, for me it was decently large city of a million at the time. It was a little shocking especially because Italians are very communal, Sicilians are very communal. There was not nearly as much emphasis on people being in or out of social groups and that seems to be a huge identity factor in the us like clicks and in high school that would’ve been the reality and the way that’s defined is by particular interests there are all of these social boundaries that are created and are fascinating now that i look back but um yeah for me academics were easy because the system i grew up in was very demanding  and i don’t know language ended up being pretty easy. It’s something that I’ve heard from many people who come into this office as well that you learn how to eventually work with some of the systems but the loneliness that is inherent in the american culture that can happen in the US is really difficult for people bc the US places so much emphasis on mobility and independence it creates situations where people. It’s one of the factors contributing to people feeling like relationships are not nearly as important and not as much priority is placed on that and so you have to go out of your way to kind of follow a community of people. Its very countercultural to do that here


Jake Adams: Yeah so when you came back you came back to harrisonburg or the valley area?


Alicia Horst: The valley are a yeah i wasn’t always.. I went to school in harrisonburg but sometimes i was traveling to harrisonburg.


Jake Adams: Mhm I would imagine that with the position your parents were in, coming back to the US was there like a social circle or social network within the church that you participated in coming back?


Alicia Horst: My parents certainly, yeah would’ve been connected to that environment and  i was too i think for a period of time certainly in high school and that was a way for me to have some connections though culturally so i had a way to be around people that culturally wasn’t always super comfortable for me yeah and so at the time i think that that would’ve been an accurate description


Jake Adams: So after high school you went to school, where did you go to school?


Alicia Horst: My family moved for the first year we were in harrisonburg. I had 3 brothers and we started to go to schools here in harrisonburg that are mennonite affiliated so i have an older brother who went to what is now eastern Mennonite University and we would’ve gone to Eastern Mennonite High SChool? The names have changed a bit. So i went there four years. I have brothers who went for different amounts of time but


Jake Adams: So what was your major or what did you study?


Alicia Horst: So the high school was… I eventually studied social work and later went back and studied a combination of theology and what they call spiritual formation. So the combination of studying social work was important to me because i had spent a lot of time in South America and specifically i worked with a group of children’s homes and realized i had a lot of learning to do (laughter)


Jake Adams: Where in South America?


Alicia Horst: I was in Venezuela. This would’ve been about twenty years ago. So that was a good learning experience for me. I learned a lot about the stuff… interacting with the staff of the homes. I eventually went to grad school to figure out more about what i grew up around. It was more of a selfish reason i think. I wanted to figure out what all these belief systems were about and how that affects how people move in the world. But my profession, my work has always been social work.


Jake Adams: Okay, did you struggle with that?


Alicia Horst: With social work?


Jake Adams: With the decision to focus on social work.


Alicia Horst: Yeah! I didn’t declare until like the middle of my junior year which is horrible but I’ve always been a very curious  person so to have to focus on one thing was awful. I ended up taking a year off, a year off in south america was in between my second and third year of university and i did that because i was having the hardest time deciding what to major in. i think part of it was also that i went to university young. I was seventeen because in the Italian school system it was a normal thing to be younger than it would be in the US. So i ended up taking a year off and i think my decision was influenced by both my experience in south America but also that I tend to be a person who can be very interested in ideas I wanted to have some kind of practical application so i wanted to be able to get a job after i graduated from university otherwise i knew id try to be in school for a really long long time and that’s just completely unaffordable.


Jake Adams: Well that’s really interesting because i know as an undergrad it’s kind of hard sometimes to figure out decisions that impact the rest of your life.


Alicia Horst: No seriously and there are so many professions these days that require you to go to grad school before you can do anything and so it is a definite challenge.


Jake Adams: Yeah so after graduate school. So at this point you’ve looked and theology and religion. What was your mindset leaving grad school? What was your ambition?   


Alicia Horst: Before i went to grad school i would have worked in two different state jobs. One was in a psychiatric facility were i was serving as an interpreter and working with a psychiatry team and then i worked in child services and i realized that type of system is not ideal for who i am in terms of the way that policy is written for interacting with families. That was before grad school and after grad school i knew that i wanted to focus on other kinds of work, community based organizations and nonprofits. That’s what led me into… i wasn’t necessarily sure that i wanted to stay in Harrisonburg but there was a large need for bilingual people in this town and so that’s what led me to stay. Some of it was circumstantial and some of it was… there was work that was connected to things i cared about. So after grad school there was a grant that Big Brothers Big Sisters had gotten to work with children whose parents were in prison and so i was working with that and with families who spoke multiple languages. I worked with federal grants at the time and that was important to me because i’m a mission driven person. So working for an organization that wanted to support kids who had experienced a lot. So that’s what i did before coming here.


Jake Adams: So then when did you meet Susannah Lepley, the founder of New Bridges?


Alicia Horst: I think i first met her right after I would have graduated from university. About the time i graduated undergrad was about the time this agency would’ve been starting. I think i first met her because i was checking out this agency as a possible location for my undergrad practicum, if i remember correctly.


Jake Adams: I know you speak Spanish.


Alicia Horst: Right


Jake Adams: When did you i guess…


Alicia Horst: When did I learn that?


Jake Adams: … learn Spanish?


Alicia Horst: So when i went to university there was this amazing professor. I’ve never encountered anyone who can teach as well as she could before or since. So it helped that spanish has a lot of similarities to italian, they are close languages so i understood the grammatical concepts behind spanish. I studied that for two years it was an intense two years with her. Then i was in south america


Jake Adams: Well I want to talk about New Bridges.


Alicia Horst: Okay


Jake Adams: Obviously you are the executive director of New Bridges currently


Alicia Horst: Its a small agency so that title is not big but yes there you go


Jake Adams: Alright I lied, before we talk about New Bridges I know that you’re an accredited representative through the DOJ’s office of legal access programs


Alicia Horst: Yes


Jake Adams: Their program that allows qualified non-attorney individuals to represent immigration matters.


Alicia Horst: Its essentially an attorney but for immigration matters


Jake Adams: Is that through New Bridges or did you do that before?


Alicia Horst: It has to be through an agency. So when i started that program it was tricky  because the agency needs to be recognized by this program. It used to be under a different agency, still connected to the DOJ so in order for someone to be accredited you had to be connected to a recognized agency so i had to get the agency recognized at the same time as I was applying for accreditation. The agency cannot be recognized without an accredited representative and you can’t be accredited without being a recognized agency. So yeah that was the year 2013, was dedicated to that and there are two of us now that are accredited. I have a coworker that just got his accreditation in December


Jake Adams: Okay well then moving into New Bridges, how did you first get involved?


Alicia Horst: I was a volunteer a bit for them when they would have been using volunteers I didn’t connect as much to the actual office. I think they had a couple of events i would have helped at. But I’d always heard about it. One of my social work professors when i was in university was one of the people who helped set up the agency when they were first thinking about how to set this agency up so i would hear about it in my social work classes. And as i was interacting with Susan over time, she would’ve been the director here for about 9 years, yeah so at the time a lot of people would’ve known her for her work.


Jake Adams: What is she like?


Alicia Horst: She is an entrepreneur. She has a lot of ideas and she loves to make those happen and that’s part of who she is. She likes to see what might be of benefit to the community and works to see that happen. Since she’s worked here she’s worked at a number of different positions. She’s now working for Sentara the medical hospital


Jake Adams: Oh okay


Alicia Horst: But she’s worked at both universities


Jake Adams: So What was your career path here? You started volunteering for their community programs but…


Alicia Horst: Right I think it was somewhat of an indirect path i would say. A lot of my work before coming here focused on multilingual family work so by the time i would have started conversations about the position here i would have been doing work in mental health and child welfare and in grant management, implementation types of questions and program management, all in a multilingual capacity. I wasn’t doing as broad a base of services as New Bridge provides but there were elements of that. For example, my approach to a situation in which a family might have some stressors there wouldn’t be some questions about the child’s well-being, I would go about asking questions about how to support the family itself so it’s a little different because I’m familiar somewhat with what the system used to be like. So i think the things i had to learn more about as it relates to the work here have to do more with fundraising because we are not funded by large federal grants so when you have mostly private funding like we do then you have to think about that.


Jake Adams: You’ve mentioned that the experiences you had in mental health systems and welfare systems, i guess more state experiences you didn’t really enjoy the work that was more bureaucratic?


Alicia Horst: Yeah and it’s very specific. There is not as much room for creativity when you’re problem solving


Jake Adams: How then did you go from there to interacting with the mission statement, and in this response could you illustrate the mission of New Bridges and what it is meant to be and how its unique from more bureaucratic, policy-centered relief systems.


Alicia Horst: Yeah just the fact that we have the capacity to change our mission statement as an agency is in itself going to be a little different than a state system where its going through legislation to create policy and the mandate of whatever those agencies happen to be. The mission here, so we went through strategic planning a few years ago, which is a normal thing  that nonprofits do to focus their work for a chunk of time. The election happened after we did that, like month or so after that the election happened so it’s interesting to think a guiding document that was created before our current context. We have the power to change it and we tweak things. A lot of it still is relevant but they changed the mission statement to read “engaging immigrants, connecting cultures, and building community” and i find that we are so focused right now on connecting with immigrants, that first part of it, that (we need to) remember that greater community building is what i have to keep focusing my energy on not forgetting because when you’re in the middle of a crisis like the one that people are experiencing right now, if you’re an immigrant it’s… we are in a crisis right now. (laughter)


Jake Adams: Yeah


Alicia Horst: Yeah it’s good to have that, those kind of guiding statements cause it help you to realize that there’s a bigger picture. We do live in  a community the harrisonburg community is one where a lot of people care deeply about the identity that has formed of being a place that is multicultural and wanting to support multilingual education, wanting to have an environment where children grow up together to care about each other. Those kinds of things i think are something that they put  a lot of energy and resources toward. I realize that all of this thats happening at a federal level we are experiencing at a local level quite differently than other communities might around the country, but nevertheless its at a time like this where there’s even more need for people to know each other. So we aren’t depending on certain sources of media to form how we interact with each other


Jake Adams: Just to clarify, the situation American immigration is in is following the 2016 election where Donald Trump won running on a pretty anti-immigrant campaign i would say.


Alicia Horst: Yes


Jake Adams: He in March, it was March right? That he ended or claimed it was his intention to end the DACA program?


Evan: September


Alicia Horst: It was September and they (immigrants) had a month window


Evan: They stopped taking applicants in september and then it expires in March


Alicia Horst: So anybody that had expiration for their DACA protection before March 5th could renew it. They were accepting renewal applications for those six months


Evan: but currently the Supreme Court is refusing to hear the case so…


Jake Adams: Yeah there have been court delays to that action


Alicia Horst: So there were two injunctions. The one in California is the one that opened in back up in that sense by saying although you have the authority to do it your legal rational is not sound and therefore renewals can continue. The initial one is still not proceeding, so people that are 15 years old and meet all the requirements cant apply for deferred action it’s only people that were already a part of this program that can continue to renew


Jake Adams: With your position in this organization, especially in a community like harrisonburg where we have a large immigrant community relative to its size. What has been your experience with how people in our community have been affected by this?


Alicia Horst: If you can imagine what it’s like to be a person a younger person who has had no control over where they’ve lived their entire lives. It’s not like a child says “alright im gonna up and go” I mean there is an unaccompanied minor phenomenon that happened but these are not usually the case for people who have deferred action. So you’ve invested your life in living in this place its home, it feels like home. I know what that’s like as a US citizen in another place. And so the inverse, people living here feel like they are just as connected to life here and your entire logistical thing of making life happen well are depending on a program that is at the whim of politicians. Your capacity to have in state tuition, get a job, drive a car with a license, all those things are dependent on you being set up for two years. So every two years you’re having to pay fees and make sure you get the stuff in on time and they’re processing things slowly, it’s just a mess. It’s incredibly exhausting. I had people who had to make a decision because their expiration was in March, but it was after march 5th. Do they try to apply? They decided to do it, and they got denied. Now it’s open again, so they have to you know try all over again. It’s this back and forth thing in the middle of already trying to manage a lot in life. Like if you think about how stressful it is for you to be a university student, imagine all of your responsibilities related to all of that and it’s just another layer of stress and unknown as you’re trying to plan out your life, you know? And it sucks, it’s just a lot and talk about anxiety. When you have to make some really big decision about if you had another means to become eventually a resident that might involve having to travel outside of the US to your country of origin, that you don’t remember, and have to go through the consulate process that’s complicated, that you have no knowledge of. It’s just… the strength people have to go through all of that is just absolutely mind-boggling yeah? Cause its stuff that most people don’t even comprehend.  Most people in the united states don’t really fit in to the immigration system at all. That’s just DACA, there are all these other things happening w/ immigration right now that are just… yeah… and the stupid thing about it is that the dream act has been a really big thing for congress to do something about and many generations, for 10 years, i mean it’s been since 2007 that they’ve been doing it? Um… there have been times when it almost made it by, like 5 votes…. It’s ridiculous, i mean it’s high time that we figure this out, i mean for the benefit of our society. When people have already demonstrated by the way… and you can see it b/c our immigration system requires it, so it’s even documented that people are committing crimes because u have to fingerprint people… so its like…you can even have proof


Jake Adams: So i wanna ask u… i think that right now USA is sort of dealing w/ a problem that’s a lot bigger than the dream act or DACA and it isn’t necessarily how we feel about illegal or undocumented immigrants from latin america or mexico, but how the american identity interacts w/ immigrants as a concept.


Alicia Horst: I should also say that in this particular area, the dream act and daca are mostly connected to latin americans but there are other ppl/communities in the US where it would be korean, um, like so, yeah, so i just broaden that out depending on what focus youre talking about


Jake Adams: In this sort of identity debate about what USa should be regarding immigration, and approaching the concept, there is a lot of rhetoric thrown out on both sides about from the adimitrations, from media, how do u think that general rhetoric surrounding immigration, how accurate it is?


Alicia Horst: Generally speaking, so most of the opinions i’ve hear are really hard for me to listen to b/c they aren’t even based on fact. Um, like a lot of ppl are talking about things they know nothing of, like they really honestly don’t know immigration policy, so when they’re talking about things like chain migration they aren’t even aware of the types of relationships w/in a family that can even bring another family member. So i don’t know if they’re just trying to just exaggerate to make a point or whatever, but if they actually knew uh who a us citizen can petition for a who a resident can petition for, and how long it takes for those things to happen, um i mean if a citizen wants to bring a brother or sister if they are from particular countries it can range from 15-25 years, before a visa is even available for that relationship. So, um, cousins, aunts and uncles, you cannot petition for them no matter what kind of um status u have and things get just discussed in a way that is um… it becomes so much, i mean we talk a lot about the fact that really data is irrelevant when it comes to these kinds of conversations b/c it’s about fear and prejudice really so no matter how much… cause i’ve tried i’ve ever shown people how long people that are petitioning have to wait for visas before they are available for that person. And it’s as if that information is irrelevant really, that’s how people are bringing it up to begin w/ as being the issue. We don’t realize that behind that is something entirely different. Those are just rhetorical tools that have nothing to do w/ the motivation behind um why ppl have certain opinions. And that, is i think we’re the real work is in this country, it’s gonna take forever. We as a country have been its founded on racist principles in my opinion and our economic system depends on a lot of factors that create dynamics that are really difficult to address when it comes to talking about justice and immigration. SO, i dunno what to tell you it’s really hard to listen to the media.


Jake Adams: It’s been a trend i know, as a student of immigration history, um,


Alicia Horst: I know its historical. It’s nothing new right? You can look up stuff from 100 years ago it looks the same you just switch to persons from eastern europe instead or italians versus like… I know that. It doesn’t make it any better though


Jake Adams: It’s tough, it’s a hard system to address. What in your experience in immigration or as a social worker in harrisonburg in for the past several years, what changes have you seen? I know we were talking about nationally I think there has been very unfortunate shift in the discussion of immigrants, but how do you think the national shift is reflective of how harrisonburg as a community has changed over the past several decades…


Alicia Horst: Like how does harrisonburg reflect what’s going on nationally? Or…


Jake Adams: Yeah I guess that question and more broadly, what changes have you noticed in the harrisonburg community over the past several years as a social worker and immigrant advocate


Alicia Horst: So i think the way that people were talking about, for example, building a second high school was hard to see at the local level because i think that some people were misinformed about all of the different reasons why there was population growth. Some of which has bee immigration, some of it has not. But to kind of focus in in on immigrants being the reason that there is a need for a second high school. First of all, if it were the actual reason then why not build a second high school? And secondly, I actually don’t think it was necessarily connected to accurate data. So that was an interesting dynamic locally that has happened… most of the conversation has happened since the election. I mean people knew this was coming, that this conversation would have to happen before the election, but yeah i think that its taken more energy recently because of the election. So when i first encountered Harrisonburg, that i can’t remember in high school, it was in the early 90s. It was a different town. I think that the poultry, there were a lot of growers there always have been. This is a rural community with lots of farms for a long time, but the shift to poultry processing plants and that kind of stuff really happened in the late 80s, early 90s, the mid 90s. The industry changed, um, lots of ppl decided to stay that had initially been ppl that would have been doing migrant labor, um, a lot of refugees started coming from the former soviet union during that time, and then in the late 90s there were a lots of curds that came and so, yeah, i mean harrisonburg has changed in many ways over the last 20 years. And it’s an interesting dynamic, when I was interacting w/ some folks, in the department of labor they would just be like “it’s just fascinating to us b/c the demographics of this town are percentage-wise very similar to what they would have in NOVA (a very very large, much more urban community) and they they suddenly have this small city that has this level of diversity, and for them it was an enigma, like “whyyyy” ya know? But i think there’s all this like confluence of factors, both the industry and the fact that there was a receiving community… there were ppl that were interested, either for religious reasons or others, were interested in supporting new arrivals from other countries. So, whatever the case was, this is a town that ppl felt comfortable staying in so its unusual to have a town this size be this diverse and yet its worked! And its maturing and its understanding of its identity. I think there’s a lot of work still to be done in terms of having different groups of people interacting w/ each other so its ya know, the town is evolving in its own way but i’m certainly glad to live here… even though there’s a lot of work to be done, i feel a lot of gratitude that Harrisonburg is what it is right now in this moment in time in terms of what’s going on nationally versus what’s going on here.


Jake Adams: I know, as a student, at JMU there are a lot of opportunities, events centered around activism and sort of disagreeing w/ a lot of the rhetoric that has been pushed regarding immigrants and their entire identity as ppl. And so, i guess noting the changes you’ve seen in the harrisonburg community, how has um, how have u perceived activism, or i guess a renewed motivation for this type of immigrant work? Have you noticed the community reaching out in a way that is different than before as a response to unfair rhetoric?


Alicia Horst: Yeah, I think um, i mean its been going on since before the election. But this is certainly a town that, you see the little welcome sign that you see places that’s become spread around nationally, that comes from this town originally, and there are also ppl that have been very connected to refugee issues and connecting and supporting refugee families. So i think yeah there are public demonstrations that have happened after specific decisions were made very quickly- ppl would show up in court square and there’d be a lot of storytelling going on and just a sense of that what was happening is not something that this town supports. And specifically, thinking about what would have happened in january of last year of 2017 when the travel ban happened, um, i think there were over 1,000 ppl that very quickly, within 48 hours, would have gathered, or 24 hours maybe, i can’t remember, but it was very quickly that ppl just kind of felt the need to gather. So its  happening on campus, it’s happening to an extent also in this town and um, and then there are ppl that are more quietly just finding ways to support individuals um so they might not be as active in the public arena but they are very much wanting to help individuals that they know that are facing certain kinds of issues and helping to advocate for their health and well being.


Jake Adams: Well, I guess moving towards today, what is the, you mentioned that connecting w/ immigrants was a big part of the mission statemnet and thatremembeirng to build communities was abig thing to keep in mind. Um, what kind of, I guess, programs or goals is new bridges focusing on today? What kind of involvement is the org.?


