Explore the Map

Use the filters and toolbar on the left to navigate the map and sort through different projects:

  • to select single categories while using the drop-down filter menus, be sure to unselect “all” before selecting the desired category.
  • to access the navigation toolbar, hover over the top left corner of the map and it will pop up. Use + or – to zoom in and out. The home icon resets the map to its default position. Click on the arrow icon and it will come up with different ways to navigate the map: zoom, scroll, or select. Play around with these tools to find your favorite way of navigating the map.
  • to view more detailed information about a project, select the data point on the map, and the information will appear in the scrollable box beneath the map. Clicking the scrollable box will redirect you to the project’s website.
  • to download or share project information, use the toolbar at the bottom of the scrollable box beneath the map.

If you have any questions regarding the filter categories and terms, visit our Glossary

Contribute a new project here. If you have any updates to an existing project, questions, or suggestions, reach out to the Mapping BDPH team at mappingbdph@gmail.com.