Below are some comments from Biology students about their experience with 3SPACE! Their assignment was to create a three-dimensional structure of a relatively unknown protein. Take a look!

“I think it was an extremely informative, user-friendly session.  As a novice, I really appreciated the patience as well as the alternative methods presented so I didn’t get too frustrated when the protein failed printing the first couple times.  I also thought it was an impressive introduction to what this technology was capable of doing; I was pretty amazed by some of the items created in that space.”

“It was really interesting to see 3D-printers in action and being able to actually go through the process of creating a 3D object from a computer file was really exciting. Having a 3D object of the protein we are researching helped make it easier for me to see the protein from all angles. I would definitely like to try printing other 3D objects again in the future.”

“Use of the 3SPACE lab has been a fantastic learning experience. Viewing our structure in a physical three dimensional space provides another tool of viewing and analyzing our protein. Thanks for allowing us to use your space!”

“My experience within the 3D printing lab was an enjoyable one. Having been my second time attending the 3D printing lab, I had some background information as to how to print. However, the introduction by the professor was still useful and informational. As for how the experience influenced my learning, I feel that the 3D space is extraordinarily beneficial for visual and touch learners. Holding a protein or other macromolecules that are intangible can be useful for learning and understanding major concepts. I feel that the experience should be repeated and available tor future classroom usage. However, the experience could be enhanced by giving more background information on the process for 3D printing, and the additional applications of the technique.”

You’ve heard what students think; come see for yourself!