Alicia Horst: So i think we’ve been fairly overwhelmed w/ questions that relate to immigration processes, so that’s certainly… our immigration protection progmation is certainly one of our top priorities. And you know how it is, when you have… it seems like sometimes there are clusters of things that happen at the same time for ppl that just create a lot of stress when you have, for example, an immigration process happen at the same time that you have a health like, stress, or whatever contributes to health needs, um, and they all kind of cluster together so… we have one person, for example, that almost exclusively is working on helping ppl to figure out how to pay off medical bills… cause those tend to skyrocket when ppl are stressed. So yeah uh those two ares. We also are connecting ppm to um classes and resources um for citizenship, for english, forum, jobs, for housing, there’s a lot of different things that ppl can access… it just that it feels like everybody’s priority right now is like “we’ll figure that stuff out later! Right now we’re sick and we’re stressed out about our status, those two things. Or how to maintain a status, b/c part of what’s been going on in the immigration environment right now that’s deeply disturbing is that for ppl that already have a status, they are placing more roadblocks in an already-complex system that used to exist, and so ppl that though they were ok are now facing something they didn’t expect. So that means that um, we are very focused on that, that kind of office work, and focusing less time on some of the things that would be like community groups and things like that, that certainly could be a tremendous amount of time could happen in that as well… and we have different kinds of groups that we are connected to where  ppl from different walks of life, different languages get together… and there’s so much more that could be happening of that… how i wish we could do that (laughs) right now… yeah cause i mean i think it’s out of those relationships that we develop deeper empathy for one another no matter where we come from. Lots of us tend to have prejudices in different ways and so yeah.


Jake Adams: Uh, well… That was amazing. As a final question for you, is what you would like the public to know from your story? Um, i know that we spoke a lot about american culture and how that conversation is affecting groups of ppl that seem like they are not allowed to be part of the conversation… um, would would you like students to sort of understand from this predicament and your status as an immigration advocate?


Alicia Horst: I think one thing that has been important for me is that there are leaders that are telling their own stories, um, that dont need our permission to tell their stories. They’re already doing it and amplifying what they’re already doing is really really important. Um, it’s not important for me to tell somebody else’s story, it’s finding ways to support what they are already doing and i’m seeing what some of their priorities are or what next steps are. So i think what is important for me for the public to know is that in my mind, immigrants don’t need our permission to be here. It’s not something that we um.. I mean certainly there is a lot of work that needs to happen on the policy level but um there are lots of ppl that are already here already member of our society and so its more about us paying attention to what already is happening and less about trying to…….. For some reason we think its about us and it’s not in terms of…. We think that we are the ones that give people permission to stay here and to speak and all those things but it’s more about us realizing we are completely missing out when we um are not paying attention. Because i think um ppl that are already leading are leading in a way that actually ends up benefiting our society more in the end. Leading about what it means to live in community in a way that most ppl dont understand and… we talk about mental health in the united states as if its sorta like a medical condition this abstract form of what is actually going on in our society… and i think the leaders im talking about are persons that understand that mental health is connected to the fact that ppl are so isolated in our society. So what it means to have a cultural shift that creates a community where people in general not just new arrivals are healthy and well is something that we have so much to learn about. I know that this is a really broad concept but I think that immigrants can save us when it comes to that because they have a really important perspective on what it means to be to be healthy people in a way that a lot of people that grow up in the United States dont get. People are working themselves to death and they’re completely alone. It’s not a good mic and it’s gonna affect us long term in terms of what we see in violence and prejudice, it’s symptomatic of something else… in my mind. And this is not talking about the firearm debate and i;m not blaming that on mental health either, but yeah. (laughter)


Jake Adams: Well yeah thank you, that was… yeah thank you very much that was helpful and insightful. Are there any questions you would like to ask of me or anything else that you feel that you would want to discuss?

Alicia Horst: Hmm. No I think I’ve said plenty (laughter) yeah so i tend to think in big picture im not a very specific like “these are the policies that sure happen” so yeah you need to know that about me. I’m a more, broader conceptual individual.

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Nelly Moreno Shenk


On Friday, March 16th, I had the honor of meeting with Nelly Moreno Shenk for an interview for the Immigrant Harrisonburg project conducted by Dr. Morales spring semester history class. We met at 2:30 in the afternoon at her place of work, Skyline Literacy. Shenk is an immigrant from El Salvador who moved to the United States in 2002. She is a wife and mother of two, all who currently reside in America. Her father and two sisters still live in El Salvador, whom she visits every year. She leads a life dedicated to assisting and transitioning newly arriving immigrants and actively serving her local community.

Early Life:

Nelly Shenk was born in El Salvador into a loving, supporting family made up of her hardworking parents, two sisters, and her brother. Despite being low-income and unable to afford education past high school, her brother, Rolando, financed the first few years of her and her two sisters, Sonia and Cecilia’s college career. Shenk went to Central American University and earned a bachelor’s degree in economics and later went on to achieve her masters. She met her husband in 1989 while he was working in El Salvador with the Mennonite Central Committee. The Salvadoran Civil War was occurring during this time and continued until 1992, causing the flight of many Salvadorans to Honduras in search of safety. Those who returned were without work or land and Shenk was working with a nonprofit, National Workers Confederation, doing development work with the community to aid the refugees. She continues to work with minority groups today in Harrisonburg, Virginia.


Nelly Shenk moved with her husband, Harold, and their two children to Harrisonburg, Virginia in 2002. Previous to this procedure, she had taken many vacations with her immediate family to America, so there was no initial culture shock upon arrival. She felt very privileged in the ease of her assimilation and was aware that this is not the case for many immigrants. The hardest part for Shenk was the language barrier. She felt very lonely and depressed during the first six months and missed home a great deal. However, after five years of living in Harrisonburg, she feels that this is her home. After experiencing the process of gaining citizenship first hand, she is a great source to other newly arrived immigrants who may be struggling with the process.

Work & Impact:

Shenk currently works for Skyline Literacy, an organization that works with newly arrived immigrants to help them transition into American society and prepare for the hurdles they must go through to gain citizenship. As program manager, Shenk oversees and directs the English classes, citizenship preparation classes, and practice interviews that are conducted throughout an immigrant’s progression in the system. While she had no problems gaining her citizenship, she finds that many individuals are intimidated by the process, lack confidence, or do not believe that they can fully retain all of the information necessary. She works to enhance these immigrants’ skills and courage, but is saddened by the increased discrimination many have been reporting. She described several instances of people approaching her clients and telling them “your people have to go back” or “you need to return to your country” solely based off of their skin color or accent. This could be an effect of the increasing anti-immigrant policies, which Shenk believes are affecting all levels of the community. To combat this antagonism, Shenk volunteers for the Welcome to Harrisonburg council, an initiative aimed at showing refugees and immigrants that Harrisonburg is an amicable city that encourages their arrival. Another infraction against the minority population that has sparked Shenk’s involvement in the community is the threated status of temporary protected status (TPS) holders. Shenk co-founded the El Salvadorian Committee to generate a campaign that is trying to protect these families, as they feel helpless and scared with an uncertain future.

As an active member of the community and a lover of the city of Harrisonburg, Shenk is hopeful for a future of increased inclusion and integration among all people. She aspires for an America that recognizes the greatness and potential of immigrants, for they built this nation and strive to work hard and serve the communities they live in. Her message to the respondents of this interview is to recognize that immigrants are families fleeing violence and poverty, coming to America for better opportunities. Interact with them, get to know your neighbors, and put aside any preexisting prejudices and stereotypes.

“Citizenship to me is more than a piece of paper. Citizenship is about character. I am an American. We’re just waiting for our country to recognize it” – Jose Antonio Vargas

Georgia : 00:02  Alright, hello thank you so much for meeting with me today. If you could just start by telling me your name with the spelling and your age and who you are.


Nelly : 00:02 My name is Nelly Moreno Shenk. And my age is 53 years old, I am 53 years old and I immigrated here originally from El Salvador.


Georgia :  00:36 Ok, and can you tell me where your family comes from and what country they’re from?


Nelly :  00:44  My family, my immediate family is my husband and my two children. I met my husband in El Salvador where my country of origin and my two children were raised in El Salvador, we moved in 2002. So my husband is a United States citizen. So I mean he was born here in the United States. That’s my immediate family. My family, my father still lives in El Salvador and I have two sisters living there too. My mom passed away, my brother also passed away a few years ago.


Georgia :   01:31 And you said you have three children?


Nelly:  01:31 I have two children.


Georgia:  01:31  Two children, okay. How old are they?


Nelly: 01:31  Yeah, Daniel, the oldest, is 25. He’s going to be 26 this year in July. And my youngest, Sarah, is 21.


Georgia :  01:55 Okay. So how many years ago did you move to the United States?


Nelly :  01:59 I moved in 2002, that means 15 years ago that I moved from El Salvador.


Georgia : 02:09  And you met your husband here or before you moved?


Nelly :  02:17  I met my husband in El Salvador in 1989 when he was working for the Mennonite Central Committee as a missionary, a commissioner and I was working there with a non profit organization. We were 26 years old when we met.


Georgia:  02:17  Oh wow. What nonprofit were you working for?


Nelly:  02:43  I was working with a non-profit organization working for a development program in the countryside. That organization doesn’t exist anymore. It was called National Workers Federation. It was for the communities that were working for refugees that were from Honduras because we have a civil war in the eighties, I don’t know if you’re familiar with that. In El Salvador, so I’ve worked with this organization to protect these people coming back to El Salvador from Honduras.


Georgia : 03:37  Okay, and can you tell me a little bit about your childhood in El Salvador and your education?


Nelly :  03:50 I come from a low-income family. My dad and my mom, they were, they were a labor, you know, my mom raised us at home, my father worked outside of Chile where he didn’t have a job when my does something, you know. I had my childhood, even if it was with some limitations on income, I have a good relationship with my brothers, sisters, my father and my mom. So I would say that despite the poverty level that we had, we loved each other and and I don’t have any trauma, you know. So, we supported each other because my mom couldn’t afford us education after high school. My brother who worked first, he helped all my siblings, myself and my sister to get beyond the high school education. The first two years, so he paid for my first two years of college and then I had to tell myself, Nelly you need to start working and pay on your own. And he did that for everyone, the same with Sonia and Cecilia, my sisters. So my three sisters, and Rolando, that’s my brothers name, we got an education, we finished college before that and after my college I worked for this non-profit organization, I met Harold, I got married, I had my two children and when Sarah was four years old I got my master’s in Business Administration. So that was my nuclear family, my mom and dad. So that was my education, and after working with the local NGO, the non-profit organization I worked with the Mennonite Central Committee with Harold and then with the Catholic World Services. So I got experience with international non-profit organization working in El Salvador.


Georgia :  06:33  Okay, and where did you go to college?


Nelly:  06:35  I went to the, it’s the, José Simeón Cañas (Central American University). That’s the name of it, it’s UCA it’s a well-known university in El Salvador. That was administered by the jesuits. (writing word). This is ordered from Spain. Yeah. So the university was administered by these.


Georgia:  07:24  I’m not sure how to say that either.  


Nelly:  07:24  Oh, jesuits.


Nelly:  07:42 So that was my education, I did there, at the same university, my bachelor’s in Economics degree. Then three years later, four years later, my masters.


Georgia:  07:48  Oh okay. Did you enjoy college?


Nelly: 07:53 I do. I love to read and because I was working, I was working during the day and studied in the evening, my goal was I got six years, you know, to study and ideally have a full, you know, credit getting your bachelors.


Georgia :  07:53  Okay, so you had six years for your bachelors?


Nelly :  08:23  Just for my bachelors because I was working and then studying for a few credits in the evening. But the masters took less time, it was just three and a half years. So I do, I do love to study. I would love to have that chance here, but its too expensive.


Georgia:  08:40  Yeah, okay. So did you grow up with a religion? Like were your parents religious or are you currently religious?


Nelly: 08:53 My mom and my dad, yes. I was raised in the Catholic religion, and I couldn’t say that I was too religious, but as a teenager, I used to go to the church, you know, and be part of all the traditions as a Catholic. At home it’s about eighty percent of the population are Catholic. So, you know, it’s everything, everything, Easter and my grandma going to those processions. Now here in the United States, my husband is from the mennonite background so we agreed that we were going to attend in this country, the Mennonite church, and in El Salvador the Catholic church.


Georgia: 08:53  Right, so we’re your kids raised…


Nelly:  10:00  (laughing) thats a good question, you’ll have to ask them. But they were raised as Catholic in El Salvador and they, you know, they baptized, they are baptized as a Catholic. But moving here, we were thinking that I would go to the Catholic and then go to the community Mennonite church. That was a little confusing, so I’m just going to the Mennonite church and I cannot say that I am Mennonite, but I do respect all their beliefs and I shared their values too. So I feel comfortable going to the community Mennonite and I still sometimes go to the Catholic Church because I love to see my people too.


Georgia :  10:40 Do your kids live in, well do they live in the United States too?


Nelly :  10:48  Daniel is living in Boston and he moved two, three years ago. He’s going to get married soon. And my daughter, Sarah is doing a practical in DC, Washington DC working for a non profit organization. She’s studying social work at EMU and she’s going to graduate in May.


Georgia :  11:18  Wow, okay. Do you think she was influenced from your line of work to go into social work?


Nelly : 11:26 Oh yeah, oh yeah, I think so. My husband and I are pretty active in the community, so she wasn’t born. She also came here to do some intern at Skyline Literacy, my work, and she’s doing something similar. Yeah I would think so that she has been influenced, both. Daniels in business because he loves traveling. He helps groups going to Spain or Europe for tournaments. He’s a travel agent, but the focus is to get groups and do tournaments. So he’s in a different field, but I feel myself sometimes that I am a business woman too. Working with students, clients, doing some marketing.


Georgia: 12:22 Yeah, and what does your husband do?


Nelly : 12:28 He’s a client counselor for the Community Services Board. He worked with youth that have a problem and are referred by the court. They need an intensive plan, you know, to get out of trouble and it’s intensive home care or something like that.


Georgia : 12:53  Okay, and you said that you guys came to the United States in 2002?


Nelly: 12:53  2002, yes.


Georgia: 13:00 Okay, so how was that experience? How was the immigration process and trying to assimilate into the American culture and ..


Nelly :  13:13 I think that my first experience here in United States comes from, not only from when I moved here, it comes from when I got married to Harold. You know, because we have to assimilate our different way how to raise children, provide education, figure out our finances, you know. And I think that we have the privilege to come every year for vacation before I moved thirteen years later when I got married to him. So I didn’t have a, how you say, a cultural shock because I was blessed to be  assimulating over the years. However that was the part, I remember that the second year he brought me here, his parents lived in Pennsylvania. So we did that trip from Pennsylvania going to Atlanta, Georgia. And when I crossed this valley I said, Oh, this is a beautiful place, I can live here. And we did have that thought to move here, so, then he started at EMU, and he got a masters too. We moved because the reason that he needed to finish his masters. He was doing something in El Salvador but then in the last year or so he supposedly was going to learn the language and then move back but, we stayed. So the most difficult part was that, the language that was my, we would meet no new people because we have friends, American friends, we have a Catholic connection with the, some friends here who are Hispanic. So I think that the barrier, the language barrier was the main thing that put me in some depression sometimes the first six months and missing my parents too. I missed my parents a lot and I wanted to just to go back. But after five years, maybe, being here in Harrisonburg, I feel that this, this is my home.


Georgia : 15:53 Yeah. OK. So did you work somewhere else before Harrisonburg?


Nelly: 15:53  No.


Georgia :  15:58  So this is the first place that you worked when you came to the United States?


Nelly: 16:06   Yeah, yeah. My whole life with my parents, then at twenty-six I moved from home and living in the same neighborhood, and then here.


Georgia : 16:10  Right. Do you go back to El Salvador often?


Nelly: 16:15  Yeah, I travel every year.


Georgia : 16:15 Every year, just once a year?


Nelly:  16:15  Once a year.


Georgia : 16:21 Okay, and you just go see your family and..  


Nelly : 16:31 Yeah. See my dad and my sisters, I’m trying to go on April 11th, that’s our next trip.


Georgia :  16:37  Exciting, so you’ve lived here in Harrisonburg for awhile. Have you seen the town change over the years?


Nelly : 16:53  Oh yeah, a lot a lot. First, you know, the housing developments as maybe a reflection of the deep community that has been, you know, thats certainly now key in this town. So, I see more immigrants and I know that when I came I think that they were 5,000, and then I think 6,000. I mean now there are more than 15,000 just in this community. That is the experience of change that they have seen and I think that the response from the community is very open, welcoming, I think that there’s no doubt about that. Maybe changes the more expression, how to be welcoming to the people. I mean that’s something that more resources maybe but the resources go sometimes this is more or is changing according to what is in the local policies. For example, for example, for the first few years people can go for medical care to the health department then, you know, free clinic. At one point free clinic wasn’t able to support, wasn’t able to provide services to people that didn’t have documents. And now in response to that, the community center, the health community center was created. So that’s the kind of change that I see, so population, health development, some response to how we help the community, the movements.


Georgia:  18:57 Right. So you work for Skyline Literacy, how did you end up working for that organization?


Nelly: 19:19  That’s a good question. I have almost 10 years working for Skyline. The executive director that hired me here, I have had previous experience working with her when I came to this country working for AHEC, area health education center. She hired me at that time to coordinate a program for health promoted problems, it’s like (inaudible). It formulates, you know, learning how to help prevention, health promotion and learning about diabetes, how to take blood pressure or how to get involved in the community, etcetera, etcetera. So I worked with them for four years, then I moved out from this work and then later on Skyline needed a program manager, a program coordinator, and Beth knew my job and she hired me here. So I think that’s how I ended up working here. So the boss that I had before, she hired me here because she also moved from this job and worked for Skyline Literacy. She’s no longer here.


Georgia:  19:19  Okay, and what is it that skyline literacy does?


Nelly :  20:51  We have English classes and citizenship preparation and basically we teach students, people, native speakers who don’t read at the fifth grade level and they need to, you know, increase that reading level to achieve any goal that they have. A personal goal and get a better job, retain employment. With the citizenship we help lawful permanent residents to pass the citizenship interview. So we teach them civics, how to read and write according to what the requirement to pass that test and interview. And for English classes, basically are for people with low education level and that they don’t feel good in other settings in the other programs. Most of them are with a low education, low income, and on average they are between 35 and 45 years old.


Georgia : 22:04 OK. So working so closely with the immigrant population, can you tell me a little bit about the citizenship process. And as a whole, do they seem to..

is it achievable or does it seem like people have trouble working through that system?


Nelly : 22:27  I think that is achievable if the applicant, you know, work through the.. getting the right English level, studying for the civics questions and they are very transparent with information that they provide on the application. So why I am saying that is because we have some students that their acquisition knowledge, acquisition is very low, so they need to work harder by repetition, repetition, repetition. That is first and simple, some of our students they last two years to get, to grab that 100 questions or the language, to be able to express and to have a basic interview, you know, to say the name, contact information, history, previous history, trips, work, talking about the family. So when they come, many people say that, no, I don’t, I don’t retain information. I don’t have time or yes I do, I do want but they don’t feel confident. So that’s one thing that the program does a lot, is to provide that confidence and reassure us that everything that you put on that application is the truth. You know, don’t fool yourself because the immigrations office, yeah, they have all the information, they know what you are going to, what they put there, that they know if that’s true or not. So we have a partnership with Church World Services, which is the refugee office here and they do all the applications as well with New Bridges, which is the other organization that works with immigrants in this place. We are not doing that because we are not certified, but we’re trying to do our best to advise the people to get the right advising and the process to assure that they don’t have any problem during the whole naturalization process. So, but 90, we’ll say 99 percent of people that pass the class with us, they pass the test. But this time they are having more problems since this year.


Georgia:  22:27  Oh really?


Nelly :  25:20  So yeah, the lady that I knew that she could pass it, they can nervous or they hesitate two times with the question, with the answer in the question, they stop the interview and they say you need to take a second chance. So given that, so we are trying to be more tough with the students ,you know, because we have a mock interview. So were trying to have different scenarios, different interviewers and they apply when they are ready.


