This episode, Lost in Translation, was produced by Emily Killmon, Hannah Knick, Charlotte Lawrence-Hovey, and Alayna Saunders. Our narrator was Jaime Cañas. Lost in Translation covers Jaime’s experience as a generation 1.5 immigrant from El Salvador. Jaime immigrated in 2001 following an earthquake in El Salvador that allowed him and his family to stay using Temporary Protected Status. Jaime describes growing up managing the extra responsibility of being the family translator, being more independent scholastically, and finding people to help him through it all. We explore the themes of responsibility, support, and logistic obstacles as Jaime explains how he navigates life as an immigrant. 


The information used in our literary discussion can be found here:

Contreras, Ingrid Rojas. “The Paris Review  –  Translation as an Arithmetic of Loss – The Paris Review.” The Paris Review,, 18 June 2019,

Nayeri, Dina. “The Ungrateful Refugee: We Have No Debt to Repay.” The Guardian, 4 Apr. 2017,

“Temporary Protected Status: An Overview | American Immigration Council.” American Immigration Council, 24 Aug. 2017,,be%20deported%20to%20those%20countries.

“ Community Support for Migrants Navigating the US Immigration System.” American Immigrant Council, 26 Feb. 2021,