Exciting month ahead for SCOM

April will be an eventful month for SCOM faculty and students. There are a lot of exciting events coming up!

SCOM Alumni Day
(Springboard into the Future)

Alumni Day flyer

There are only 2 weeks left until the big day! There will be panels in the morning, a lunch, and then a picnic with food, games, and an awards ceremony for SCOM students.

Please stay updated through our Facebook page as well as Twitter!

Congratulations to Dr. Mike Davis.MIKE DAVIS

The winner of the 2014 Ziegelmueller Award!!

The award is given annually to a coach who has demonstrated a long and substantial career of dedication to the profession of student learning in debate and public policy; Substantial evidence of long-term influence on the lives and careers of student debaters; and substantial evidence of success in debate over that career.


IABC (International Association of Business Communication)

JMU IABC will host a speaker event on March 31st @ 7pm in Harrison Hall 2102.

IABC  Speaker Event

CAP employee Marcus Anderson will speak about how to strengthen your networking skills for future opportunities!

Don’t miss this great opportunity!

Speech TeamSpeech nat'l showcase

The JMU Speech Team will host the ‘JMU Speech National Showcase’ on April 1st @7pm in Harrison 2105.

Don’t forget this event because it’s April Fool’s Day!!




36th Annual SCOM Conference

JMU SCOM will hold it’s 36th Annual conference from April 7th- 9th.

Students will be presenting their research papers as well as a keynote address speaker.

For the full program you can find it at: https://sites.google.com/site/jmuscomconference/Home.

JMU PRSSA (Public Relations Student Society of America)


PRSSA JMU Chapter was featured on the national PRSSA website for the NYC Agency visit they made last month!

The article features the JMU PRSSA chapter and their opportunity to meet the founding chairman of Burson-Marsteller, Harold Burson. Members of the chapter were featured on the article as well.

(Members with Harold Burson, middle)

Congratulations on this awesome recognition!


The chapter will make their second Washington D.C. Agency visit this Friday, March 28th.
This will be a great opportunity for students interested in the PR profession to learn more about the agencies as well as network with alumni and professionals.


We wish everyone safe travels!
Facebook page is HERE!


We are excited to announce that our JMU SCOM Facebook page has launched!


You can find out about events and information about our SCOM faculty through our page. There will also be photos of events that you may have missed!


Please let us know if you have any news to share with us. You can contact Dr. Isaac Woo (woocw@jmu.edu),  Karen Kim (kim2yj@dukes.jmu.edu) or Colby Boone (booneck@dukes.jmu.edu) for a blog story idea.

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