Georgia:  25:59  So do you think that they are struggling because the process has changed or…


Nelly:  26:04 We were discussing that yesterday, that we need to figure out if the process we know in the last month two ladies didn’t make it. And the English level, they can talk to you they can go answer the question. But the reason they didn’t make it, it was not strong enough to say you didn’t pass. One lady they asked, “Hey, why were you married four times?” She was married four times, maybe divorced. So she said “Is that a problem with you?” And then the interviewers got mad.  So I think that she shouldn’t say that, we know that, that there’s skills that..


Georgia:  26:55  But why, why are they concerned with how many times she was married? Is that something that’s a legitimate question to ask?


Nelly :  27:01 I don’t think so. I don’t think so. You know, there are many people that do that, you know, and her whole story’s there, very clear. So she’s an intermediate student, she passed with good results. And the second interview, she was so nervous that she didn’t go. So she needs to wait again and apply again because that’s competitive. So this is something that we are trying to evaluate and we are having an information session coming with a facilitator, but a representative from Department of Homeland Security where they want to be more. Something’s different now you know. Our feeling is they are more inquisitive or the screening is a little harder.


Georgia :  28:01 So if they don’t pass the first.. or if they stop the interview for whatever reason, like you were saying, do they have to wait a certain amount of time to come back?


Nelly:  28:12 They have a second chance to do the second interview with the same amount of money because they pay $725 for the interview, for the processing and with that money they have just two chances. If they fail one or they fail everything, they go to the second-time. If the second time they fail the same, they have to apply again to start all the process over again.


Georgia :  28:12 Oh man..


Nelly: 28:43  That has been the same. That has been the rule since I know of.


Georgia :  28:43  Okay. So you’ve sort of told me a little bit about what Skyline Literacy does and what you do, but could you tell me in a little bit more detail what your role is and your job description at Skyline Literacy?


Nelly :  28:43   My role, me?


Georgia:  28:43  Yeah!


Nelly:  29:11  Oh, my role is a product manager, I am in charge of the intake process. I also do the evaluation of the English level even though I have no background in education, but I learned how to do that, that’s easy. And I am certified as an administrator for this assessment and read and listening. Our systems, you know, booklets that already have the answer keys and everything to score and grade. The students are in classes according to their English level, I do this with my co-worker, Barbie, because she has the curriculum and she works with the volunteers, the teachers. That’s part of my role. The other thing that I do is to coordinate with our stakeholders or try to connect with the schools, with the other agencies, make referrals, organize the classes, work with all the program over the year. Yeah, I coordinate with the volunteers that were helping me with doing this. We serve around 300 people per year. So that’s just a lot of work.


Georgia : 30:53  Where do the majority.. is there like a main place that a majority of the immigrants come from?


Nelly :  31:05 The first, the first years here it was Mexico and people from Central America. The last years just seeing our studies from the citizenship program, it was maybe 50/50 from Iraq and from Latinos. So the Iraq population has been growing it, Iraq including Kurdistan. So it has been more a participant in our program. So, in general, I don’t remember how, but the Hispanic population is the largest in the community. I’d say Congo is even more now. More people are coming from Africa and some refugees from Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, Congo. But we have more, for example now more African people in our class.


Georgia :  32:14 Okay, so in our class we’ve talked a lot about how just over time there have been trends of restriction of immigration and then promotion for different benefits. Just having this inside role have you seen if the country has changed having a restriction and that affecting the number of people in your classes or has it been relatively the same?


Nelly : 33:02  The restrictions affects the, probably the attendance. No, we have more students now, but that goes because the population has been growing, you know, the immigrants. But in terms of affecting the government policies, which I know that they are anti-immigrant and are affecting other levels in the community. In Harrisonburg there were three programs that were providing English classes. One program closed last year and so that’s why we have a little bit more students now. But that’s other events outside that maybe you know, like answering that question is not only because of that. So I am a co-founder for El Salvadorian committee here in this town and we are working with the temporary protected status holders through a campaign, this is my other job, a volunteer job.


Georgia :  33:02 Okay and who did you say that was with?


Nelly:  34:37  That’s the name of the organization (writing) COSPU, and it stands for comité salvador para gente unida, in English it would be El Salvadorian committee for united people, something like that. What I’m trying to say is that doing this job is that we are seeing that what is affecting the immigration policies, the families, you know, feeling that they are going to be disintegrated. This is a fear affecting the level of the children in the schools, of the concentration, you know, probably grades, the fear, the mental health of the whole family as a unit, you know. So, maybe projects or other things that they are planning they have put on hold because their future is uncertain.


Georgia: 34:37 Right, and is that for the people who have applied for DACA?


Nelly:  34:37  For DACA, yeah. And are you familiar with TPS? Temporary protected status..


Georgia: 34:37 A little bit.


Nelly: 36:11 They’re people that come from countries because they have problems with.. either because the disasters. For example, in 2000 in El Salvador there was an earthquake that made many people move here. And some people here, they didn’t have documents. They had to change to obtain that work permits under TPS status. So now they had to go back and.. I wanted to show you that we do a rally. (pulling up a picture on her phone)


Georgia:  36:33 Oh okay, right. Was that in Harrisonburg?


Nelly: 36:51 In Harrisonburg, yeah. The El Salvador community trying to work with the.. that’s my other work that I get more of a sense of what is going on in the community and how people are feeling about this and the immigrant policies.


Georgia: 37:00 Alright, so talking about the community, do you, what are some changes that you would like to see in Harrisonburg or in the nation in general relating to immigration?


Nelly :  37:15 There is a subject that has been very difficult to understand, the sanctuary cities. Are you familiar with that?


Georgia:37:15  Yeah.


Nelly:  37:39 So we don’t know..I am part of the Welcome to Harrisonburg council, which Skyline Literacy participates, Church World Services, New Bridges, the Harrisonburg public schools. The city hall  Deputy City Manager is part of that council too. So we are working through some activity how we can enhance that this town is a welcoming city. So that part, as a sanctuary, we are not working on yet, but I would like to see how we can see that better communication between the law enforcement. For example, the police in the immigrant community, the companies that have the most of the minority as the workers. The poultry plants, for example, they can have better labor rights in their companies. There are many people there that are saying that the work compensation for any, you know, problems that they have, doesn’t compensate if they have to leave work. And you know, that part is very hard and I know saying that is easy, but I would like to see that change too and I would like to see people more organized and try to raise their voice. I know that this is hard because people could come and they work, work, work, and then go from work to home. And so it is hard to organize the people. But in general I think that this city is a warm city, you know. I can say that I appreciate a lot about how many people do work for the community here, the churches, the churches are very important. They are getting us all together to work with some issues here too.


Georgia : 39:54  Mhm, yeah. And what do you think of the rhetoric around the issue of immigration in the public sphere? (mispronounced)


Nelly: 40:18 Its sphere. I don’t know, maybe you say it right. It’s esfera in espanol, in spanish. Coming from where? From here, from the city, from the government?


Georgia : 40:20  I know Harrisonburg is much more accepting of immigrants then other places in the world, but I guess, maybe the rhetoric before our current administration? And then how, have you seen a change in attitudes in Harrisonburg since the Trump administration? Or has it seemed…


Nelly : 40:41  I heard that there had been a change. I have some students that work for the poultry plants who said that after Trump won last year, there were some coworkers, white employees, that they were saying to them, “hey, you have to go back to your country.” And they had documents, and they were coworkers that had worked with them for many years. “You have to go back period.” So there is a lady who is the coordinator, diversity program coordinator, at Sentara RMH and she was sharing the elevator with another white guy. And that lady is a professional, you know, and fluent in English, with an accent and because her accent was profound, the guy said, “hey, you will have to go back to your country.” But she came here when she was 10, she studied at JMU. And he said, “no, you have to go back, your people, you have to go back.” And these are different, we’re talking about a labor worker and a professional worker. There is no distinction. We are treated because our skin color or because our accent. So fortunately I have not experienced that myself, but I see that there are many, many people that they, we are facing more prejudice or stereotypes. And you don’t have to be too smart to understand that this is anti immigrant policies now. That’s just the message. So programs that had been for years, people that had been reporting and said that this TPS, every 18 months to check their background. They are clean, they pay taxes and they have children living here in United, they were born in United States. And you are saying, ok standard is, you go back home, I don’t care. Your children are citizens. They don’t care about the security of those children. So they are only seeing that what seems to be, to make this segregated again and you know, it’s just white supremacy.


Georgia : 43:39  Yeah, yeah that’s awful. Do you know, I’m not sure if you would have the records of it, but do you know if anybody who has come through Skyline Literacy has been deported because of DACA or anything else?


Nelly : 44:02 No, see through our program I do not have that. We have one lady that she was denied for citizenship because they said that the process to get the green card was not, I don’t know how to say, but was not proper process. So they have to hold that citizenship and she needed to start over again. Probably she needed to go back to her country, and so that was weird. She hired a lawyer. So I don’t know what’s happening with her, but what were seeing is more cases. More cases that you didn’t do something correct in the process, just hold it. The screening is more deep, and deportation, deportation in this community so far I think that there are only a couple of deportations because we try to, you know, be aware of what was happening. And one guy that was, that they were, that he was on the border, I think that they, he has two more years so he wasn’t deported. But that was, he wasn’t one our students, he was pretty new here.


Georgia : 45:26  So when you personally went through the process of getting your citizenship, was there anything that you struggled with or how long did that take you?


Nelly : 45:46 A short period, I studied for the exam in six hours. So, no, it wasn’t difficult. The difficult part for us when I was coming here because my husband was working in El Salvador. He moved to El Salvador when he finished college. So he didn’t get any experience here in the United States and coming back, even though I was his wife, they didn’t want to give me the visa. The way how I got to visa was through my, in-laws, my father and mother-in-law, they provided all the financial statement and I was quick, so we were ready to come here. Harold can bring my children, our children here, but I was going to stay in my country because I didn’t have the visa until my in-laws were able to provide the sponsorship. So that was the difficult part, then the rest three years later of living here, I was able to get my citizenship and the 100 questions are general, you know, information similar to what the government or Democrats in other countries like El Salvador. However there was, just learning the names, how to say of the people my daughter helped me with that. And the interview was only five minutes, six minutes. So yeah, they don’t bother too much people that understand more of the intermediate level English. They do more with the people that they struggle now. Yeah. But at that time it was easier and cheaper too. I paid only $300.


Georgia: 45:46 Oh really?


Nelly: 45:46 But now it’s $725 and they are going to raise it to be $1,000. Yeah, in a couple years, they say that.


Georgia: 45:46 Why are they raising it so much?


Nelly : 47:54 The Department of Homeland Security or the naturalization processes staff and how to say, they are paid by the fee that people pay for the application. So all the operational expenses is through the fee of the applicants. And we’re talking two million people or more, I don’t know how many people, don’t quote me on that, how many people a year. But just in this town per year are around 600 that come.


Georgia : 48:37  OK, well thank you for sharing all of that. So my last, sort of wrap up question would just be.. because this is going to be posted on our website, for the immigrants of Harrisonburg website. So when people listen to this interview and hear your story and your experiences, what are some main takeaways or what are some things that you would like them to know?


Nelly : 49:09  I would like that they know that the immigrants, that this great nation was built by immigrants. And immigrants that come in the last decades, they come because they want a better opportunity for their family. They fled their own countries because violence or poverty. So we want, we are here to work hard, we’re hard workers. So we are also proud to serve in our community that welcome us to and that’s a big part in the community. We want them to respect our staff and they see us as a member of the community and that we contribute to the society to make it a great community, you know. So stereotypes and putting labels to people, this is something that is hard to rid of. But hopefully with the message, with a different way that we can create, that we interact with each other so we see that more inclusive and more integrated. My message is that, see us as a member of the community. I fell in love with this community and when I say that how I feel that I  belong to this community is how I am involved in different things. So that’s why I feel that I am home, not only in learning English or in going to the church. You know, so that’s why I participate, but if you see me, and think you don’t speak the language, you know, I can’t even if I know that I can.


Georgia : 51:07   Right, absolutely. Well thank you so much. I really enjoyed this interview and I’m excited to, you know, get this information out and share it with the public. So thank you.

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Sal Romero

Sal Romero is an advocate for the strong line of communication between the school and all the families. Romero immigrated to the United States from Mexico at a young age and has lived in Harrisonburg for all this life since then. Romero graduated from James Madison University in 2004 with a B.S. degree and earned a Masters in Educational Administration from Shenandoah University in 2009. Romero has worked with Harrisonburg City Public Schools since 2006 in the capacity of Home/School Liaison and ESL teacher for K-5th grade, and now as an Assistant Principal.  Romero live in Harrisonburg with his wife Amparo, his son Daniel, and his daughter Jacqueline.

Interviewed Sal Romero on February 22, 2018 at 1:40pm in Harrisonburg, VA

Photo by Holly Marcus


“Sal Romero: From El Dormido, Mexico to Harrisonburg, Virginia”

In 1991, when Salvador Romero was just thirteen years old, his granddad brought him and his two siblings to the border of Mexico and Texas to immigrate into the United States in 1991 with one specific destination in mind – Harrisonburg, Virginia. He was excited the journey and his new life in the United States.

The Journey
I interviewed Sal Romero in Harrisonburg, Virginia on February 22, 2018, 27 years from the time he came to the United States for the first time. I asked him what the journey was like from Mexico to Harrisonburg. He explained that the bus trip was probably fourteen hours from their hometown to the border in Texas. He remembers a lot of traveling from a car to a bus to another car to meet with his dad.

Romero’s parents, Salvador Romero and Ofelia Romero, had the desire to come to the United States to find steadier jobs, specifically working in the poultry plants in the Harrisonburg area. Romero’s parents decided to bring their children over once they found stability. Romero and his siblings were allowed to stay in the United States with their social security cards because of their father already being a permanent resident.

Early Life
When it was Romero’s time to come to the United States to reunite with his parents, he was excited. Romero was born in a rural, small town called El Dormido, in the state of Guanajuato, Mexico in 1978. He described the adjustment to high school in Harrisonburg as no easy feat because he did not speak the language. His peers did not have much experience with other kids that were different from them so they did not know any better and treated Sal poorly.

By attending school, Romero was forced to acculturate to American values and norms, including but not limited to, learning the English language. However, like many other Latino families, his parents continued to teach their children the same values that they learned when they were children.

Adult Life
From high school, Romero moved on to higher education and graduated from James Madison University in 2004 and earned a Masters in Educational Administration from Shenandoah University in 2009. He had the ambition to make a bigger impact in Harrisonburg and he always wanted to teach. The demographics were rapidly growing in the area and he found that he could apply his skillset. Before he became a teacher, and later on, the assistant principal at Spotswood Elementary School, he worked as a homeschool liaison between the Latino families and the school.

Life In Harrisonburg
Romero says that it is the connection that he has with people when he engages in difficult and meaningful conversations with others; that is the root of a community. He understands the importance of a strong, professional relationship between the family and the school, and adheres to this with his own children, Danny and Jacqueline: “They get the chance to go with me on home visits, go to neighborhoods so they get a chance to see the reality of many of the students, not only at school but at home. The beauty about children is that they don’t see differences. They see kids for who they are, how they behave and how they treat others. They see past the color of your skin.” Romero continues to be an advocate for education within Rockingham Country Public Schools and will be running for mayor of Harrisonburg in the fall.

Mexican-American Heritage
He wants his children to understand “what it means to be a Mexican-American so there is no confusion whether they stand for one flag or the other flag.” He knows and values the importance of education and he is confident that his children will be attending higher education after high school. I asked Romero about what it means to him to be Mexican-American and he said, “I just love this country so much, it’s like, I keep telling my son, I am a true Mexican. But I can tell you with certainty that we owe this country. We have to be thankful and respectful and appreciative and if I ever have to fight for someone, I would fight for this country.”


Interview of Sal Romero

By Jacqueline Garcia

February 22, 2018 at 1:40 p.m.


Okay, so my name is Jacqueline Garcia. Today is February 22, 2018 and I am here with Sal Romero.

When were you born?


April 30th, 1978


And where were you born?


I was born in a very small town called El Dormido, which is in the state of Guanajuato, Mexico.


And what are the names of your parents?


My dad’s name is Salvador Romero, same as mine. And my mom’s name is Ofelia Romero.


What do they do for a living?


So they have been in Harrisonburg for 27 years and they have been working in poultry, in the poultry industry.


So can you describe how your journey to the United States? How old were you?


Sure, so I came to the U.S. in 1991 at the age of 13. And that’s because my parents had moved to Harrisonburg. Obviously like many immigrants, in search of a better life and they had some friends and a few relatives that had moved to Harrisonburg so that’s why we came here.


And how did your relatives know to come to Harrisonburg?


So my dad and other of my relatives were using to working in the farms on the west coast and they did seasonal jobs in the orchards, all across the west coast. But then, they would always have to go back to Mexico and come back and migrate regularly. So they wanted to find a more steady job and they had some acquaintances that moved to Harrisonburg to work in the poultry plants and you know, word of mouth travels fast and they found that there were jobs here that were year round and that’s why he came here.


How many brothers and sisters do you have?


I have 3 sisters and 1 brother.


And are you the oldest? Youngest?


I am the oldest.


So where did you grow up?


So I grew up, for most of my childhood, from when I was born to about age 9, I was born in a very small town in a very rural area where my parents were born and that was in Mexico in a little town called El Dormido. And everyone knew each other, lots of family members, extended family and one very little school, very small school. And we didn’t even have a grocery store. When I was growing up, we were just getting ready to get portable water. We had electricity at that point but it was a very, very small town in the outskirts of a mountain, very pretty.


So in Mexico, what were your parent’s jobs there?


So my mom stayed at home and cared for us. And she also did some work like the most of the people that lived there, growing corn and beans and some other vegetables and fruits. People basically did that to have a sustainable way to feed themselves. My dad when he was there he didn’t work, he just came to visit so in his off time when he wasn’t working in the U.S., he would come to us in Mexico.


Do you remember at all your journey to the U.S.? Can you describe that a little bit?


Sure, my mom and dad left us behind, that is two of my sisters and myself.


And what year was this?


This was in 1991.




They left two of my sisters and myself with an aunt while they came to the U.S. with my two younger siblings. You know, to maybe test it out a little bit, to kind of see if this was the place they wanted to come to. So six months later, they decided to bring us along. They had already stabilized a little bit here. They were living with another family and they were getting ready to buy a small trailer to live in so my dad had a job and my mom was staying at home, caring for my brother and my sister. So when it was time to come, he asked my granddad, my paternal granddad to bring not only my two sisters and myself, but some other relatives to the border to meet him there.

So I remember I was very excited, my sisters were really excited. The bus trip was probably fourteen hours, I would think, from our hometown to the border in Texas. And, you know, I remember getting to Texas, to, to the border on the Mexican side and just kind of waiting for my dad to meet us but obviously we needed to cross the border so we were asked to go to a hotel and wait for people who my dad had paid some money to get us across and I remember seeing this woman with a younger child, who was probably 5 or 6 and I remember them coming to the door and knocking on the door and identifying themselves and then saying “Are we ready? Are we ready to go?” And so we hopped on another bus that took us to the outside of the city, more of a rural area and then we just started to walk and we probably walked for about 30 minutes, maybe 20 minutes but I would say probably no more than 30 minutes.


Was this in a desert or?


It was right outside the city, actually. I remember there were some hills and you know, a country like setting. It was not intimidating in any way or form. You know, things have changed quite a bit. Back in the early 90’s, I would assume it was a lot easier to cross without much issues. We crossed, I remember, and then we came into a store, on the U.S. side and we waited there a good while until a taxi came and the taxi put us, multiple taxis I would assume, but I remember getting a taxi and then they drove us to a hotel. And then, once in the hotel, my dad and my uncle would come along for one of his sons, we all got in the car. It was actually 5 kids, 5 young kids and my dad and my uncle in one car.


So your dad and your uncle came from Harrisonburg to Texas to meet you guys?


Yeah, so we drove from Texas to Virginia. I think it took us a few days.


And was that part of the trip hard? Or was it mostly –


No it was not hard at all. I remember it was hot. We were kind of crowded in the back of the car but it was all fun because we were coming to America and so we were beginning to enjoy some of the foods and beginning to enjoy the landscape, the differences, the experience was all different so it was, for me, it was particularly exciting because I was going to be with my parents who I had not been with regularly, my dad would always come for a few months and leave, and he would do this every year, so it was fun.


