Quinn was ready to begin their junior year at JMU, but an unexpected family tragedy made returning to life on campus incredibly difficult. Quinn sought out JMU’s Rebound program and learned new ways to adapt and make the most of their junior year at...
Gary was all set to be a full-time student at JMU after finishing at community college. But unexpected financial challenges struck, and he had to find a new way to make a JMU degree...
After struggling with mastering trumpet as part of his music major, Micah Hodges switched instruments, but that meant extending his college career. Even so, he did it quicker than...
When a student faces a setback, it can be a setback for the family, too. And that means that makes the Rebound a family victory, too. That’s what Stefani and Michael Motley found as they helped their son,...
Failing a class during his freshman year forced Collin Ashley to redesign his study habits and to find new ways to succeed. The challenge also showed him a new calling and career...
Lauren Springer did really well in high school, so failing a class in college was a new experience. The experience strengthened her resolve to succeed. When she graduated in May 2020, she was selected as the graduation...
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