3D printing is a versatile technology that can print a multitude of items, designed by either yourself or someone else. Hannah Stivelman is a student in JMU’s ISCI 104 Spring 2017 class, and she used 3D printing to make a gift for her younger sister.

She designed the game herself in the 3D design program Tinkercad. The game is designed by first creating the game board. The game board is made up of a hollow square with 4 partitions that criss cross to make a tic-tac-toe board. The name of her sister is printed on the side of the board with lettering. Two drawers were meticulously designed in the side of the board, so that they can hold the game pieces. Finally, the game pieces were printed as X’s and O’s, four each.

This design was one of Hannah’s many prints in the class, but it is one of the one’s she is most proud of. It is cool that the final of your class can be a gift for your little sister. Other people who take the class can follow Hannah’s example and print out other games for their siblings.