Last semester, a group of POSC 344 students got to experience 3D printing for the very first time in the 3SPACE facility. According to their professor, John Scherpereel, the students’ assignment was to “visualize the the salient features of politicians who take part in intergovernmental negotiations in the European Union.” To accomplish this, the students gathered data from 28 EU member states on government ministers. From this, they created a 3D design that visualized the vital attributes of the ministers. Overall, the students came up with 56 3D prototypes.

Scherpereel says that this was a real learning experience for his students, none of whom had ever touched a 3D printer. They learned about the unique aspects of Europe’s political system as well as which design methods are effective and which are not.

If you would like to take a look at this exciting project and the student’s work, they have displayed their 3D printed designs in the northeast hallway on the second floor of Miller Hall!