Was it easy for your dad to come back and forth to you guys?


So my dad was a legal resident so my dad was able to adjust his legal status, because of the 1986 – 87 amnesty. He was a good worker and he had good references from his bosses, the farmers, and all over the – mostly in Washington State. I guess he was able to meet the requirements, which included some letters of recommendations from people that he had worked with so he was a legal resident and so he was able to travel back and forth, at least by 1981, he was a legal resident. He did not have to cross illegally; he was able to cross without a problem.


What about your mom?


So my mom – all we had was a social security card. All of us, my mom, my siblings and myself and my dad was able to do that because as soon as he became a resident, he started the process to kind of get us a status but obviously that didn’t happen until many, many years after that the process started to move along. So when we first crossed the border, all we had was a social security card that was not authorized for employment. It was very clear on the card “not authorized for employment”.


So only your dad could work?


Yes, only my dad could work – legally. So at that point, I remember my parents saying “well you know, once we get into the U.S., even if we don’t have documents and even if we get pulled over because I am a resident, they won’t be able to take you away”. I don’t know if they said that just to comfort us, but I remember that was something I heard multiple times.


What would you say was the hardest challenge coming across?


I mean, I think for sure, now that I reflect as an adult, maybe at that time, I did not recognize it, I was leaving a number of friends, leaving a home, actually a home that my parents had bought in a bigger city that we had lived in for a few years, leaving everything there, you know, school, relatives, grandparents, that was the hardest thing I believe, to recognize I don’t know the next time I am going to come back and see them but I think at that point, it seemed that I was more excited to be with my family than really acknowledging what I was leaving behind.


So once you guys arrived in Virginia, what was the process from there?


As far as?


As far as adjusting to living situations, the job situation?


Yeah so, when we got here, my mom and dad lived with the same uncle who had 3 children, so their family was 5 members and our family was 7 members, which made 12 in a two-bedroom trailer. And so, in the beginning, it was difficult because we didn’t have the space, which we were using to having, a small house, but nevertheless, we had a house. So that was an adjustment, which only lasted about 6 months because my dad, both mom and dad are really hard workers. They soon recognized that we needed to get our own place. In maybe 6 months to a year, we had our trailer, which we were able to live in for a number of years, but just adjusting to that was difficult. Adjusting to the fact that we had to go to school. We didn’t speak the language. My dad spoke English but he didn’t feel as comfortable with it to go to the schools as well. The food was different, I remember going to school and not liking the food.


How did your dad learn English?


Just at work. He is just one of those quick learners who was determined to learn it. And he did very well.


Where did you go to school?


So I went actually here, in this area, I went to Broadway High School, which is 15 to 20 minutes from here. I went there and graduated in 1996. And my first year, here in the U.S. was in 8th grade. One of the county schools, John C Meyers Middle School which is just a minute away from the old high school that old high school that I graduated from is no longer at high school, it is now a middle school. So that’s where I went. We lived in a trailer park right outside of the city limits so at that point in 1991, actually this did not even exist, this right here where we are sitting, was um, for lack of a better word, a dump basically. So you know, the city was smaller obviously, but we didn’t live in the county so we couldn’t go to the city schools. Even if that would have been the case, there weren’t many Latinos in this community at that point but the school was probably 20 minutes away from our house.


And how was the adjustment to school? Did you feel excluded at all because you were different from other kids or?


So the first year, one of the people who came along with us when we first moved was my uncle who is only a year older than I am so we grew up like brothers. He’s my dad’s youngest brother so we grew up and did everything together. So when he went to school with me, we went to school together in 8th grade, he should have been a freshman in high school at that point, but they kind of kept him back to be together. When he was there, when there were two other or three other kids who were there that we knew and lived in the same trailer park, you know we kind of hung together, we did things together, we felt more protected. Even when the kids didn’t like us, some of the kids didn’t like us. Some of the kids would try to find ways to intimidate us. I felt like we had each other to support each other, right? But he only went to the 8th grade and then he quit. He wanted to work. So I stayed in school. High school was really, really, really difficult. I was small in stature. I didn’t speak the language. Obviously, I was brown and a lot of the kids in that school did not have as much experience with other kids that were different from them, so they didn’t know any better and so they treated me – not all, but many – in a way that, you know, no one would want their kids to be treated.


So the majority of students at that time were Caucasian would you say?


So the school at that point, my assumption is that it was 98 percent Caucasian, maybe, well in 98, there was one African American student and there were just a handful of Latinos, probably like 3 or 4.


Where did your uncle work after he quit school?


So he went to work at the orchard. There was an orchard just north of here, probably 30 minutes away. And he worked there, that was his first job. And then, he jumped around until he found something he liked better. He was fifteen at that point. He was ready to take a job, he thought anyway. And then, he did live in our house because my dad was basically, he came here with us, and then eventually he moved to, moved in with another aunt, and lived with them while he was working.


What made you stay in school in comparison to working like your uncle?


So I, trust me, there were multiple times I didn’t want to go back to school. It was not fun to be in school and I wasn’t, I didn’t feel like I was making connections with people so I didn’t want to go back. So I think maybe when I was 16, in 10th grade I believe, I told my mom and dad, “I don’t want to go to back to school, I wanna get a job.” I said, “listen, look, my brother, I called my uncle, ‘brother’, he’s working, he already has a car, he’s got money, he’s got a good life. And I don’t wanna go back. And then would say well you gotta go back, so they kept telling me I needed to be in school. But one day, my dad said when school lets out, we will get you a job and you know, we will see what you think about it afterwards. So they got me a job in the summer, I guess, of my sophomore year and I went to work at a poultry plant where my mom was working. And my dad, was my dad there, I don’t think my dad was there but my mom was there. My mom was there, I do remember that. Oh yes, my dad was there because he actually chose to put me, to have me do some jobs that were not really pleasant. If you are not familiar with poultry work, yeah, it’s not pleasant at all, at least many of the jobs. So anyway, I remember hanging chicken, raw chicken, there was poop all over the place. It was filthy, it was stinky, it was not good. And so, as the summer, getting ready to end, my dad said “so what do you think? Do you want to keep the job or do you want to go back to school?” And I said “I think I want to go back to school.” I rather get pushed around and bullied than to get poop all over my face when I’m working so that was a good experience I think.


It made you learn. (laughs)


Yeah, it was a good learning experience; I think he did it on purpose. That was really the drive behind it, I just didn’t see myself doing this for the rest of my life. And sure enough, my dad has had the opportunity to move on and to get promoted a couple of times but I didn’t see myself in that type of environment for the rest of my life so…


By that time, where was your father working?


So he was in poultry, he was still in poultry, that’s all he has even done since he came to Harrisonburg. So obviously he started at the line like everybody else and over the years he moved companies and currently he is in, Pilgrims’ pride which is in Broadway, right next to the school where I went to school and he works in the HR department. So you know, he doesn’t work in the line anymore but he has been able to kind of gain some status there. So he is fine now but my mom is still working on the line. She’s been there, she has doing it for a good while, over 20 years, very hard work.


Yeah. Where are your siblings? Have they stayed in Harrisonburg? Have they moved elsewhere?


Mhmm. Some of them are, well, most of them are. So Silvia is the second in the family. She is right behind me. And Silvia works at RMH, the hospital here, at Sentara. She is, she was able to also get an education, as a matter of fact, she is working on her PhD, she has class, what’s today, she has them on Mondays, this is her second semester at JMU. And it’s a lot of work she tells me but you know, it’s a goal that she has. So she went to JMU for undergraduate, went to Chicago, Western Chicago maybe for Master’s and now working on her PhD. She is the coordinator of diversity at the hospital. The next sister, Ophelia, who is the middle one. She works at RMH as well. She is an interpreter. She tried to go to college, she didn’t like school when we were growing up, she didn’t like school, she was always complaining and didn’t, very bright and very smart, and didn’t want to do her homework and didn’t want to go to school, anyway, she ended up graduating from high school but didn’t go to college. She attempted to go to college in her adult years, maybe 6 or 7 years ago, but with two kids, it was just difficult so she kind of put a pause to that and is currently not in school. She does not have a college degree. The fourth kid, which is Erika. She has a teaching degree from EMU, Eastern Mennonite University. She is currently in Mexico. Her husband was deported. And so – He was deported for 10 years so he ended up having to go back to his home, which is a different state than our home state in Mexico, so she left a teaching job here in the city schools to move back with him and he has been gone for 8 years, maybe close to 9. And she has been gone for probably 4, she has tried to stay here and work, it was just too difficult to be away, for the kids growing up without a dad so she is currently there. She is doing well. She is keeping up her teaching degree, she has an English school, a little English school that she started over there, so she is still teaching. And my youngest brother he is currently in school at Blue Ridge Community College.


Have you – you mentioned that her husband got deported, have you experienced any problems with “la migra” that we say here, throughout this process?


So, no. We haven’t – fortunately we haven’t. When we got here, my dad, like I said, my dad had already submitted the documents to get our papers, to get our legal status adjusted. It was really a slow process and cost a lot of money. So you know, my dad eventually became a citizen and that helped the process get a little more expedited. So I believe we adjusted our status in maybe, 1998, around that time. And so by that point, we all became legal residents. And within five years, I believe, I became a citizen. So I have been a citizen for a good while and so at this point, I believe I don’t have to worry about anything, (laughs) but I don’t know. (laughs)


So where do you live now?


I live in Harrisonburg.


And do you live in the same area you lived in before? Do you see your old house that you used to live in?


So, no. We live on the opposite end. My kids do know where I used to live because we go by there sometimes. I still have family that live in that trailer park. When I graduated from JMU, back in 2004, I had just recently married my wife that spring break before graduation.


Aww. (laughs).


It was really nice, but at the same time, well, what are we doing? (laughs) Why couldn’t we just wait until we graduated? (laughs) So anyways, I graduated from JMU, I took a job and I told my wife, I don’t know what your thoughts are but I would like for us to get a house. And we are going to get it soon. Let’s give us a year. So we, in a year, we bought a home, and we have been living in that home since.




We made it a goal and we did it.


That’s great. So can you tell me more about, going back to how you said you were working in poultry for a short period of time, what was your experience with that? Can you give some more details? The environment?


Sure, I worked in poultry for two years, two summers, two different companies. And uh, the first experience obviously was at the plant where my mom and dad worked and so a lot of the people that I knew that were there, were people we knew, a lot of people from the community and it was a great part of minorities, people we knew so the work itself was very hard, very physical, very demanding. You know, obviously the lines were going really fast and had to be done at a high rate. People were obviously nice to me because they knew I was a high school kid and I was trying to make some money during the summer time. And they knew my family so people were very nice to me. But the work, nevertheless, was really hard. So the conditions were not the best for employees. And so, my second experience was with another company and because I did speak more of the language at that point, I was able to have a job within the plan that was much more flexible, right. I was floating around different places, I was helping out in different ways. And so the job itself is not as difficult and I think I was able to utilize my language skills because a lot of the people that worked there did not speak English. And so, I was able to help out so that kind of gave me a different perspective. That I as a new, temporary employee was coming in and had some privileges that others didn’t have who had been there for some years. And so that company had the same expectations, the production had to be high, so the working conditions were not as great because they demanded the best of people every day and it’s a lot of physical labor.


Were you the youngest that was there? Was high school age the youngest age of people there?


I don’t remember any other young Latinos that were there at that point. In neither of those places. Oh yes, the first one, there was a good friend of mine that was also in school. His parents also worked at the plant so when he heard I was going to get a job there, he said “Oh I’m going to get it too!” so we worked that summer together but then he ended up moving to North Carolina, I believe.


Was there a mixture of documented and undocumented people that were working there?


Yes, for sure. And that is still the case nowadays.


And would you see experiences of like raids there?


So, yeah I never saw it myself but I do know there were several in some of the plants and I know that because I had relatives there working. But um, the last one, I don’t even know when it was. It was years ago. So yeah, they had a few raids at a couple of the plants.


Were most of the Latinos from Mexico or were there other countries?


So the demographics of the Latino community over the years have changed. It used to be that the majority of the Latinos in Harrisonburg, at least in the mid 90’s were from Mexico. They were some from El Salvador but mostly Mexican based. Over the years, things have changed. Less Mexicans are coming to the U.S. You know, we have had a significant influx of Central American families that have come. With my job with the city schools, I am able to pull demographics and I know that Mexican is not the largest group anymore. It is typically kids from Honduras and El Salvador. Those are very rapidly growing populations.


What is your job? And the process of getting to that current job?


So I started as an ESL teacher. I worked at multiple schools in the city and then I became an assistant principal after I got my masters.


Which schools were they?


I was an assistant principal at Stone Spring Elementary, which is on Port Republic Road and then I was an assistant principal at Spotswood Elementary School, which is down off of Reservior. And then during that time, I obviously was doing some other things, involved in different things throughout the community. I saw a great need for an outreach person from the division level so I spoke to the superintendent and he was really fond about the idea. And so, for the last year and a half, almost 2 years, I have been the coordinator for family and community engagement for the division. So I get to work with all the schools in our division and then I get to collaborate with many businesses, employers, and organizations.


So what does a typical day look like for you? As an assistant principal at Spotswood Elementary School?


When I was at Spotswood Elementary School, my last year was two years ago, a typical day was basically getting to the school early, being ready for the students as soon as they got off the bus, greeting them with a big smile and giving them a high-five, and saying welcome, good to see you. And once the kids were in the building, just kind of patrolling the hallways, and more than patrolling, interacting with teachers and students. And then, after that, there were meetings, instructional meetings that would take place but surely you would often see me with the kids. Whether it was having lunch with them or going outside at recess with them or waving them goodbye as they were on the bus to go back home.


What made you want to pursue a career in education?


So out of JMU, I majored in kinesiology, a sports medicine major and became an athletic trainer. I worked in Augusta County as a athletic trainer and not only did I do that, I was also required to teach an elective. I taught sports medicine. Uh, and I really enjoyed teaching. I never thought I would like teaching. So I did that for two years but I wanted to make a bigger impact in Harrisonburg, not in another county. The demographics were growing in our area and I felt that my skillset was really able to fit here. And obviously, I lived in the city. I never left the city. So I decided to pursue a position within the city. My first job was actually not as a teacher. My first job was as a homeschool liaison. The homeschool liaisons are in every school. They are bilingual personnel that work full time. Their main job is to be the link between the Latino families and the school. And they help with interpretations, with translations, and the advocacy for the families. So I did that for about a year and in the meantime, I went back to school to get my teaching degree because I saw myself becoming a principal at some point but in order to be a principal, obviously, I needed the classroom experience, which by that point, I didn’t have a license. Went back to school, got a license, first year I was a homeschool liaison, and the second year, I became an ESL teacher and I taught for about 5 years before I became an assistant principal.


So how is it being an advocate and liaison between the Latino families and the school? Was there any specific experience that really stood out to you?


Well, it was very helpful that I knew the community. Many of the people that would come to the school, I knew or either formally, or informally. I had met them through different things I was involved in, in the community. Whether it was through a soccer league or an after school program or church or whatever it was. I had a connection, not anymore because we have grown so much, but people were able to recognize who I was so when it came time to really engage in really difficult conversations or really meaningful conversations, we had that relationship, which made it much easier.


Already had that trust.


Yes, the trust was already there so people knew that it was safe for them to come and speak and share anything that was going on. I mean, I still get phone calls from families that I used to work with. As a matter of fact, this morning, I got a call from one of the families I used to work with at Spotswood. They are having trouble with their kids at another school so they wanted me to see what I can do to help. In my position now, I oversee those homeschool liaisons now so I am in constant communication with them.


And more about the ESL program, I have heard a little bit about it, that it has expanded a lot in recent years. Can you share some details about that?


Right. So the last numbers I was looking at recently, we have about 6,300 students in the city schools and about 2,000 or so are language learners so it is a pretty large percentage of students who need services, which means we have to have specialized teachers, right? Like ESL teachers. We do have a lot of kids that exit out of the program who are no longer, ESL – not considered ELL. For example, my son Danny is in the sixth grade. He is a language learner because his first language is Spanish. And he was receiving services up until maybe second grade or third grade. Now, he is not considered an ELL student.


Services for?


For learning the language. Language support. So we have ESL teachers in every school to support the needs of the students. We have an ESL specialist that works at all the schools to facilitate professional development and support for the students and within that, we have a newcomer program, which is really a program that helps kids accelerate their language acquisition and we have multiple programs around the city from the elementary to the high school level and those programs have done really well for our kids. These programs have done really well for our kids. Our kids in a short period of time are ready to go into a mainstream classroom and do really well with support. Those programs are really specific to those who have just moved to our country, who speak no English or very little.


And do you guys talk to the parents at all as part of this job?


For me, I spend most of my time interacting with parents. And what I do is basically, my role is to be able to be strategic about the way we engage our families. We try to find what is working better, how do we empower our parents and obviously knowledge is power so we try to bring some knowledge. We also eek feedback as to what it is you are needing from us. This week, I was in Cargill, which is a poultry plant out in Dayton and I bring workshops to the plants during work – well, actually it is right after work hours but the plant is paying the employees to attend these workshops. The same day we were at Keester and we had a parent group in which we were able to have a listening to kind of know what are parents missing, what is the school lacking, efforts so that the school can do better and increase outreach, so parents feel welcomed and feel like their voice is important and it matters. So I am looking at different ways of really engaging our families, whether it is at the school or the community, at work, after Mass at church, or whatever it takes.


Continuing on the community since you are really close with them, when did you see that shift from knowing everyone to Harrisonburg expanding greatly?


Oh my. I don’t know if I can pinpoint when it was.


Just like an estimate.


I think it was like a gradual type of a thing, you know what I mean? And if you look at the statistics of the growth of the city, you can see it’s not like boom and then we are kinda there, it’s an increase over the years, just happening. Yeah I don’t know when it was, I just know I go out and about and I see people I have never seen in my life. And you know, we get people who are moving to Harrisonburg from all over the state and all parts of the country. Last week, a person from Alexandria wanted to come visit a school because they are moving here. So why are they moving here? And it’s because we have a great city. We have a lot of great things to offer, and people just keep moving. And JMU brings in a lot of people, a lot of professors and obviously their kids, it’s a growing city for sure.


Is there anything economically that you have reached from working in poultry to now being principal of a school? Do you see yourself in this change in economic status and has that impacted your outlook ­– we had to fight for what we needed and what we wanted and to now looking back, having a stable life?


Obviously, you know it makes a big difference. Not only the fact that now we have the opportunity to raise our kids. My wife and I have raised our kids in a different way than how we were raised. We have honestly, a very stable income that allows us to have a home, to allows us opportunity to travel and take vacation, to have insurance, to go out and eat. Just to do the things we wouldn’t have been able to do if we had not been able to achieve at least the goals that we set for ourselves. I think it’s definitely changing in the way that my kids will have access to other opportunities. Danny, for example, does travel soccer. We travel with him all the time. I mean, we go away for the weekend and we don’t have to worry about having the money to go, or the time, or the flexibility with work. And obviously, that is an opportunity that will enrich his life. An opportunity that he will take on and also with college, you know, he is one that – he will go to college. That is an expectation that Danny will go to college because of my experience and I feel like it is no longer “if” you would go to college one day or what if you would go? It’s like “when” you go, here’s what you gotta do to get there and so I think those expectations are different now. Things have definitely changed in many different ways for us.


And you spoke about your wife. What does she do for a living?


So she works for a small company. She is a production manager for a small company. You know, herself, she has been able to overcome a lot of different things. She came to this country at maybe 21 and she wasn’t able to go to college. She went to school to learn English obviously but…


And where is from?


She’s from Mexico. We’re from the same town actually. We grew up in the same town.


Oh wow!


And so, you know, she has been able to overcome a lot of different things and she still continues to struggle with the language but she has a great work ethic and works well with people and has high expectations for herself so she has been able to get some promotions to where she is now the plant manager for production.


And can you tell about how your kids have been in Harrisonburg in the school system? From their eyes, what is their perspective from kids that look like them and kids from Honduras and El Salvador like you were saying?


