The color of the filament you use on a print can truly change the look of the item. There are incredibly cool options such as steel and copper but even more unique, wood filament. Wood filament is cheaper and physically lighter than the normal PLA filament which is an interesting twist on the normal printing process. It can give the piece a completely different look and is especially nice to use with items that in real life, would be made out of wood.

Emily Freeland, a student in the 3D Printing class, used the OpenSCAD assignment to make a PolyBowl that she then printed with wood filament. “This was one of my favorite pieces that I’ve printed, specifically because of the wood filament. It was cool that when I was printing it, it even smelled like wood.” Emily first printed a different bowl with both copper and plastic filament, but liked the look that the wood gave the item.

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This truly shows how different filament can make a print look completely different and add a different look. This bowl would be beautiful as a full size, working bowl!

You can learn more about the effectiveness of wood filament and how to use it by watching a video found here. Stay tuned for more prints used with wood or copper filament!