Homecoming Special: A Flashback to SCOM’s Past

We all know that the generations before us came from a different time. A time that the Internet did not exist, tests were taken in blue books, drinking was allowed on campus, and “Deadheads” roamed the quad. I have always been curious about JMU’s past, and with Homecoming weekend and the return of alumni right around the corner, I decided to take a look into SCOM’s past. To do this, I interviewed two alumni who currently work here at the University, Dr. Eric Fife (‘90), the director of SCOM and Andy Perrine (‘86), associate vice president of JMU Communications and Marketing.

“JMU has always had the best mix of academics, social environment, and campus beauty, which is something hasn’t changed over the years,” said Fife. SCOM, however, has gone through some changes over the past 20 years. Read more Homecoming Special: A Flashback to SCOM’s Past

The Communication Center brings more success in the Student Success Center

Cat got your tongue? Come to the Communication Center get help for all of your communication needs. A new school year means lots of changes on the JMU campus. One of the biggest changes is the new Communication Center. Previously located in Wilson hall, the Communication Center has been moved to the brand new Student Success Center. It is located on the first floor in the learning centers department. I had chance to meet people at the Communication Center that were able to inform me on what the Communication Center offers. This is what I learned:

“The Communication Center offers a wide range of services and opportunities to students and faculty,” said Paul Mabrey, Communication Center coordinator and lecturer at SCOM. In the past the center has offered students opportunities to practice giving their speeches, work on speech outlines and brainstorm with tutors. Due to the fact that they have a new location, the Communication Center was able to take on more staff and expand its office. By doing this they are able to offer more opportunities than in the past.

Read more The Communication Center brings more success in the Student Success Center

An Inside Look: The Organizational Communication Concentration

Congratulations, you just received your acceptance into the School of Communication Studies! Now what? Many SCOM students might be unsure of what to concentrate in once they begin their SCOM courses. Let’s hear from Dr. Toni Whitfield, coordinator for the concentration and a few organizational concentration students about what the concentration has to offer and if it is the right one for you.

You may have already glanced over the organizational communication summary on the SCOM website and have an idea of what courses are offered, but an insider’s view is always essential in decision making.

“I have had many students gain exciting jobs practicing many of the concepts we cover and that is always rewarding,” shared Whitfield. She also said that one of the many positions students go into after graduating is recruiting. According to Whitfield, many pursue student affairs positions and graduate school to work in higher education, such as counseling or in freshman orientation-type programs. Among just a few, students work as event coordinators, communication coordinators and marketing assistants.

Read more An Inside Look: The Organizational Communication Concentration

Career fair: An SCOM student’s experience

“JMU has so many great students! I wish I could hire them all,” said a representative from Edward Jones. Last week in the Festival Ballroom, the James Madison University Career Fair drew in students from all majors and concentrations to make a good impression any one of over 100 business, companies and organizations in attendance.

Read more Career fair: An SCOM student’s experience