So you know, obviously, when I was in the building as an assistant principal, they would always come with me to the events. Now that I am at the central office and I do outreach for all the schools, they still come along. So they still get to see all the schools, they get the chance to go with me on home visits, go to neighborhoods, they get a chance to see the reality of many of the students, not only at school but at home. So they have a good understanding of where everybody kind of is. I think they see the school as a great place to be. They know that I work for the schools. They know that I love our schools and that I am a great advocate. The beauty about children is that they don’t see differences, at least in my experience. They see kids for who they are, how they behave and how they treat others. They see past the color of your skin. And that’s really a good experience to have and they teach us so much about that. And you know as they grow and they begin to look at themselves and identify who they are as people, that’s where we as parents have to be there to really ensure that they understand their family background, they have a good understanding of what it means to be a Mexican-American so there is no conflict standing for one flag or the other flag and respecting the fact that this country so many opportunities and we are not only thankful, but we are blessed. And so, it comes with teaching, and your own teaching as a parent.


So kinda going back to your parents for a second, you said they still live in Harrisonburg?




Seeing that now, your whole family has been living in Harrisonburg, how has that impacted your life? Having your parents still here and still seeing them? Have they economically grown from where it was before?


I think culturally at least the way I was raised, family is there and will always be there for you. Not only when you need them, but also when you don’t need them. They are always going to be there for you. So you know, we go to my parents house all the time. We actually make sure we go once every other week and have a meal together. After we got our small trailer, which was really small, we were growing up and they noticed we needed a bigger place. So they bought a double wide which was really like a house and I told my dad, I was like, and my mom as well, you guys need to be thinking about a house. They said, well, we are happy here. Once you get married, and your sister, we will get a house.  So my first year, like I shared before, when I completed a year of work, I went ahead and started looking for a house. So, a little story, I said to my dad one day, Dad – I am looking for house, I really want to get a house. Can you help me? Can you come along? I want to get some feedback. I don’t want to make a mistake here. And you know, I was just a year out of college. So we went and saw a house, he looked and he just kept looking, I said, “I like the house but it’s probably not for me.” He said, “how much is this house?” And so I shared with him the price of the house, and he said “hmm, that’s a very nice house. I think your mom will like it.” Well, they ended up buying the house.




They still in the same house. Fourteen years later, they still live in the house. It was because he came along and he actually took the off the blinders on his eyes and said “we can actually afford this house”. And how awesome would it be to live in a house. So they bought that house and they keep it really nice. They live for us and they live for their house.


That must have been a really special moment for them.


Yes, so my mom I remember she came to the house and she looked at it and she was like “we can’t live in a house like this”. And I said “why because it’s big and nice?” And, they bought it. They were able to kind of see the potential even though their jobs were not high paying jobs. They were able to see that having a house is a life-time investment, not only for retirement. That’s what we come to every single day.


You said earlier being Mexican-American and what that means to your kids. What does that mean to you?


Right. So to me, obviously I came at 13, so it is a little different. I feel like I have a – my roots are really – I had really deep roots of being a Mexican. Because I grew up there, and at the age of 13, I had a pretty good understanding, it felt, of what it meant to be a Mexican. Here in the U.S., I have been here for 26 years, this is my home. This is my home, this is not any different than being back home in Mexico. I have values. I have memories. I have stories. I have traditions that are unique to Mexico that are very important to me still. We celebrate them as much as when can and when we go back to visit, they are there and they are a part of who I am. But I have been able to grow into this country and understand, that you know, all that I have has been in great part, yes the hard work and the perseverance and everything else, but just the opportunities that this country provided me. And I just love this country so much, it’s like, I keep telling my son, you know, I am a true Mexican. And maybe those in Mexico don’t believe that I am, (laughs), but I can tell you with certainty that we, that I, owe this country so much that, you know, we have to be thankful and respectful and appreciative and if I ever have to fight for someone, I would fight for this country. I have a big part of me is this brown skin obviously but I feel as American as anybody else. I feel like the things I do in the community to contribute to a better society, to our children, and adults as well are worthy of any American and if more people were doing things like that, we would have a better country. I don’t know if that is a great answer.


No, this is great information. Thank you. You said you visit sometimes, do you visit with your kids at all?


Yeah, we go back every year since they were – well, Danny is 11 and he was probably 3 the first time he went. So we’ve gone for a good 7-8 years together. And Jackie was just a baby the first time she went and any time we go back, they get a chance to visit the town where both my wife and I grew up. They get a chance to see some of the traditions, some of the culture, some of the food that we often times don’t have here. So they have enriched their lives obviously as well by learning what Mexico is about, and the people, and everything else. So they enjoy – they love going.


So you said there wasn’t even a grocery store there, has your town changed in Mexico since then? You going back?


It’s changed some. I mean, there is a small, little grocery store. The nearest town is probably ten minutes. It is a small town with, you know, they have some grocery stores, everything you need. But that little town remains similar that it used to be. We like the tranquility of it, we like the fact that we know everyone there and how safe it is. And the fact that you feel right at home, because a lot of it is family. When I go back, people remember me, the older people know who I am and those who don’t know who I am, I tell them who my granddad is and they know who I am, because my granddad was someone – almost like a founder of a lot of things in that town so yeah, it feels like home when we go back.


When your granddad came and brought you guys to the border, did he go back?


Yeah, he went back.


Did he ever think about coming?


He actually, my dad and another uncle, ending up adjusting my granddad and my grandma’s status so they ended up coming to the US and they lived in Virginia for a long time. Actually when my granddad got sick, he lived at our house with my wife and I for a good six months. I was very close to my granddad. My grandma is still here in Harrisonburg, as a matter of fact, I visited her yesterday. She is a little sick so I went to visit. She is 86 years old. Hanging in there, doing well.


So if you could see the future of your kids, do you see them going to JMU and staying in Harrisonburg at all? Is that kind of your hope or?


It’s one of those things, I feel that it would be great to have them around because I do have a very close relationship with both of my kids. But at the end of the day, it is going to be a matter of what is best for them at that point. Danny plays soccer and he is pretty good at it so my hope is that he continues to use as a way to express himself and look at it as a potential way to get a scholarship to get into college. Anyways, I think that soccer is going to be his motivation to get through school. He likes school but he is not a big, big fan like my daughter. My daughter could be in school every day until 8 o’clock.


What is she interested in?


(laughs) She has a lot of interests. She is very social and she likes to –she likes a lot of different things. But right now she wants to be a baker and I said “I will support you in anything you want”. I’m thinking this is just a phase. Maybe she will – I keep telling my kids that you know, what I need from you guys, I want you to be good people, if you are good people, and you get along with others, you make a difference in the world, you be whatever you want. That is my goal to have good kids that people can look up to you and say you know what, you are a good person. That is really my goal and in the process, get an education and get a good job where they will be able to have good opportunities for their kids, that’s the goal.


Looking into the future, what are your plans?


So, when is this gonna be archived – when is this gonna be – well by then you will probably know – I will be running for city council, which I hope nobody can hear that because it is still not official. So I ran for city council back in 2010 for the city of Harrisonburg and I was 31 years old and I was a teacher at that point and I was a director of an after-school program. And I was running against some older politicians, I am not a politician, but yet, I came very close to being elected, which was really, really encouraging. Because you know, as a minority in politics, I was prepared for the worst. But over the last year and a half, I have been thinking more about it and it’s time to do it again so I will be announcing in the next few weeks so we will see how it goes.


What are some of the goals for the city on your platform?


So I am working on that. (laughs) I don’t know if I am ready to speak about that. (laughs) I think one of the plans that I have – I have a lot of connections in the community, so I want to organize a way for us to plan some listening sessions, I can come up with a good platform and be like this is what I want to work on but I really wanna get feedback from our community. What is needed? What do we need to improve? What do we do to make our city better? You know, that is really my plan. I am not sure what I am going to be working on, obviously, education is going to be a key one. We’ll see.


That is great information. Thank you. Also, I wanted to ask about – this is a more serious question if that’s okay.




In our political climate right now with immigration being such a huge issue – it has always been a huge issue, but especially now with the past election and everything going on, what are your views about how the country is so divided right now?


Well, I mean, to be honest with you, very worrisome. I don’t know how anybody would be happy about what’s happening right now as far as the climate that you encounter. You know, in our society, I had never felt discriminated against before, or felt like people looked down on me at any give time here, but I remember right after the election, I went to a travel soccer game with my son south of here, and we went into a restaurant with my family, my two kids and my wife, and we were speaking Spanish and we got some really, really intimidating looks from people that were there. It was not in Harrisonburg, it was actually in Roanoke. And I knew it had a lot to do with what was happening and so, you know, nowadays, I keep up with a lot that is happening around the city and you know, uh, the state, and around the country. And it is really, really scary what is going on right now. Our society is very divided, like you said. I think that we have to do something about it. We cannot just continue to live in a society that is this divided. It’s not a good thing for sure, not a good thing.


Thank you so much, Sal. I really appreciate you talking to me today.


Yeah, no problem.

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Maritas “Tess” Cortes


Marites ‘Tess’ Cortes was born in Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines in 1960. She Immigrated to the United States in 1990, however, before Immigrating to the United States, she spent about 12 years living in Liberia. In 1978 Tess was a second-year student at University of San Carlos pursuing a Bachelor of Science with hopes of becoming a doctor. That year her father was hired to work for the government of health as a medical health officer in Cape Mount County, Liberia.  He was incredibly passionate about Tess’ education and encouraged her to immigrate to Liberia to pursue her education there, so he could ensure she did not lose focus. After 11 years, Tess had graduated, gotten married, and had two children. She traveled and visited home, however, her main country of residence was Liberia during those years. Civil war broke out in Liberia on Christmas Eve 1989, in 1990 All expatriates were first advised, and later demanded, to leave the country. By the end of the war, there were an estimated 200,000 casualties and over 1.2 million were displaced or refugees. This is a significant number considering the population in 1989 was only 2.1 million. Most Refugees fled to neighboring African countries like Sierra Leone, Ghana, Mali, Gambia, Nigeria, and Cote d’Ivoire. Rather than fleeing to a neighboring country, Tess and her children came to America seeking refuge in 1990.[1] When she first came to America she came with her two children, Alexis, who was 5 years old, and Amabel, who was 3 years old at the time. Tess’ mother, stepdad, and one of her sisters were already living in Springfield, Missouri and had become citizens so they lived with them once they initially arrived. Her husband met them in America a few years later.[2]

Tess’ immigration was motivated by family reunification, but her main reason was for her son Alexis who was diagnosed as having special needs. She wanted Alexis to be happy and have plenty of opportunity as a child and an adult and made that one of her highest priorities in deciding whether to go back to the Philippines or to Spain. Tess was aware that in both the Philippines and Spain they tried to hide special needs children from the public and keep them out of schooling, yet rights for disabled people in America at this time were radically ahead. The second half of the 20th century, and especially the decade preceding Tess and her children’s immigration to the United States, there were many advancements in civil rights for disabled children and adults in America. One of the most significant ones was the Education for all Handicapped Children Act of 1975, later names The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This law prohibited all students with disabilities from being barred from attending schools with nondisabled students and receiving reasonable accommodations. Additionally, the Americans with Disabilities Act was introduced in the House in 1988 passed in 1990 just before Tess and her family arrived. The ADA’s purpose was to ensure equal access to government services, public transportation, and employment. There is no mentioning of citizenship, nationality, or legal status are made in any civil rights legislation for disabled children-this is in 1982 the supreme court ruled in Plyer V. Doe that under the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment all public schools were required to educate all children residing in the U.S. [3]

[1] Although fleeing as refugees, Tess and her family did not claim refugee status.

[2] Shelly Dick, “Liberia,” Forced Migration Online, August 17, 2011, , accessed April 28, 2018,; Veronica Nmoma, “The Civil War and The Refugee Crisis in Liberia,” The Journal of Conflict Studies 17, no. 1 (1977), ; World Bank, “Liberia: Data Sources: United Nations World Population Prospects,” World Bank organization, 2018,

[3] Margaret A. Winzer, From Integration to Inclusion: A History of Special Education in the 20th Century, Washington: Gallaudet University Press, 2009; Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Public Law 101–336, U.S. Statutes at Large(1991).; Edurne Chocarro De Luis, “Inclusive Education in Spain: Promoting Advocacy by Legislation,” Support for learning 31, no. 2 (2016): 165-172; Maria Isabel T. Buenaobra, “Overcoming Disability Challenges in The Philippines,” The Asia Foundation, 10/26/2011,



Image from Department of Homeland Security, Yearbook of Immigration Statistics, 2008.

Tess entered the country on a visitor’s visa. She did not intend to stay in the United States permanently but decided to stay upon realizing it would be the best option for her kids about after a year. They applied for green cards easier since her mother was able to petition them but complicated by the fact that she was over 21 and married with children. Tess said when she got married before Immigrating to the United States she had the option of becoming a Spanish citizen because her husband was born there but she was too nationalistic to change citizenship from Filipino to Spanish. Her children, however, did have Spanish nationality. Spanish nationality made receiving a green card easier for her children due to the Hart-Cellar Act, also referred to as the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965. The Hart-Cellar Act was monumental as it removed the National Origins Quota System which had been policing Immigration for decades.[1]  The above graph demonstrates how Filipino Immigration increased as a result of the Act. While the Law did eliminate racially motivated discrimination, it still restricted on the basis of origin per section 202 which includes:

No person shall receive any preference or priority or be discriminated against in the issuance of an immigrant visa because of his race, sex, nationality, place of birth, or place of residence…Provided, That the total number of immigrant visas and the number of conditional entries made available to natives of any single foreign state … shall not exceed 20,000 in any fiscal year.[2]


Additionally, the Hart-cellar Act placed annual limits on each hemisphere. The Western Hemisphere was granted 120,000 Visas and the Eastern Hemisphere was granted 170,000 visas.  These annual limits produced a shorter “waiting time” for her children’s visas to be approved than hers because family-based immigration to the United States was much lower in Spain than it was in the Philippines. Tess applied before the wait times increased drastically for as a result of the 1990 amendments to this section which became effective in 1992 and which made wait times much longer. Tess’ younger sister, however, was not as fortunate.[3]

The Immigration Act of 1990 reformed the Hart-Cellar Act. The sections related to family preference immigration and per-country limits were amended to say the total number of immigrant visas granted per country may not exceed 7 percent of the total number of visas per category for that year. The annual limit for Family-preference Visas has been 226,000 for the past twenty years. Although no longer called a quota, the law functions in a similar way as all countries are given the same limit irrespective of size. Waiting lines have been years long for Family preference Visas from the Philippines, India, China, and Mexico since it was enacted. According to the Philippines Final Action Dates Visa Bulletin. In 1992, F1 Permanent resident visa petitions being reviewed from November 1984.[4] Tess’ sister Applied in 1992 and had to wait over 10 years to immigrate from the Philippines and meet the rest of her family in the United States as a result of the Act. Long wait times are now a something virtually all Filipino Immigrants have to deal overcome. As of May 2018 Family-sponsored applications of Filipino Brothers and Sisters of Adult U.S. Citizens from October 1995 were being reviewed- over a 23 year wait.  [5]


[1] The National Origins Quota system was established by the Immigration Act of 1924 which capped the number of visas to be issued to each country at 2 percent of what the total number of people of that nationality was recorded as living in the United States during the 1890 Census. This act Banned Nonwhite immigration in an attempt to prohibit Asian, Indian, and Arabian immigration and to restore “American Homogeneity”. Note: under this Act Latin American’s were conceded white and Black African Immigrants were exempt from the ban.

[2] An act to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act, and for other purposes, Public Law 89-236, 89th Congress, 1st Session (1965), 911-912.

[3] An Act to Amend the Immigration and Nationality Act p. 911-912; Cortes Interview; John M. Liu, Paul M. Ong, and Carolyn Rosenstein, “Dual Chain Migration: Post-1965 Filipino Immigration to the United States,” The International Migration Review 25, no. 3 (Autumn 1991): 492-500,

[4] FB-1 Visas are granted to unmarried children of U.S. Citizens over 21 years old.

[5] An Act to Amend the Immigration and Nationality Act p. 911-912; Immigration Act of 1990,Public Law 101-649,  U.S. Statutes at Large 101 (1990):;  William A. Kandel, U.S. Family-Based Immigration Policy, CRS Report No. 43145 ( Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 2018),; Cortes Interview; “Philippines Final Action Dates, U.S. Department of State- Bureau of Consular Affairs, 2017,; Daniel Huang, “A Devastating Wait: Family Unity and the Immigration Backlogs,” Asia Pacific American Legal Center, 2008,

Life in the United States

All of Tess’ Immediate family have immigrated to the United States. This includes her Two younger sisters, mother, step-dad, and ex-husband. She has two children, Alexis who is her oldest son who was born in the Philippines and Amabel who was born in Liberia. She also has one grandchild. Tess’s children and Grandchildren live in St. Louis Missouri while she lives in Harrisonburg and works a Laboratory Technician at Cargill Turkey and Cooked Meats in Mount Crawford Virginia. She says this is difficult, but she has come to peace with because she feels they are much better off there. Tess enjoys the company of the people she works with, the work she does, and the benefit her job gives her. She hopes to retire at 62 or 63 and spend time with her children and grandkids.

Tess was born Catholic and raised in the Catholic church, but cut ties with Catholicism after her divorce. Tess discusses in great detail how her relationship with God improved once coming to Harrisonburg and joining the Harrisonburg First Church of The Nazerene at Boyers Rd. The Church of Nazarene also connected her with many Filipinos in Harrisonburg and volunteer opportunities throughout the community. Tess is also very involved with the Community interaction in Harrisonburg International festival of Harrisonburg and Filipino American Community of Shenandoah Valley. She served as Vice President of the organization from 20010-2014 and as President from 2014-2016.

Common Immigration Misconceptions

During the Interview at 1:32:30-1:38:30 Comments based on common misconceptions related to DACA and Hispanic Immigration were made which the Author feels but be addressed here.

Click here for link to original DACA Memo.

DACA does provide a path to citizenship, nor does it provide free education for immigrants. not permit immigrants to Attend college for free. Undocumented Immigrants are not permitted to receive Federal student aid which includes loans, grants, and work-studies. DACA simply allows undocumented Immigrants who were brought into the country while they were younger than 16 years old and lived in the United States for at least 5 years to apply to proactive deportation deferred action. DACA Does not change the legal status of these immigrants.

The above graphs illustrate that Documented and undocumented Immigrants from Hispanic countries do not “bring crime into America.” According to the 2000 census, the percent of males ages 18-39 who were incarcerated for each ethnicity were higher for U.S born individuals than foreign-born individuals. Additionally, the number of White, non-Hispanic males incarcerated in the US was much higher than all other ethnicities.[1]


[1]Facts and statistics from

Ashley:                         00:00:00          Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me. Um, to start, can you tell me your name, age, and who you are?

Tess:                             00:00:06          My name is Marites Cortes. I am fifty-seven years old and I work for Cargill. I am their chemistry lab technician at Mount Crawford Virginia. I came to Virginia in 2008, 26, 2008.

Ashley:                         00:00:06          And where did you come here from?

Tess:                             00:00:48          I came from a uh Missouri. Springfield, Missouri. Cargill is a big company dealing with a meat solutions. I was working at Willow Brook foods dealing also with Turkey. I was their lab tech for chemistry and micro. And Cargill bought it. And the lab supervisor here in Mount Crawford Cargill came to do inventory of our staff in the lab and she offered me to come here and see if I like to find out if I would like to go and work here also. So it was a last decision that I said, OK, I’ll go three days. It was all paper came and see and I liked the place and I saw a big opportunity for me to learn more testing. They had a bigger lab than where I was and plus the associates who were working there. They were all women and I feel like I, you know, I was accepted. I feel very comfortable with them, so I decided to come just for a year to find out something. I told my kids, I have two kids, and I told my daughter to give me one year, let me go there just to change that scenery and know something. So, um, I came then I like my job. I like the plant where I worked too. Everybody were very friendly and accommodating and feel like I have family too. and from coming over here. I met the especially Pam Showalter, she was out assistant HR and I was looking for a church so she invited me to go with her to Church of Nazarene at Boyers Road and Republic Road. And so I went with her and from then on I’m also a member and become a member of the church. And through that I met a lot of People oriented, very humble, and, and I learned more about that,  our God and  through our work too some people there took me to become a member at the RMH wellness center. So I went there and meet a lot of people also who are very positive minded and very supportive and was invited. One day I was, I met a Vounda Brown, she used to be the director for international festival of Harrisonburg. and she invited me to go to one of her meetings. So I went and then I, I got involved with the international festival of Harrisonburg. And from then on until now. And still, uh, I’m still, um, I’m one of their planning committee of the International Festival of Harrisonburg, which they always do It end of, it’s a Saturday, last Saturday of September every year. Um.  So, uh, my story is, very long. [laughs].

