Each year, the Smithsonian Institution Archives welcomes dozens of undergraduate and graduate students who wish to learn more about various aspects of archival, preservation, and conservation work. Internships are offered throughout the year, and internship applications are accepted on a rolling basis for spring, summer, and fall positions. Consult the Smithsonian Internship website for general information on the Institution’s internships. Internships can vary in length and are offered in a wide variety of activities such as:
- archival arrangement and description;
- conservation and preservation of paper, photographs, audio and video recordings, and electronic records;
- digital preservation and curation;
- researching and writing institutional history;
- creating oral and video history;
- use of the web, new media, and social media for cultural heritage organizations.
Application deadline for summer internships is March 15
For more information go to: http://siarchives.si.edu/about/internsfellowsvolunteers
Smithsonian Institution Archives