Cultural History

Henna calligraphy tattooing has a long history within many cultures dating back 5000 years, tracing the beginning steps to ancient Egypt.  In ancient Egypt, a ritual process would take place after a Pharaoh would depart into the afterlife, otherwise known to Egyptians...

Works Cited and Further Reading

Aboutabl, Nahla. “Being a Minority at JMU Can Be Challenging.” The Breeze. last modified February 17, 2014. Errazzouki, Samia. “Artistic Depictions of Arab Women: An Interview with...

Essaydi’s Brand of Feminism

Lalla Essaydi is specifically contributing to the feminist movement in Morocco.  She does this  in her photographs with her use of the veil, the absence of the veil, and the calligraphy in her artwork. Calligraphy is traditionally a male art form, dating back to the...

Morocco Since 2011 and Constitutional Reform

In an effort to avoid a revolution, the king of Morocco, King Mohammed VI, wrote a new Moroccan constitution. The constitution was unveiled on March 9, 2011, which was just weeks after Ben Ali’s exile.[1] In particular, the new constitution helped with woman’s...

The Arab-Spring and Morocco

The Arab Spring designates a series of events that sparked revolutions in many Arab countries.  The catalyst was the December 17, 2010 self-immolation of a Tunisian vegetable seller. He set himself on fire in protest after the police tried to confiscate his cart...