Ashley:                         00:04:42          I know you said that you planned on coming here for one year, but I feel like it’s been more than one year? {4:45}

Tess:                             00:04:54          It’s more than one. Yeah, my reason of staying more here is I think because uh, I got so much involvement with the community and uh, I feel like I really like it and it made my life more interesting. So I met a lot of people from different cultures, met a lot of people who are distinguished rich people, but I found them very, very humble  and, and, and most of all I learn more about our God and  with that knowledge I’m, I’m able to, um, to defend and talk about him to my friends and even to my family. I’m Catholic by birth. I mean I was born Catholic, but um, since I got divorced I feel like I was, I’m not anymore a Catholic because  of a, I know how rigid, you know, the, the way it is with the Catholic church. So I was looking for another church, like the assembly or God and some other churches. But when I came over here, uh, I find that a church of Nazarene is really where I belong because of their goals is knowing God and knowing God after that is go and reach out to people, you know. And share what I learned from there. There’s now pressure that’s which I like and, and just just being there and being very accepting, you know, and I think that’s how I am accepting and at the same time wanting to learn more about our lord and also trying and doing, doing his way just to, you know, to be his foot and hands and able to share what I know about him, to tell my friends and to people who have come to know me. And well the first time I really, I came here, I came here in 2008. That was like August somewhere maybe 24 of August and um, I came by car, uh, my, my daughter and Anabell came with me and my coworkers here already reserved or already um renting a place for me in Massanutten. I was there in Masssanutten for six months. Then when one day I went, one Sunday I went to church, a church of Nazarene. When I came out there came Eva Tran, a Filipina and married a foot doctor here in town. Dr Tom Tran and asked me if I am from Philippines. You know, or I’m Filipina and then invited me to go with her to meet other Filipinos because. Because I thin I said OK, because I was alone and I that time really I did not know a lot of Filipinos. Like it took me two months to meet a Filipino. I go to Walmart, sometimes hung out there and most of the people that come near to me are Spanish speaking and they talk the Spanish to me. And well I know how to speak Spanish too, so they thought I was Mexican and even I think my Filipino friend that I made later on, they thought I was Mexican because I could, I could speak Spanish. From church of Nazarene. I met a lot of yeah Mexican Spanish speaking people that I made really good friendship with, one from Dominican Republic and she just left this, uh, this month to go home and take care of her mom. But I’m hoping to see here one of these days to visit. Any ways, from church of Nazarene. I made like the doctor, ah pastor’s son and I got involved in hope distributed. It’s a food bank. So I started volunteering. I think that’s why one of the reason I came here because I came to, I feel like when I do service I was happy to do something at the same time I would say where I do this, I learned something. I connect with other people know more other cultures at the same time, learn, learn how to speak better or being learned to communicate with the Hispanic people because I sat down in the computer and asked for their basic questions in Spanish so my Spanish was being practice.  So I love doing that. And so I’ve been doing that a lot. And Cargill at the same time, is a very good company because the support ambassador hours, you know the support. Well I’m doing this job outside Cargill. I get the hours, as ambassador hours for Cargill. So they, you know, the acknowledge it and which is one of. I think that year when I started doing a lot of things, I became one of their ambassador of the year for that plat because I had so many hours. I mean I wasn’t doing something. I was just. I mean, at home I couldn’t stay home because I was like lonely thinking about my son, my kid, and so I devote my time doing service so it was good and I feel good and I, I was not really so lonely because I know, uh, I found myself having passion, doing community service. I did not know that when I was in Springfield I was very attentive to work, family, my mom and there, so my life evolved with my work and my family. I came over here, my work and my life become involved with my work and the community and I found that I love doing it and being with the Filipino community at the same time, um, i got involved with them. And at first I did not want to be a member because they have this membership and all this thing and I didn’t want to be any officers. I was just saying I come and help out. I don’t have, I don’t want to be an officer or something. But then Eva Tran, then one day said, no, we want a vice president. Our community’s name is Filipino American community of Shenandoah Valley. So she said, we need a, a, a vice president because our vice president stepped down and they want a replacement and they so me, I think I was very engrossed with community services, so she said, you can think that place. So I said, no, I don’t know how. But then later I said, OK, so I become vice president in that starts in 2010 until 19… oh 15 because 2015 the president stepped down. its a two years a term. So, um, when she stepped down, there’s one more year for her to do. So I have to step up and take her place. So I was doing that and then the following year there was an election again and I just did it. So I did three years of presidency in our community until, uh, until 20… 2016. {13:33}

Ashley:                         00:04:54          And was that a lot of responsibility for?

Tess:                             00:13:38          oooh [laughs]. It was. And I was asking, I was, I was saying it was a lot of responsibility being president. Um, I learned a lot from them from that experience. I learned a lot. I learned to be strong and I learned to be more independent and I do find some shortcomings that if I had to get, you know, be that or be another person, I could do something different, I can modify it because I know how, how short I was in some areas, but I know that during my time I did give my best, I did it all and that made me more satisfied and happy with myself despite of all these struggles is it’s a big struggle. So when you are in a position, if you have to step in when somebody is not there or you have to do it or if there’s. No, no… [laughs].

Ashley:                         00:14:47          I understand what you mean. {14:47}

Tess:                             00:14:48          I think it’s everywhere in any kind. It doesn’t have to be a president or even like what you’re doing if you are like you have friends to do one job and some is not. giving total energy on it. Not giving effort, doing it. Somebody who leads us to take over and make sure that it’s done. And it brought me that realization that, um, to be that maturity type of thing. Where become I become, I think became very responsible and the only thing that I could have done also is I could have it. I became very serious and I should not be, you know, I mean because that’s for just for myself, you know, but I could have, you know, just not give in to people when they said I should have bought more thing. This is your part, you should do this. I am not taking all of the work.  I mean that’s what they should have done, you know. But anyway, it’s an experience that when it comes back will not do it again. Right. Because we learn from it. So. But through to our community, the, in the, in the President, I also meet a lot of community leaders from different culture. So it’s really my, a  friend circle become big responsibility becomes bigger because they asked me to, oh we have a meetings leaders and so we can, we are going to do this and that for the community. And I was always, you know, I was always doing it for community. I think. Yeah, I think about the community for me. So most of the time my home is left because I’m always out out, out, and they invite me. I’m always up, come back home. I said, oh my goodness, it’s good. I’m alone.  Or else I would be in trouble. That’s, that’s the life I had an being. Um, and then, um, the expectations of people also. Sometimes if you don’t, if you think about that, you’ll be lost. You’ll be depressed. So now I said no. I mean what I did, I know that I said I cannot promise you anything, but I’ll do my best while I’m in that position. I cannot do more than what you expect me. It’s just giving my best. If you find me somebody who can do better than me, go for it. That’s what I did. Yeah. So, but with our community, our community, I feel like with me and the other people, I cannot just do it by myself during my time. We achieve a lot of things, you know, we have done, like we registered a social group that’s during my time. Then we have been performing during international festival. We do our cultural dances and also two years ago we also started our own Dahlia is a string instruments and we added it in our performance in, during the, when we, the community, we were able to like, I’m also one of their dancers, so we were able to perform dances. We used to be invited by elementary schools. So we go like stonespring elementary, the Harrisonburg school, that school behind, um, Lowes, I forgot the elementary school right there.

Ashley:                         00:14:48          Skyline?

Tess:                             00:18:48          Yeah. So we perform our cultural dances there and when, one time also we at for the first time and last time we participated on a July fourth parade and we had, we had uh, we won as the most creative. Yeah. Float. So it was something that I could think that and feel happy with it because I know it was, it was not given, it was with a lot of effort to do things like that, you know.  So, but now that I’m not here, I could say I could take deep breaths and I could say, well that’s good to know. I can, I can. I told myself I can take care of myself. Now I have a, I bought me a house three years ago, a two bedroom house because from one I told you it was for my son six months. Then I’m to Eva splays for over a year. One year something. Then, uh, because she was saying that they were selling their place, so they helped me find another one bedroom apartment with the crystal field properties at pleasant valley. So I stayed there. Until  Yeah, June. I think that was June until June. 2015 I stayed. I stayed there and then at that time I said, well, I don’t know if my kids want me back. I would go back to Missouri.  I will just forget my job. So I asked my kids, you really want me to be there? Back to you? I said, I’m ready. I am ready to go back if you really want me. Then my daughter said, no, mommy, just stay there because they found out that my company is a big company and I would not be able to find me a job like that with the privileges. you know I have invested a lot of my time because where when I was working with Willow Brooks, I have 13 years and they have accepted that years, so that year plus this year, so I’m now 20 something years, so that was a blessing for me to have that because the owner, my years of service at Willow brooks, so at this time I, I’m now getting all the benefits of the Cargill employee and it’s, it’s not easy to go start all over again and I’m looking into our am 57 years old, 58 in October, so looking into an early retirement which is maybe 62, 63 so I can spend my time with my grandkids.  I have one now.

Ashley:                         00:18:48          Congratulations! {21:50}

Tess:                             00:21:51          Yes, I had. She got, she turned one year old in March this year and so that’s my plan as of now. You’ll never know. It can change, but I’m. Where I am now is I have changed quite a bit from that experience of being the president and the going in to do the service because I was very active with Relay of life through our work. Very activity that relay of life, united way, um black run clean up, which we just did up Harrisonburg and then I am a mentor of also the bbs big sister. Big Brother’s and I started with them, draw our, a company to, uh, this is my third year.

Ashley:                         00:21:51          oh, nice!

Tess:                             00:22:48          I have a, maybe she’s 12 years old. No, I think know she was nine when I started. So, uh, black run, united way. And from time to time there was a time I was with the climate change, which are Johnny and the voice of Harrisonburg. I don’t know If you heard about that, it started about two years ago. I was there in the first year…

Ashley:                         00:22:48          Yes I have.

Tess:                             00:23:15          with Lisa Porter. Yeah. So I started with that, but then a last year really I had, I was, my health was going down. I have a knee surgery, total knee replacement. It was hard for me. So I had my surgery in November last year. So I really, my health that prevails me to be more active because every time I started it was just hurting. So I decided to have the total knee replacement and came back to work this early 18th of January up to now and, and trying to just reorganize my life, you know, it’s not easy. I did not know that, you know. Yeah. Going back, doing your normal work and then being alone. Now I have a house, I have more responsibilities the yard the inside, you know, it’s different when you are just being in an apartment and there’s so many things like the hope distributed. We’re raising funds for, for a We have a new building and we’re raising funds. So this year really I’m very much involved. I am still trying to. Yeah. But I’m planning to be, to go back and be also a help with the international festival this year. You can see as you come and see us!

Ashley:                         00:23:15          of course, yes!

Tess:                             00:24:56          yeah and and we will be needing some help too [laughs]. we will be needing a lot of help.

Ashley:                         00:24:59          I love to get involved too, Yes. You have my phone number

Tess:                             00:25:01          yeah and you can even come and be in our meetings. So. So the more people. And we know that the more diversity we are, the better we can be where I am to that I am so enthused. And so I’m motivated to, I like people to come, you know, give them support and give them encouragement and motivation to be involved because really life is short and when you are involved as when you’re, you feel more in it and you feel more heartier because you see the fruit of your labor talking. It’s not you talk any work with it and that’s the best way. Yeah. So yeah, 2008 and 2018 by August, this 18 years here in Harrison, in, in, in Virginia because my son not in six months, then Harrisonburg after that until 2015. then my I, my house. i’m now in my house.

Ashley:                         00:25:01          okay.

Tess:                             00:26:14          Yeah. So that’s Harrisonburg has changed a lot really when I came in and it was a very small town, it was like a very few people. But then lately, like maybe two, three years ago started going up and that everything’s like now I see lots of houses right there in republic road. There was no houses in that side.

Ashley:                         00:26:38          Do you think these have been good changes or?

Tess:                             00:26:47          For me it? is me. I love changes because I know in changes there’s it’s, it’s beneficial for everyone. You know, you cannot stay like history, you know, you need to evolve and be a better person. Maybe you encounter things that are not good, but at the same because there’s always bad and good things even as we have our bad side and good side, but if we cultivate our good side we will be more better person. They’re not cultivated bad side, so that’s when I meet somebody.  I always look for the good things because I know when I look for by bad things, there’s always something that I can be, but when you meet somebody and look at the good things, you hear people saying, oh, she is. Like I said, I’m not going to be that judgmental or not. just letting them because of what they said. I will just follow. It’s how the person react with me and how the person talk with me that I can say something and sometimes I said we are now because I know God. I said, God, please help me. Help this person change or realize what she’s doing because there are certain. Say there are certain, there are certain times, there are certain ways when you can also tell this person, you know, you cannot just tell you’re not good, you did this one is something like I learned to feel, to feel how, how may react or something. I don’t know if you have that.

Ashley:                         00:26:47          yeah, understand what you mean there yes.

Tess:                             00:28:27          As you grow, as you get more experienced, you learn, you learn that feeling. But it’s sometimes it’s just if our mind is so busy we don’t have that. But if we just slow down a little bit and even listen to what the person say you can, you can get it.

Ashley:                         00:28:47          Can you think of any um, I guess any further changes that you would like to see in our community in harrisonburg or improvements?

Tess:                             00:28:56          I would love for the people to be more involved, you know, on what we’re doing here because in reality it’s when you are involved that you can make more changes. You know, I want to see the other people get motivated, excited, get, you know, find some, find something in them that will, that will, that we can use to excite them. So they see the good changes, you know, we, we need to be more on top of the good changes even though we cannot say that it’s a good change but be open to it and if there’s something that’s you think that will not give a positive impact, then we can find solution that solution yet get solutions from, you know, from the discussion of the different groups in the community. Because I know we have different culture and mentality are different. Even you, even Americans, I think it depends on how they grew up in their houses. So they had their own culture at home and more on us. We come from different country and sometimes I know a lot of my friends, they have a terrible time. um just terrible time to adjust in this country because one example is like in my country, you can go and visit your friends anytime here we need to call and, and you go, sometimes you come to our place and we’re eating. You are invited. That’s why we always cook more, more food because if there’s somebody there we can always have this share our food because we don’t want somebody sitting down there and we’re eating. We want to share and have them with us and sometimes it was for me it was one of them, my shook because I know that this, these kids are coming to my place and when we are eating we were always so open and get some, give them something to eat. But one day I was in their house and they were eating. I feel so bad. I was embarrassed because they were eating under just like looking at me and didn’t say nothing. you know? so it was so bad i didn’t know what to do. so i just said oh can I just go home, I’ll come back. Yeah, because you know, it’s just, we’re not used to it.

Ashley:                         00:28:56          It’s different yeah. {31:37}

Tess:                             00:31:37          But with my step dad, my dad, my dad passed away. He was 42. My mom remarried. My Stepdad, who is from [inaudible], Missouri and she, they were here in. She came to stay here in 1984. I think that when and I came here in 1990 to  stay. I came from Liberia, Africa. So we. He did not know too much too, and we were sitting there and you’re used to just, he was just eating and eating and I think he was thinking that we just go dig in and eat because we, at first we were staying in their house. We took refuge because of the civil war in Liberia. So I had to, we were, we were, um, order to get out of the country because it was really getting bad. So me and my kids came to my mom and stayed with them for a year, but at first it was hard a little bit because that at least he was a very nice step dad and he was used to eating and all. But then later on he, he’s, he changed too because they were there and he said, come on, get some food, you know.  So we kind of. Yeah.

Ashley:                         00:33:03          How old were your kids when you came here with them?

Tess:                             00:33:06          My son was, um, it was in 1990 and he was born in 87, 85, so five years. And my daughter is about three, three to four years old because he, she’s born in 87. The first time I came here in America is 1985. Then I stayed a little bit longer because I went with my mom to Philippines and we did have his birthday in Philippines and then came back here. So I came for vacation for three months. That’s including Philippines and here. Then when my daughter was four months old in 87, we took her also here so my mom can see, can see her. So in 1990 we came to stay because of the bad thing and I was I was not that. I came with a passport with a. How you call this one. I was not an immigrant yet. Then, uh, we applied for  a green card holder and then my mom, because my ex-husband is from Spain, didn’t say your mom is coming, whether it’s getting married, an American. Don’t tell me that you want to go to America. You know how Spanish people something. So I don’t know if you know some other. We have also this thing of them that they are so proud people too. So I really I never thought that being a citizen. Yeah. we immigrate and then we realize that Africa is not going to be a better country for us. And the kids started going to school. So my mom, um, petition as, and we work on our papers. We were still here, we did pay a lawyer to take care of our papers. We didn’t have to get out of the country, so we have our green cards. Then later on the time that we could do our, um, being a citizen a, I did not do it until like, I think I came to tell since become a citizen until about 2007 I think. 2007 or 6  I applied for my citizenship.

Ashley:                         00:35:26          And what was it like coming here and I was adjusting to this new climate with your kids being so young too?

Tess:                             00:35:31          that was not really a problem because Africa It’s very hot and humid. It came here in April so, um, it was a little bit colder over, so scared. Remember in in, in Missouri, the thunder and the lightning, they were like giant  hearing it was there was a child and the three of us, because my mom had this big bed a queen sized bed, so the three of us, when we hear the lightning and thunder, we were three of us were just covered with them. with the blanket who were hugging each other because we were so scared, but then later on it was kind of. Yeah, it did. It was so cold and it was like, yeah, we did. One thing that I learned through my mom is she was always on top of me. I said, you will not survive in here if you’re too slow. Because I did. I usually just cook, so I just attended to my cooking. When I washed my clothes. I just attend to washing clothes. Say not, not here in America you have. I learned multitasking, so when I cook she showed me cook, wash clothes and iron. we used iron clothes until the time that we learned not to iron it [laughs]. but she showed me when you don’t have to iron, if you are on top of it. I mean when it’s done you take it out and fluff it and it’s almost like you’re ironing. Yeah. But if you let it stay there will be all wrinkled, wrinkled. You can just turn it on again. The best thing is put in a hanger. I learned that one.

Ashley:                         00:35:31          yes my mom taught me that too [laughs]. {37:24}.

Tess:                             00:37:26          Yeah. So you don’t have. But my mom is very good, with it when she just take it out and all this fold it good and it just kind of like you iron it and its still warm. Yeah. So my mom would say, you can not do this in America. all the time my mom was here so. you know,  I used, at first I was not able to work because I came here as a, just a visitor visa. Yeah. Until uh, we had a friend, my sister was working uh, in one restaurant and she knew the owners and she waitressed is good money in the, you know, when you went to such really good, especially on a good restaurant, they give really good tips. So to change my environment and being bored, being home and not doing anything. So I go like Fridays, Friday nights and Saturday nights, like being, I was doing a hosTess. Yeah. They later on when I have my, you know, when my papers were OK, I started, I love to cook, so I found a part-time job, just a part-time job cooking for some priests in that and I learned a lot of things doing it also because they just let me go and just let me go to the grocery stores and just sign my name and get whatever I want for me to and it was nice. Then later on I went and my mom was always on top of me so you need to go back to school and she wanted me to become a nurse because it was in demand, so I went to school, do my pre nursing courses and started a [inaudible] for registered nurse at St John’s School of nursing and know it in Springfield, Missouri in Missouri. So I do have a bachelor degree in zoology.  That’s my major. And my minor chemistry. I have graduated in Liberia, University of Liberia because that’s where I came from. I, yeah, I, I went there when I was 18 years old and went to school. [inaudible confusion]  Yeah. My, my own. I should not be saying that. Where my dad worked for the government of health. He was a medical doctor. That’s when he went to Africa and he was one of the, uh, like a, a doctor in one province.

