Yasmeen Shorish


What I do…

I am the Director of Data & Scholarly Communications and a Professor at James Madison University (JMU) in Harrisonburg, Virginia. I seek to provide leadership for holistic support of scholarly communications across the organization, including the development of inclusive and equitable practices related to publishing model support. My department includes

My research interests are in changing models within scholarly communication, data privacy and ethics, and issues related to representation within the profession. In all things, I believe that social justice is the foundation of active librarianship.

Scroll down to view my C.V. which details my professional and academic history. The “Scholarship” button details my presentations and publications and the “Engagement” button details my service to the profession and community.

Work Experience

James Madison University

Director of Data & Scholarly Communications/Professor

In collaboration with colleagues, sets the vision for scholarly communications strategies and systems of support in the Libraries. Provides leadership for holistic support of scholarly communication across the organization, including the development of inclusive and equitable practices related to publishing model support.



James Madison University

Special Advisor to the Dean on Equity Initiatives

Advise on ways that the JMU Libraries may best leverage existing structures and groups focused on creating more equitable policies,frameworks, and opportunities. Provides counsel on how best to create an encouraging learning environment, open to engagement by all members of the Libraries, while promoting a culture of accountability and organizational change. Represents the Libraries in campus conversations on matters of the above, as appropriate.



James Madison University

Director of Scholarly Communications Strategies/Associate Professor

In collaboration with colleagues, sets the vision for scholarly communications strategies and systems of support in the Libraries. Provides leadership for holistic support of scholarly communication across the organization, including the development of inclusive and equitable practices related to publishing model support. Supervises faculty in the Scholarly Communications department. Provides data services support, particularly in the emerging data science curricular development needs of the campus.



James Madison University

Data Services Coordinator/Associate Professor

Works with campus partners and Libraries units to enhance knowledge and awareness of data information literacy on campus, which includes the discovery, management, and curation of data, including its role in the research lifecycle. Coordinates cross-campus engagement with the Libraries’ data services, in order to provide support, information, and resources to users interested in data management, data storage, and high-end computing. Collaborates with other JMU Libraries experts to support open science, digital scholarship, and nontraditional publishing needs of both student and faculty research.



James Madison University

Assistant Director of Research and Education Services

Two-year rotating term. Supervise graduate assistants, including assistance with project planning and coordination across RES. Leads development of new relationships in non-academic units under Academic Affairs. Provide backup support for internal JMU Libraries relationships. Assist with RES meeting planning and facilitation, such as regular monthly meetings and retreats.



James Madison University

Physical and Life Sciences Librarian/Assistant Professor

Works with campus partners and Libraries units to enhance knowledge and awareness of data information literacy on campus, which includes the discovery, management, and curation of data, including its role in the research lifecycle. Coordinates cross-campus engagement with the Libraries’ data services, in order to provide support, information, and resources to users interested in data management, data storage, and high-end computing. Collaborates with other JMU Libraries experts to support open science, digital scholarship, and nontraditional publishing needs of both student and faculty research.



University of Illinois – Chicago Library of the Health Sciences (Urbana)

Staff – Graduate Hourly

Responsibilities included aiding in the development of a disaster plan for the library, providing instructional sessions, staffing the reference desk, and spearheading a collection development project regarding retention of print journals for archival purposes when electronic access is available.



University Library of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Graduate Assistant, Conservation Lab

Assistant to Special Collections Conservator. Responsibilities included, but were not limited to: database entry, mold assessment and remediation, preparation of materials for exhibition, photo-documentation of pre- and post-treatment condition, and the physical repair of Special Collection items, including paper mending, guarding, sewing and the construction of enclosures.



Frost Lighting Co. of Illinois, Chicago, IL

Production Manager

Responsibilities included creation of floor plans and schematics for events, collaboration with designers and creation of PowerPoint presentations and art files for video loops and graphics production. Also served as company liaison to various Unions, such as the Stagehands Local 2, Teamsters, IBEW Local 134 and Projectionists Local 110. Additional experience with sales, hiring of new personnel, creation of new positions within the company and overall production supervision. A sampling of past and present clients of Frost Lighting with whom I have had direct involvement include the Annual Alzheimer’s Gala with Princess Aga Khan, Fashion Week and NBC’s Olympic Division.



“Living Memory/Living Absence” Chicago, IL

Lighting Designer

Created the lighting design for director Anida Ali’s one-woman touring show. The design was adapted to work in multiple and diverse venues across the country and was seamlessly melded with the video media used in the performance.



“Sisters in the Smoke” New York City, NY and Chicago, IL

Lighting Designer

Created the original lighting design for the all-women Asian and Pacific Islander performance group, Mango Tribe. As an ensemble production the design was flexible and innovative to compliment the diverse subject matter. Originally produced in Chicago, the show was relaunched in New York City and the original design was revamped to suit the new venue and script changes.




University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL


M.S. Library and Information Science

Concentration in Data Curation


Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, IL


B.S. Biology

Summa Cum Laude


University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL


B.F.A. Theatre




  • University of Illinois iSchool Alumni Association (ISAA) Leadership Award, 2022

  • James Madison University Madison Scholar Award, 2020-2021
  • ARL + DLF Forum Fellow for Underrepresented Groups, 2015
  • ALA Emerging Leader, 2013
  • University of Illinois, Health Sciences Information Management Award, 2011
  • ARL Initiative to Recruit a Diverse Workforce Scholar, 2010
  • ALA Spectrum Scholar, 2009
  • Northeastern Illinois University, Summa Cum Laude, 2009
  • Northeastern Illinois University, Award of Merit in Recognition of Outstanding Research, 2009


UC Denver Anschutz Medical Campus: Health Sciences Library

Observed the organization and function of the various departments of the library and met with department heads and administration to discuss mission and challenges. Compiled a short bibliography and biography of an invited speaker and reported my observations and feedback to the administration.


Library of Congress: Collection Access, Loan and Management Division


Assisted the Collection Officer in rehousing projects and preparation of materials for transfer to Fort Myers. Developed a template prototype for a new four-flap enclosure designed by the Collection Officer.



Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Photoshop, Mac OS, as well as industry computer assisted drafting programs Vectorworks, AutoCAD and Autodesk Viz4. Experienced in XHTML and CSS and can perform website maintenance. Familiar with oXygen XML editor, XML and Adobe DreamWeaver. Familiar with MySQL and Microsoft Access database programs.

Book conservation skills include Japanese tissue mending, washing, sewing and re-casing.

Familiar with metadata schemas Dublin Core, CDWA Lite, PREMIS, METS, MODS, EAD, TEI, RDF and PBCore.

Possess biology and chemistry laboratory experience as well as small animal handling, histological sectioning and staining experience.

Native fluency in English. Intermediate reading and writing competence in Farsi/Dari with beginning conversation skills. Beginning Spanish language skills.