3-SPACE at the MD/DC/VA MAA Fall Meeting

3-SPACE at the MD/DC/VA MAA Fall Meeting

Later this week we’ll be bringing a printer and a bag of mathematical prints to a contributed talk at the Fall Sectional Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America for Maryland/DC/Virginia, held jointly at Hampden-Sydney College and Longwood University...
Broad Scope for 3D Printing

Broad Scope for 3D Printing

3-D Printing will impact everything in some way.  One major implication that comes to mind is that more goods will be manufactured at or close to their point of purchase.  This local production could have good and bad effects to the economy and manufacturing industry...
Personal 3D Printers

Personal 3D Printers

If it can be imagined, it can be made.  And object can be created in a matter of minutes as long as it can fit within the given plane.  3D printers are allowing anyone with access to them to created the most amazing things wheteher it be replacement plastic pieces or...

3D Printing and Manufacturing

The invention of 3D printing makes many dreams and ideas that were once thought to be impossible, now a reality. Items ranging from customized organs and prosthetic limbs to manufactured drugs are being printed. These mind-blowing creations suggest that the...

3D Printing and Medical Technology

3D printing has definitely evolved over the years, it started out with pretty much just making prototypes for a bunch of different industries. Today, 3D printing has taken it to a new level with medical technology. Recently an eclectic group of people gathered in an...