As I was contemplating what I wanted to write about I took a few minutes to think about some of the designs that really captured my eyes. 3D printing was new to most of us, so it amazed me that a novice was so creative in the coming up with and creating such intricate designs.

One that specifically caught my eyes was Becky Wild’s fractal tray. The repeated diagonal geometric shapes that perfectly aligned to create a symmetric square awed me. When I asked her how she came up with this idea she told me “we had talked about the Sierpinski triangle in my stats class a couple weeks ago and that pattern intrigued me. When it came time to create a design in Fusion360 I thought the technology of that program could create a precise and symmetric Sierpinski Triangle. Then I thought about how to turn it into something useful, so I made it into walls around a square to make a tray.” She took an concept from one class and turned it into a project for another. I think that was pretty inventive.

Coming from someone who could not figure Fusion360 out for the life of me I was curious to know how Becky dealt with the program and if she was easily able to use it. She responded with “When I first started using the program it was extremely frustrating, but I was too impatient to read and watch tutorials for it. Once I played around with it a little more I started to get the hang of how to use the different features. Once I figured the basics out I was pretty much able to design my idea without too many more issues.” Becky learned, I on the other hand was not so gifted in that department.

Overall I am extremely amazed at the final printed object. I think Becky did a great job with the design and incorporating an idea from her statistics class. I cannot wait to see what she has in store for her final project.