For the OpenSCAD project we decided to do a Turner Cube. This is a design in which you have multiple cubes inside of each other. All the sides are parallel to each other resulting in the image that you see above. Overall, the design does not serve any purpose but it is a decorative piece. Within our code you can see it uses a for loop and a rotation.We first had along code, but realized we could shorten this down to a for loop rotation. Basically, we treated the design like a penny trap. And then we sized it down through a for loop.
The above picture, is our first attempt at printing the design. The print ultimately failed, but we can see the inside of what the design would look like. In addition to that, following this we updated the design to include more detail, and less support. We had to print this assignment multiple times.
start = 2;
stop = 30;
step = 3;
for (cube_size = [4,6,8,10,12] ) {
difference() {
cube( cube_size, center=true );
cylinder ( r=(cube_size-1)/2,h=cube_size+2, center=true );
rotate([90,0,0]) cylinder ( r=(cube_size-1)/2,h=cube_size+2, center=true);
rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder ( r=(cube_size-1)/2,h=cube_size+2, center=true );
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