As technology continues to advance in our society, people have explore many ways to utilize new tools/technology to improve instructional teachings and scientific research. Three dimensional printing is one example that has been tested and used in research and instructional teachings through the past 30 years. Now that 3D printers are available at JMU, there should be a class offered to challenge students to make social changes in Harrisonburg community by utilizing 3D printing. The course title will be called “3D Impact.” The way how this class is designed is to have students to be grouped up in team of 4-5 people. They will have to collaborate together to come up with ideas that can help the Harrisonburg community in making social changes. An example would be Second Home, an afterschool program, is in need of school supplies such as pencil boxes. Students will then design a suitable project to help them solve the issue. This type of classes allows students engage in problem solving, improve collaboration, while helping out the community. Makerbot, a 3D printer company, has designed a curriculum utilizing 3D printings in New York City public high schools. Some of the designs can be found in the link.

Another example is how this person used 3D printing in designing hermit crab shells.