Tess:                             00:40:13          He was the medical officer of one province of Liberia and I was 18 and I had a boyfriend, a Filipino who was in Canada and asked my dad for marriage. I was in Philippines. they left us in Philippines because we were still the second years. I was a sophomore and doing a bachelor of science. My Dad called and said What? What’s this? I was not ready for marriage. My ex, my, my boyfriend was. And so he decided for me and my other sister to. Take us to Africa because he did not want us to get married so young. I was 18, so after they are, when we went to school there. But then that same year two, my dad passed away. He had a cardiac arrest. He was and he was doing so much work where they had some epidemic from that province and he had to take almost everyday travel to Monrovia.  The capital. Liberia too, [inaudible] for his patients because they did not have the resource, the medicine to take care of them so they have to go to the main main hospitals. They were just at that time they were just building a hospital also, so my dad stayed in the hospital for two to, I think it was two nights, one Saturday we went there and spend time with them in home to our friend to sleep. On Sunday morning we were woken, waking up and said, hey, you need to go to the hospital, you need to go to your dad. So. But when I reached there, that already passed away.

Ashley:                         00:42:23          I’m sorry to hear that.

Tess:                             00:42:25          yeah, Forty two years old. So we took his cadaver home. Philippines, everything is paid by the government and the government of Liberia offered us scholarship to finish school. So that’s what happened. And then there I met my ex-husband from Spain because my mom started working for the company and my mom met my dad, my step dad, and I said, well I better go home to up Philippines. I don’t want to be in the middle of them relationship. I don’t want to stay with them and they get married and there comes this guy, my ex husband and said, hey, this. He felt, he told me how he felt and that is OK if I go back to Philippines. But then I decided, OK, I just marry, got married with him for 16 years and have two kids, Amabell and Alex and got divorced here in, um, 19… I cam 1990 So 9- about 97. You got divorced and at the same time my stepdad passed away the same day we were in the court. Yeah, my step-dad passed away. My mom is never married, but, um, were four girls. All girls? No. No boys and the oldest

Ashley:                         00:42:25          Are your siblings here here too?

Tess:                             00:44:02          yes we’re all here. Yeah. My Step-dad one was in Philippines. Before then my dad was asking, only went for her. It was very hard for her to come because she was over age already. When my mom get married with my step that it took him only a week or two weeks to change the nationality. Yeah. My Dad, my step dad was a diplomat. He was a agriculture specialists in Liberia at that time. We. And USA personnel, so it was OK because my sister was only eight or nine years old when it happened. When they got married it was easy for them. So she went and traveled with them and we went to Bangladesh and then they gave me, said 60 or sorry, my stepdad said no, I want to retire. So he stayed here and my mom stayed with them and she went to work and, and get some certificate. Become uh, you know, the one that gives medicine to the older people that’s like she had to do. She was only as a nursing student when she married my dad at that time when they get married. So when she came, she worked in the nursing home and then we get certified. And that’s the thing when I came in here, yeah, it was hard for me because I wasn’t so use.  I was used to have my own place and have somebody do things for me. I came back here, had to do everything and nobody would take care of my daughter and my sons. I have to do that. And then I also found, we found out that my son was also, he’s disabled. He is, uh, he has a retardation, mental, like a child. So that’s the main thing, I think really that it’s the main thing. That’s why we decided to stay here in America because of the, his future, you know, I want him to be happy and, and I found out and I’ve seen how the American um, Accept disabled people and how they make the support and have their life better where I could not find it at home in Philippines or in Spain because I’ve seen a lot of disabled people in Spain. They hide them from people. They stay at home here. I see a lot of the, a lot of things they can do, you know, a lot of things they offer for them to have a full life if possible. So that’s the one thing I liked and made me, you know, so yeah, this is a place for my son

Ashley:                         00:44:02          And what kinds of things has your son been doing?

Tess:                             00:47:22          well, yeah, at first it was stuff also really having the not same for him because he is mentally child. He’s  33 years old. He just turned 33, last 18 of this month, so he, he goes to workshop in Springfield and there’s an access bus that comes picking up. We pay a little bit because it’s government funded, so Monday when Monday to Wednesday he works in the workshop and then choose a Thursday to Friday he goes to continued ed and to learn skills. Like a money casheir. Yeah, but during like Mondays and Mondays after work he goes bowling when you have. Yeah. We enrolled him in bowling and on Tuesdays he goes to team. He goes to a park. There were a lot of the same disables people, different categories. They go meet and they do things together. Yeah. And I wanted him more, but my, my daughter said, no mom he wont even have more time to Spend time with that with dad.  So I said OK, but he wants to come here with me. And as a mom I feel so bad about it though because I know whenever I go visit name she, he has me that day that I go home, he just has mum I want to go with you to see that. Yeah. But before that he was always with me. We got divorced, he was with me, she stayed with me, just me and him because my daughter was with that middle school. She went and, and with him stay with him and different city which is like about 20 minutes away. Yeah. But my son was always with me. He only go and visit his dad on weekends, like Friday night he comes to pick him up and he said he sent to me on Sunday afternoon. So when I came over here, that was really tough. I know I was crying almost sometimes I was doing my job because I miss him a lot and whenever I go he likes it to me and he hugs me that when he turns away and then there was one time I know he was crying. Yes, he was because. When I leave  sometimes when I go there I drive by myself how to draw them. So much driving time. And then one time I went back, I say I forgot something. [interruption] He turned around and I see this big tears just running on the cheek. So when I went back to  then and i’m just crying crying half way to St Louis and I don’t know if you know springfield, Missouri, Springfield and St Louis, like about four hours drive my. I have two sisters and they live in O’fallon outside simply is. So that’s where I go sometimes stop there before I proceed my trip to Springfield. Like I live here like 7:00 o’clock in the morning or if I could better five I reached to,  to their place in St Louis about let’s say about 8:00 because you know the time change because one time. So I reached about 8:00 in the evening. So yes, sometimes I just stayed there so spend time with them, sleep there and then the following day I go proceed to Missouri which is about four hours drive . But there was a time I went straight though I went straight from here there I reached like maybe 11, almost 12  o’clock.

Ashley:                         00:51:24          oh wow, Do you feel like here in Harrisonburg there would be less opportunity for your son or? {51:29}

Tess:                             00:51:29          There is a lot of opportunity because I went and looked for it. I went to the workshop, I met a lot of people, I was researching about the opportunity, the possibilities for him to come, but my, the reason that I just stopped doing it because I don’t want to have any bad relationship with his sister Amabell and his dad because his dad told the kids that the only reason why he’s here is because of them or is he would have been in Spain. So I think in my daughter’s mind she said, mom, dad did not go and for, for, for him to be with me and i’m just me, you know, if something happened to me, what will happen to Alexis? So while there she is there and her dad is there and my mom is there. So that’s the main thing. So I did, I just stop because she told me if you’re insistent taking him there, I will fight you in court and I don’t want that. I want, I want our family to be close to be together. Now that they have accepted that me and her dad cannot, we outgrow each other. We cannot be together. You know, it just not she, she knows that. And she accepted that I don’t want more, more, you know, conflict. So that’s why when I go there, yeah, he spend, he has a bowling is like, he’s so happy. And wherever I go he wanted to be with me all the time. We got to walmart, i said stop talking because he’s loud. And then he tells the cashier, this is my mom from Virginia. Yeah.  that’s my son, but he is Is Very, he is fun. Loving. Very um, helpful was to help all the time. Only my mom didn’t want him to help. She thinks that she is faster. Know she didn’t have the patence but we knew how, you know, mom doesn’t have patient. She’s in hers. She, my mom’s 77 years old. So I miss him. But at the same time thinking I have to be strong because I want him to bond with his dad and his sister. I know if I’m there, even my daughter I think will not be so strong like now because I know they want something. I will be running, I’ll be there when I’m not there. They have to struggle to. And struggle makes you strong.

Ashley:                         00:54:26          umhm, kind of like how you learned how to be more independent. when coming here {54:30}

Tess:                             00:54:28          Yeah. And becoming more independent. Yeah. First Time I came here in Missouri In Missouri not. Not the time that we spent. I was so scared to go out alone. I don’t want to go out. And My step dad taught me how to drive. I was, I already drove in Africa where I have a stick-shift car. But when I came here, so my stick that showed me how to use the automatic. Yeah. So, but then yeah, I learned and then I realized that if I don’t go venture to other places I’ll go nowhere. So that’s what I did. And I showed my other friend who’s been there for a while. She was so scared to go to Kansas City. I know Kansas city. Have you been there?

Ashley:                         00:55:22          I have not been there, no.

Tess:                             00:55:25          Boy, they have this four lanes and drove fast. And my friend, she used to go there to act as a service because she is Church of Christ, but Christ founded by a Filipino in Philippines. So they have a church there and she’s part of that. And she used to call me and tell me, let’s go drive the car. For me and yeah, it’s so fast. It’s like 70 up there  and four lanes. and then now she, she does drive.

Ashley:                         00:55:59          Did you teach her how to drive or?

Tess:                             00:56:01            I think it’s not teaching. She knew how to drive, but the thing is the courage, the courage to go there, to be brave, to go because she was frozen, scared and I know that’s our thing is when we are scared we cannot do anything. It stopped us from doing something. It stopped us from feeling the good things. It does stop us. It makes us do just do something. You don’t want to change because you want just the common thing, a normal thing. You want what you used to be, but it’s when like change, like you said, the change in Harrisonburg. if we are not opening the change. Just imagine. Just imagine we will not grow. The mentality over the people will not. They will be stopped and then when somebody come in and it was a what? It’s when you are exposed to these, exposed to other people, exposed to other culture that your your knowledge also really expand and then by that I feel like when you know about them, you really learn to respect. You will learn to understand why they do it is in that because if you don’t know, you see thats so weird. why are you doing that, that’s not right.  How do well, how would you put this not right when they don’t know how we are brought up or how we see things. I mean as for me, yeah, that’s me and I think I feel exposure, exposing people to other culture, the things that maybe kind of weird will help a lot too. To open the mind or the community. thats why  involvement of everyone and and discussing things together where we can discuss. We can talk in an adult way. we don’t have to quarl. We didn’t have to fight. We can compromise and find good ways to do things. You know where everyone involved gets the benefits. I will just that there’s always a way where we can benefit and only also we. That’s it. It’s, it’s, it’s educate.

Ashley:                         00:58:42          I know you’ve told me about quite a few important changes in your life. Were there any other important changes?

Tess:                             00:58:51          My religion, the changes, uh, for me now I have changed a lot through experiences. Like relationship for me is I wouldn’t say sacred, but I do respect and it’s a big thing for me. relationship And when I relate with people I do the best way I can, where I can be more authentic. The one that changed me is like being in a lot of people are so down to earth and are so open to, to their bad experiences because it’s very hard to tell other people your bad experience. We want to tell the good things, you know, and it’s so hard to accept that we do make mistakes and that’s one thing that I have learned that being honest and being authentic and being respectful and, and an open minded will will help me a lot. it makes my life different.   My perception has changed. i have changed, I have changed. Yeah. I have changed and I know I have been patient, right? Patient. But um, I was a little bit judgmental before. I now I’m not, I’m not. That judgemental.

Ashley:                         00:58:51          Judgmental in what sense?

Tess:                             01:00:39          judging people. How the…like culture wise, you know. why do you do this and why do you do that? I accepted that. It doesn’t mean that I have to do it.  I will not tell you. Oh, that’s not good because I mean, I know, I know God, but that’s the part where I could not see God. Did they know what they’re doing or you don’t know what they’re doing please. It’s not for me to tell them, but it’s, you know, I will pray for them. You know, because there are so many things here that’s done that like morality, you know? Uh, it’s not for me and, and I, I just like, I just pray for that because now they have something [inaudible]. Girls don’t be so freezing. Girls don’t just open your legs. [laughs] I’m sorry,not just open then.  boys don’t do that. Don’t do that. You know, your, your mom, you have to thing you need to respect the women. But it’s just that the thing that people really do value our values are, you know, I think there’s a lot of…I just feel like being a woman, we deserve the best. And having the best is also finding self respecting us because if we don’t have the self respect you, you cannot expect the best for you need to allow yourself to have your own value and the Stand firm for it. It cannot be just because like this guy got so much money, have the best sports car and all. It’s OK. It’s not OK. You have to think of the consequences. Is that I feel like everybody has a choice. No, it’s not for me to judge them, that kind of way as for me, I want the best bring God’s blessing. And so I think that’s why I’m still like this. I mean people will say, why didn’t you get married again? I have experienced, but it’s hard, you know, it’s hard to trust in our relationship. Substance is very important. If somebody cannot respect you and don’t have any value, how can you? i want a Marriage, I don’t want any more divorce. I want marriage for life if there is. Yeah. And so that’s, that’s what I said. I’d rather be not married somebody and I’m still happy they think i’m lonely, i’m not. I know god. I have a lot of people.

Ashley:                         01:03:30          Yeah. You have youtr whole community here.

Tess:                             01:03:31          Uh, yeah, I have the whole community and I learned and I still, I’m still growing  every day. We are growing rating every day we’re learning something. We just have to be open and, and one thing also I learned is to accept  it because I think I have that feeling that I don’t deserve it. I said, thank you.  If I said, oh no, no, I didn’t do it, you know, that’s not now. I learned to say when somebody say something good, I said, oh thank you. Need to learn to love our self being human being a woman

Ashley:                         01:04:13          That’s a great attitude to have {1:04:15}.

Tess:                             01:04:18          Yeah, and I know we can Instill it to other women because we deserve the best and to be really the best is to have our own self value. The be firm, but money isn’t everything because you know what? Have money now, how about tomorrow

Ashley:                         01:04:18          it could be gone.

Tess:                             01:04:41          its gone and when its gone what you do, you’ll be crying in the street asking for help. Nobody’s helping me. Maybe three friends we’ll have even now or for two, three days it will be awake, but they cannot continue helping you with your own family.

Ashley:                         01:05:01          I have another question. Since being here, building on the judgment. Have you experienced any judgment from other people?

Tess:                             01:05:09          Maybe, but I don’t look at that way. I, I, I don’t put it in my mind because I know there’s people that were, are always they survived from negativity, you know, to get people, so to do that, I’ve seen people that will put you down to make them feel good about you, but that’s up to you really is. That’s up to us. If we let them do that, does we call toxic people? Never happy, never happy. They always complaining. I met those people too. People were always stock something. No matter how you try, you’ll be positive with them and try to put energy in them, but they are not happy. I learned to stop doing it. I learned to just get away. Stay away from that. People. Stay away and have your sense of you don’t want to be crazy. You don’t want to be depressed. Be with people who are, who give you positive energy, who makes you feel happy because  it happens a lot to me, especially at work when sometimes you are overworked and people get like depressed and, and start bickering. i dont want too or not just work friends. I don’t get involved with that. I don’t want to get involved with them. Stay away from drama.

Ashley:                         01:06:50          So I know you told me where you’re working now and I told you, told me back when you were in Missouri that you worked as a hosTess and as a cook. Did you do anything else in between that time or?

Tess:                             01:07:01          I work, I will work with that. I work with willowbrook foods to. I know everything right there because I started as a….how you call this one? Um, I started from the bottom like any production, we’re dealing with turkey in there. So I started second shift and I was fun to, it was open wide and eye opening for me because learning, oh this is how to make. This is how ham was made you know the slices that you buy at the grocery stores. Oh, this is how I did. I said, they say we need to strip it and say what’s stripping because we put this, they make, they make this ham and put it a special, a plastic and they put it in the oven, Cook it, and then after the oven, that’s when we strip the plastic. We take out the plastic bag and then when we take it from their we  either wrap it with spices. Sometimes you can this, there’s lots of spices. so either wrap it or some of them we, it goes through the conveyor belt with a liquid smoke liquid smoke on it. I a.. I mean that’s, eye opening for me. I’ve never seen this how are they made. from there. We put it in the machine where it bags again, we bag them. Then it was the uh, dates and then put in the box input. But from that box it goes to pallets then to the car, to the truck that will deliver it, you know? And some of them we fry. And from there I worked, that’s production for sometimes. Then I got so tired because we were. I said, what’s going on? We may work better than men though. I’d seen guys. Is this a big guys? But look at this. They’re like, im not saying lazy but um I think they let the women work.

Ashley:                         01:07:01          I believe it.

Tess:                             01:09:18          Yeah, we work more than them So I said no, let me go to sanitation and worked for sanitation. But first I was working in the laundry six months now I did not forget because that was a tough job. Never ending washing, folding, drying, just we smocks white smocks, big glovess of these sleaves, the aprons, the gloves standing and its never ending. And then somebody asked for supplies, you know, come there. I was, I was doing second ship. So I said, oh, I went home to the Philippines for a vacation. When I came back I said, no, I want to do other things. So I went and do other things. I clean stuck cleaning floors, cleaning bathrooms,  never done that before in my life.  never cleaning floors. And then I’m cleaning a containers where the grin for the Turkey, the the grin that they fixed for Turkeys. Makes So injectors, injectors, choppers. Huge massagers use much bigger than this. And at first I was waiting for somebody. I’m too small. I cannot love something. You know? Sometimes you have to lift the cover. After that I said, no, I cannot wait for somebody to come and help me. I find ways where I could take it out so I can clean it, so I started from that. Then I become a trainer from you see its by hats, white iand then we have yellow, which is training. Then blue, the blue. It was become you become a an area leader, how you know and red is the supervisor, so I become blue. I got the hat for blue and when you have that you have to learn, know how to train, how to inspect because you have to inspect machines before a QC quality control before, but production come and do use the area so you need to clean all those areas.  I learned to. Nobody wanted to climb. It’s not claiming, but you have to have a G cliff where it push you, that thing that machine that  it goes up to clean the units. yeah you have to harness and all. I had to do the things that I’ve never done in my life and dealing with different kinds of people there because there’s a lot of people that can stay. It was third shift from 10:30 to 6:30 in the morning. So a lot of us, our, our coworkers come from a halfway house. You know what this halfway house?

Ashley:                         01:09:18          No, i’m not familiar with it. {1:12:32}

Tess:                             01:12:32          they were, they were criminals. They were like, some of them were mostly the one that I had was um, they were the meth the main meth, so they were in jail halfway house. It’s like halfway going out. They’re almost ready to get out the finish their sentence. So they were in the halfway house and then their supervisor, they have something in there somewhere in the ankle.  They have that one become an work willow brooks It’s OK for them. But Cargill don’t accept felons though. They were fellons, right? Cargill don’t accept those. If you have a felony, a thing, they will not accept your accept. But Willow Brock’s before. Yes. Especially for sanitation because Ah, we’re always short of people and it’s hard to get people to work third shift. So we have people from halfway house, some of them mostly from meth and production and some of them really killed some people too, but they were in the halfway house. They are almost done and there’s always somebody that we can call if something happen. So  I started from knowing everything from there and then I feel, so for me, I, I’m happy because for me I knew, I knew it. It’s just the knowledge of knowing, being able to do it. That’s where I am. I mean I was not thinking about this status really. It’s  just my knowledge that learning things and being able to do it and at the same time really is also a having respect with other people even though they come from that type, from the area of their life, you know, because there are things that I find very good in them because they are criminals doesn’t mean that they are so bad. They are bad.

Ashley:                         01:14:37          And now, um, so what kinds of… I know you told me a little bit about your job now, but what kinds of work and like what kinds of people are you working with now here in Harrisonburg?

