Joey’s Final Presentation

When I first began the class, I was very frustrated with how slow I had been learning how to work the programs. When I used tinkercad the first time and had to do the 20 objects, I got frustrated so easily and wanted to give up. I was getting upset with myself because I have never been too great with electronics. When it came to make our final project, I started to get a hang of the programming more and more. When I first printed out my cabinet, it messed up and I had to redo it (keep in mind it took 15 hours to print so I was very upset.) But it worked the second time and I didn’t have a problem with anything else design/print wise.

Tinkercad Final project

As seen above, everything turned out well and I started to like the class more.

Fusion 360 Final Project

When we began working with fushion 360, I found myself back in this annoyed stage because this program was quite confusing. I remember coming to class expecting to seem dumb and be the only one who struggled, but I felt very relieved when most people said that they were stuck with this program. Instead of just failing, I did some research and watched a lot of videos on how to work the program. Once I got the hang of it, I had so much fun designing with it! It became super easy and I really liked creating stuff with it. I got the idea to do headphones because it included a lot of different elements that the program had to offer. I knew I would be able to create something really cool, which I think I did. This creation is my favorite thing that I made this entire semester. It looks crazy but still well executed and I wish I could’ve tried to print this design out.

OpenSCAD Final Project

Once more when we began using OpenSCAD, I was scared I was going to fall behind. But I was more patient with myself and asked my friend who knows how to code if he could help me. This program was really easy to work with and you can definitely creative some pretty funky designs. I loved working on this orbit earth thing because it just felt like a fun, creative exercise. I knew since we weren’t printing it I had more room to just play with it, but I would’ve liked to try to make something on that program that could’ve actually printed.

Final Final Project

Moving into the final project, I wanted to try and make something that would push the boundaries of what I have done. I decided to use tinkercad because for me, it’s definitely the hardest program to use because of the limited features/functions of the objects. It definitely took me a long time to make this Squidward, but it came out really well and I’m happy with what I was able to do. Compared to the other programs, I felt like I still even struggled with it after using it many times. It’s easy to make things that aren’t super specific for different shapes, but when it needs to be something like making the shirt, it’s hard.


This class was challenging and something I definitely loved doing. I am really upset we weren’t able to print out the things but I am glad I was able to be creative. I don’t take much time to stop and work on a project that makes me think outside the confides of the intellectual realm. I feel like taking a class like this allowed me to stop and be creative and work a different part of my brain. The class challenges, 20 objects, and final projects were something that I am going to miss doing because I could relax and allow myself to make art.


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