Meet Jennie Rosier

It’s that time of year again. We are placing things in our shopping carts, swapping them out for others, and trying to get the best deals on what we are offered. Yes, I’m talking about class registration. Before we click that “enroll” button, most of the time we’ve just exited out of the “Rate My Professor” window. We want to know as much as we can about our professors, it’s our college student nature.  So, here’s your chance. Through an interview with Dr. Jennifer Rosier, one of our very own SCOM professors, we learn about what she does, her passions, and some of her life convictions.

“I don’t take my life too seriously. I don’t worry about what others are doing and I’m not in competition with other people. I’m only in competition with myself, and I strive to be the best I can be…and I usually am!” When asked the reason for her success, this was Rosier’s response. Rosier has a Ph.D. from Purdue University in Interpersonal Communication. She is currently an assistant professor at JMU and was awarded the SCOM Teacher of the Year award for the school year 2013-2014.  Not only is she passionate about teaching, she is also passionate about research. Most of her research is dedicated to enhancing romantic relationships. Additionally, she is the author of Jens Love Lessons, a blog site that offers relationship advice based on research and her expert opinion, and book “Make Love, Not Scrapbooks,” also dedicated to bettering romantic relationships.

Most people who know her as a teacher, know that she doesn’t only teach material, but she also teaches something more than just textbook content—how to be passionate about life and what you do. She has a zeal for life that she tries to pass along to her students. Through much of the interview, Dr. Rosier tells us how she lives her life, and what she believes in that she thinks to be beneficial for her students as well.

Read more Meet Jennie Rosier

Intersections: The Meeting Place of Communications and Culture

For five days, our nation’s capital buzzed with over 2,000 professionals and students from across the nation to discuss a shared passion. Each of these individuals came to D.C with hopes to make connections and discuss the profession that drew them together- public relations. On Oct. 10-14, the Public Relations Student Society of America held their annual national conference and allowed professionals and pre-professionals to coalesce and share their zeal for public relations. Read more Intersections: The Meeting Place of Communications and Culture

An Alumnus Who Gives Back in a Unique Way

Homecoming at JMU brings back alumni who are excited to see what has changed at the university since they graduated. For the past three years, alumnus Ron Burke (’85), Comcast Sports Net Philadelphia sports broadcaster, does just that. Last Friday, Burke didn’t only visit JMU for homecoming, but he also spoke to SCOM and sport communication minor students. I had the chance to meet him with 12 other students.

Read more An Alumnus Who Gives Back in a Unique Way