Tess:                             01:14:46          oh, Here we’re like family where where I’m working with were not so many and there’s one guy and one guy. most  we are women and, and now this time I really am so happy because I see a teamwork helping each other. Before when I came first came in. It’s just like, you do this, you always do that. And then the others just do this, you know, now there’s more, um,  there’s more people getting into each other, helping each other and if somebody can not do it, they just jump in and help you. Before said nobody helped you finish that one. Nothing there. nobody. And before. Also, it’s like when you, you’re new, you do the worst thing. Some just want to sit down somewhere, you have to continue doing this thing like that. But now I’ve seen so much that uh, do you have changed in a way where, excuse me, I wanted to learn other things that not just this thing. Now I’m learning more different stuff because when I came in I was really more on the chemistry side and doing nutritional value. testing for nutritional value of our products, like routine salts, calcium, fats, and some other special testing. That’s the use it for. I think they use it for a labels of our product moisture’s now, uh, when I came back from the surgery since I was in there, I think because I was in there to do all that. So she stopped accepting other testing. But the more basic one in chemistry there were only doing bones Calcium, moisture. I think that’s more or less all. We’re not doing any more like fats, fats, protein.  We’re not doing, so now. I’m, I’m more and more of my time is really micro is micro area, we’re testing samonela, bacteria, confilobatra. all this bacteria that make us sick. we’re growing it to find out we grow using some samples from different plans. We get samples from Nebraska with Erskineville in Nebraska, from springdale. We have Dayton man, we have Timberville. They sent us products, Albert Lee to, to test for Salmonella and to test for some. Um, bacteria and uh yeast  like digging the grave is there. So I’m, I’m learning all those  and, and I’m working now on learning to really finish the whole process, like a, putting the  samples into the machine. We have big machines that will analyze it, it will read it and gives us results after, I think it’s after three, four hours. So that one I have quite a few to learn more like reporting stuff,  reading the, we have plates, we culture it, put into plates and then after incubator and we read, read how many spots there and then they have their space shelf, how many colonies and stuff like that  and what is acceptable and not acceptable. So it’s like it. Yeah. Because before I told my supervisor member that um, I was not, I wasn’t just doing my chemistry and I think I was bored. So I went out to the community. I bought more of my time to the community and I don’t know, it was God’s thing too because he let me do it. Like attending voices of Harrisonburg meetings, like on Wednesdays, like at the icehouse ice house, the house I used to go there like for an hour or two I think I came out from my work and she did not mind. I come, I came out, I go back into chemistry. I didn’t mind staying alone too, I mean staying for long as long as I finished my testing. She, that she did not mind itself flexible she is. So it was really, I think God put it in a way where I could come in and out.  I’ve been going to lots of meetings. I come out, I broke, I had these meetings and I said, OK, then I come back and finish what I have to do on that day. Sometimes they come home like 8:00, 9:00 in the evening for some occasions where I have to go and attend meetings. And she did not mind. So he was OK. Now, uh, I think she’s still OK, but I have not really done that because we are very short handed and I see my friends, they’re need, need my help, you know? And I hate to leave people doing those thing and I’m out there, you know, I, I think I have to prioritize, you know, I work. I told myself I came to Virginia to work. It’s not the community that my main, my main reason why I’m here because of my job. I came to work, I came here to connect with people, not to separate them.   That’s my main thing and I want to see improvement. I want to see this. I think for either for my goal  community that people will learn and other things and that life is short and there’s so much stuff you can learn if you’re just open to it. There is a lot of things, even in the small things just be open to. It doesn’t be close and, and, and, and  I just think life is, is very interesting.  What do you think?

Ashley:                         01:22:00          I agree yeah, and especially being here like on a college campus, there’s so many things that when you just open your eyes and look around, you realize there’s so many things that you can learn from all the experiences that you have and the people that you interact with, like whether or not you realize it at first. When you reflect on those things, you realize how they kind of changed who you are.

Tess:                             01:22:16          Yeah, it does. And then you become acceptable. We are accepting to them and you become the realize that the you give respect, but when you do that, you are respecting yourself. Did you know that you respect yourself, respect yourself, respect others, but sometimes you don’t. Maybe we will because we get our minds going somewhere. We, we tend to forget. There’s just so many things,  things in our mind and then then you come to realize, oh wow. And you learn something from them.

Ashley:                         01:22:55          I just have a couple more questions to. Um, I just kind of wrap it up. Are there any. I know I asked you about changes that you would like to see in Harrisonburg. Are there any changes that you’d like to see in the nation General?

Tess:                             01:23:06          I always think about really what I want love. people that we are here on earth to love each other. You know, and that I always think like in all of this really come back to love, you know, all in thinking about it that at the end it’s all about love because, you know, if we can only read love, you have respect, you have understanding, you have compassion and you know, if we have only that one, there will be peace in our nation.  And, and, and  what do you do? why do We have to complicate life, you know, now. I mean I think it’s us, it’s us. People thinking only about ourselves is us thinking I’m, I’m better than the other one says thinking I want more. If we don’t have that one, if we just be accepting and, and be able to be just satisfied or what we have, you know, and I don’t think we’re, we have to fight, we have to kill each other. You know, it’s, it’s like it’s degreed in as maybe being selfish being, you know, if that, if we can work it out and take that one out from the mentality of other people who have that, I think the world will be a better place to live in.  Amen. Yeah, it, it’s, it’s that thing. It’s the material things. I think if we learn, I’m not seeing it. I know God, but maybe you think other people think of other person, you know, that the, the believe in. If, if only we can be, we can really learn to understand and we learn to respect each other. I think we can solve this case. this a war in, in other countries. No, and want to say some thing too that like you think about the union union, some people want to have union, some people don’t. I was just going into what happened with Cargill to the other day. I don’t know if you read. They were trying to unionize the Cargill and my friend called me and said, Oh, I’ve just been thinking about  because I saw her name on the paper that she was one. One of the people that was arrested went to Dayton plant Cargill and they want to just demand something, talk to them and nobody came out so they went. I think they went to the premises instead, so they were caught because they were not. They were against the law, right. They will listen to them. They should just be say not in the property, but at the same time Cargill did not send any representative to meet these people. So I told my friend, I don’t know because  that I will ask God to give me more guidance about it because this is very sensitive. I just feel like if there is somebody who knows how to, who, who knows somebody who talk to Cargill somebody and how you called iner… intermediate person that can talk to Cargill with the other people who have demands or who or who were afflicted. You feel depressed or they he’ll feel repressed or by them because you know they’re. They’re out of job because things happen. If there’s some representative that can talk to them and make them see what’s happening. I mean if they could resolve with that, resolved the problem. We don’t need a union, we don’t have to be unionized. I mean it’s the same thing. You have to pay, you know, and, and it’s the same. The same thing. Some people are good, some people are not. Some people take advantage of it, you know, like my sister has been telling me about their two in New York. They are union is good, it will represent you, but there are some people too that is using it. You’re saying in a way that because some people use it in a bad way so I just feel that whatever we do, we have the choices but then our choices, there’s always a positive and negative negative outcome. So we just have to balance, you know, to find balance where, where it has a positive or negative at that that  there’s more positive than negative because you don’t think that we can have a perfect thing. only god. I don’t think there’s always something because I just feel like life is made a positive and negative and then to find out how can you. How can you see what is positive and negative? If everything is positive or everything is negative?  you know? You see how I easy it. If you don’t like you, you behave the same way and you see the same thing. A child watching you is decieved, you behave the same so the child will will see that behavior. It’s the same thing, but if he sees something, no. The other one is not behaving the same way. Then he can compare and he can tell which one is better for him. That’s my analogy or something…

Ashley:                         01:30:00          yes, you you like to lead by example. You know?

Tess:                             01:30:02          Yeah, and I like that. I always say talk is cheap, so it’s like like lead by example. If you say something,  not just with lips, but the with…work work with it, what you’re doing, you’re going to school. It’s not just talking, talking. You have to put effort in and you have to read. You have to do your thesis. You have to do a lot of things

Ashley:                         01:30:02          [laughs] yeah, a lot of things. {1:30:32}

Tess:                             01:30:33          but you know afterwards you don’t realize how great you did, how great you are, how you can. You can feel more satisfaction than having like something just given to you. You will not appreciate it that much. I’ve seen a lot of incidents where a child is given so much  stuff. full of toys all at Christmas time, room full of toys. At first is the child is so happy with this one. then afterwards he doesn’t understand. then comes another and he’s happier. What happened to the rest?  in Just four seconds.  He was laughing and so happy. Then afterwards, go back to the other one. How can appreciate. He never appreciate anything and by doing that too, it’s not. I don’t know if he will appreciate his life. He would just think that it’s everything is given, handed down, but if you work for it, you really feel it. I thought before for me to add before I’m the oldest child, so I was the favorite one. What I wanted i always got. Sometimes I said I wish I’m still a child because now I have to work. You know what, I always tell my friends, the more I went, the more I feel about myself, the more I’m happier. that’s what I’ve learned.

Ashley:                         01:30:33          That’s great. Yeah,

Tess:                             01:32:06          yeah, because I can see something. I can see my, the, my labor. I could see that I really, really did the best I could. I was really putting a lot of my energy to that thing and then I can see results even if there’s no result. I just. That feeling that you did it, that satisfaction that you just don’t let it go. You, you, you did something out of it. {1:32:29}

Ashley:                         01:32:32          Another question I have. I know there’s a very strong rhetoric around the issue of immigration, the public sphere today. Do you have any comments that you want to make on that? {1:32:40}

Tess:                             01:32:40          I see a lot of conversation and I like, I want to be neutral, you know, I want, I like to hear from them. I like to hear from them and yeah they are right in their own way and my friend are also writing their own way and, and, and, and they said they want to change this way and then somebody said, how could you do that? You know, it’s not fair because the way their experiences so that they have to work very hard. Like the Dama Da…Da what’s that?

Ashley:                         01:32:40          Daca?

Tess:                             01:33:11          Daca. Yeah. I said, I asked my friend, what do you think about Daca? I said, no, I don’t. Why it’s not fair. Look, we come here. I come here. I struggled. I seen my kids to. I go to work every day and all this. I seen, I seen my kids and I have to pay from my pocket. I worked very hard and I’m not very familiar with daca but She said like that daca is like a. do you have these things and they don’t have to go work they’re Just given the thing. They go to w– they go to school.  I don’t know how true it is, but something like, yeah, they don’t have to really work that much. Like, like then-

Ashley:                         01:33:53          what i’ve heard is that [microphone moves] I’m sorry. My understanding of daca is that it simply allows children who were brought here and are undocumented to be protected against deportation while they work and go to school. And that once your-

Tess:                             01:33:53          yeah, free. right?

Ashley:                         01:33:53          I’m not entirely sure if the-

Tess:                             01:34:14          Yeah, but something like that. But like here that who, people who has been here, like my sister, I mean, yeah, like my sister didn’t have that. She has to work very hard. She has and my mom and you have to help pay for her education. You see I, that’s the free education for daca  I think thats the thing and she has to go [inaudible]. You to get her own money. But I think I honestly the daca is different. So that’s, I think that’s, that’s the thing. I said well if you say, if you look at it that way to know. And I think for the daca people they look at other things they have for me, I think they have to think also what, they have to  listen to what the other people say. It’s not just I have to do this, I have to do this, you know, you have to do this, you have to give it to me. They shouldn’t be. And I mean it’s a privilege. I think that’s a privilege for those people who have daca to. So I think they had to listen to other people. Why they do they don’t. Why you have to find out why they don’t want it to continue.

Ashley:                         01:34:14          some more open communication-

Tess:                             01:35:25          Yeah. They have to. And then at the same time, maybe by that they can be, you know, they, the, there’s some kind of changes where both sides can be satisfied.  you know? not just like i want this like a kid. I want this. I want this. I said, I mean this should be something where okay you can have both of them. How about you can have it this time and then tomorrow I cannot be stuff. I think that’s the best way though.

Ashley:                         01:35:54          But do you have any thoughts on, I guess the debate around the border control issues and the idea of building a wall and not building a wall.

Tess:                             01:36:05          ohh not building or buildina a- who was telling me something? i, I don’t know. I just hear something like somebody was telling me that here is one of this. She is asked to be a witness or something. How? I don’t know the name of that. You are asked by the government to be one of the witness out to, to judge. I’m

Ashley:                         01:36:05          on a jury?

Tess:                             01:36:34          yes jury duty? and I have heard a lot and not, I’m not discriminating the Hispanic people, you know, because what I heard is really in Harrisonburg. There’s a lot. That’s what she’s saying. That’s what I heard just from her that a lot that’s happening is Hispanic people are in Rampant having criminal criminals that are Hispanic, you know, so I don’t know if you hear about Filipinos because Filipino, we are group of people that we want to just, we don’t want to trouble. We want to do the best we can and we are more or less Filipino is like we are like family oriented and we just want to stay in one side.  We don’t want trouble so we don’t want to go out and, and, and, and, and have [inaudible]  like I said Oh we want this and that, you know, we don’t want to be in that. We are just people that don’t want any trouble at all and wants to stay away from that. But I know a lot of, some people, they are so vocal with it, but then do they didn’t know really why they really know really what they’re doing, you know, the, the, do they have the, the full knowledge, you know,  or don’t know the consequences of what they’re doing. I don’t know because myself, I want stay away from that. No, I, I’ve been asked to rally that what they call rally and all.   I’m not very comfortable with rallies. I’m more on, on helping other people on other things Than Rallys voicing out those things. I just feel like negotiates negotiations and, and if we can avoid rallies that would be great. This, this things I stay from.

Ashley:                         01:38:38          Yes. I understand where you’re coming from.  so Is there anything else that you would like the public to know about your story that you want to mention that you haven’t told yet?

Tess:                             01:38:47          Oh, did I tell you about that? Uh, we are, we are in the archive, Shenandoah  archive.

Ashley:                         01:38:47          Um, I don’t recall.

Tess:                             01:38:55          Yeah. One time I was, we were interviewed by Hannah mosses. That was in 2015.

Ashley:                         01:38:55          Oh Yes, i-

Tess:                             01:39:04          And we have, you can find me, my thing too in special umm…

Ashley:                         01:39:04          collections?

Tess:                             01:39:15          collections yes  Shenandoah. they talk about how we come from Shenandoah valley, .something like that. This one is a little bit different because your, your, your, your thing is, you know, with the government with the Daca

Ashley:                         01:39:15          well-

Tess:                             01:39:24          there is more on how we come and I think you can. Some of my stories, some of them are there. I mean, the way I say things might be kind of different. You might get something new in that.

Ashley:                         01:39:37          OK, nice. Um, is there anything that you want students to take away from this interview after they listened to it?

Tess:                             01:39:43          Ooh, can I at least. [laughs]. I don’t know. You know, what I know, I’m just letting you. I’m just telling what I feel in my experience, but I don’t know [laughs]. you know how hard it is to think. how about you, what you think?

Ashley:                         01:40:08          What I think students should take away?

Tess:                             01:40:08          uh huh

Ashley:                         01:40:10          well, I think you’ve told a very nice story about staying true to yourself and always being open minded and being open to change and trying to always work as hard as you can to just improve yourself and kind of get to the best place which you can. Which has been very inspiring. I love how you also spoke about your motives to stay here in the United States and how um, how you kind of coped with adjusting to the different culture and how you kind of found your own way and like an industry that was ideal for you and how you continue to build on your education and I’m a do what you wanted to do, which I think was very inspiring. I think that’s definitely something a lot of students can take away from this and benefit from in listing to this. Would you agree with that or?

Tess:                             01:40:55          Yeah, I think I get a. That would be nice because my thing really is to inspire and motivate people and be more open minded to change because change is good. It’s for the better. If it changed that that’s bad, then I don’t want to be part of it. But maybe somehow if some changes you cannot stop so maybe I can use it for something else. Something good. We can make something good out of it. You know? It’s always like doing the, doing the good thing, doing the right thing. Yeah. But if you use it for bad things, I am not for it. Yeah. We need to change for the best for everyone. It’s not just for one person because we want people to accept maybe sometimes it’s harder for them to accept, you know, some people are so used to all things and some people, I think it’s personality, you know, there’s some fixed for personality, right? But you know, we, there’s always ways to, to the to do things that where we can show, show this person that this, these [inaudible] is good. like I said talk. It’s not enough you need to do the walk.

Ashley:                         01:42:20          I just have one more question for you to take a second to think about this. You can, I guess, what was the biggest struggle or challenge or barrier that you had to overcome in immigrating to the United States, which you think is important for other people to hear?

Tess:                             01:42:36          Hm.  Well lets see about that, well, one thing I want to say, so the people in our country are always thinking that coming over here in America is a land of poss-lots of potential to a land where we, a land . Oh, now I don’t want to say gold, but a lot of opportunities where people are given the if we want to work, there’s work, you know, like in my country is hard because you want to work. It’s hard to find work. There’s just so many people. here, You work no matter what, you can find money and there’s so much stuff to do. i know A lot. I know what in my country, a lot of, even people like stealing in department stores, I heard their, they’re graduate, they’re college graduate. they wont accept people not college graduate anymore. So here, I mean it’s like some people been work  three jobs [laughs]. yeah, three jobs, so they get more money there. It’s like there’s no more national. Not as much opportunity, you know, but here if you just work hard work and you have the energy to work three, four jobs, you can do it. [laughs] Yeah. But immigrant immigration here is, it was not, well some people are blessed. I can just say some people are blessed and have not a lot of trouble doing their paperwork’s in bringing their kids here. In sort time. A lot of people have troubles. I don’t know.  What I can say is about my sister, she was like 20 something years old when my mom petitioned her while she was petitioned before that, but she did not agree. My mom remarrying my Stepdad, so at that time she was in Philippines and my other sister, she was 18 years old yet, so my sister, youngest sister went and gave her or two papers for her just to sign so she could have been- easier in Bangladesh, in Asia because it’s this, you know, everybody knows everyone. So it was not as bad as my sister was so upset with my mom. She, I think she was she burned it, she burned the papers. Then the time when she decided that, oh, I want to be there, I want to be with you guys because we were all here already. It took us a long day. I took her I think over 10 years

Ashley:                         01:46:14          just to be able to come here?

Tess:                             01:46:14          yeah

Ashley:                         01:46:14          oh my goodness.

Tess:                             01:46:21          For her paper to, for her paper to come out.  Yeah. Because, um, we, we, we did a lot of things. We I know we went to the university and we wanted her to help continue ed or master degree and she was, we were denied because she’s, oh, she’s already petition, wait for it to come out.

Ashley:                         01:46:21          so you tried to try to get her a student visa?

Tess:                             01:46:46          yeah, student visa. We tried, my dad since he knows some government officials. We- he tried to go and ask for help.

Ashley                          01:46:54          What year was this around?

Tess:                             01:46:54          uh my, my sister?

Ashley:                         01:47:00          When you first started trying, if you can recall.

Tess:                             01:47:03          I think I came in 1990, somewhere in the [number confusion] She comes in about 98 Maybe 99. Yeah, but because I know my sister’s 10, 12 years younger than me. No, no, eight years younger than me because the youngest is 10 years younger and she is second to the youngest. Yeah,  It took us that long. we tried and so she wanted. She really wanted to come now. Yeah, it took her that, but for us it was not really that hard because my ex husband is from Spain. see and my kids have a Spanish nationality? And I was the only Filipino because I did not want to become a Spanish. When I married my ex husband, I could have changed my nationality into Spanish right away. Automatic. But I stood up and said, no, I don’t want to be. I want to be Filipino citizen. Yeah. So but when I came here. So that’s the time when we decided that o w, so my mom petition us we. But yeah, we spent money. I don’t know how much we spent maybe around on 5,000. Yeah,  three to five thousand for the lawyer.

Ashley:                         01:47:03          So it was-

Tess:                             01:48:49          We didn’t have to go out. We stayed, you see some people, some people were asked to go out.  And wait, we stayed and we’re able to work.

Ashley:                         01:49:00          You’re able to work while you stayed-

Tess:                             01:49:04          Yeah. Yeah. So that’s the thing that we had and So I know some of our friends here, they came here to marriage. So I know one friend she came to two years ago and after a year she is able to bring her kids. They were under under, under 18 years old though. yeah, they’re here  So I, I said, I told my friend you’re so blessed because I know a lot of other friends that have been waiting for their kids. They’ve been here for awhile and you just come in. See?

Ashley:                         01:49:44          Were there any other comments that you wanted to make just to wrap up the interview?

Tess:                             01:49:53          Yeah Um, I want the best for everyone and I would like if this, you know, with this work of yours that um, people will get something out of it and it will be something that maybe can, it can help, uh, open, open the eyes of other people to be more understanding and respectful of other cultures. And if there’s a way that we can be together, get united and discuss things and I’m just negotiate and compromise whatever is the problem that we encounter in our life here in Harrisonburg.

Ashley:                         01:50:42          OK. Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me. I really do appreciate you sharing your story.


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