Yasmeen Shorish


My presentations, papers, grant work, courses taught, and poster presentations are all in service of information sharing and discussion. I hope that this work is constructive and relevant, improving discourse across domains, bringing us towards a common goal of improved understanding and shared values.


    1. Padilla, T., Scates Kettler, H., & Shorish, Y. (2023). Collections as Data: Part to Whole Final Report. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10161975
    2. Padilla, T., Scates Kettler, H., Varner, S., & Shorish, Y. (2023). Vancouver Statement on Collections as Data. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8342171
    3. Shorish, Y. & Thompson, L. (2023). The Library’s Role with Open Educational Resources. Ithaka S&R Blog. (Invited contribution)
    4. Cooke, N., Chancellor, R., Shorish, Y., Dahlen, S., & Gibson, A. (June 10, 2022). Once More for Those in the Back: Libraries Are Not Neutral. Publishers Weekly. (Editorial Review)
    5. Shorish, Y. & Nowviskie, B. (2022). Dialogue: Shorish and Nowviskie. Journal of Critical Library and Information Studies: Special Issue on Library and Information Studies and the Mattering of Black Lives, Vol 4. (Editorial Review
    6. Shorish, Y., (2021). Toward a More Open – and Equitable – Future. IAU Horizons, 26(1). (Invited editorial)
    7. Gibson, A., Chancellor, R., Cooke, N., Dahlen, S., Patin, B., & Shorish, Y. (2020). “Struggling to breathe: COVID-19, protest and the LIS response”, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Vol. 40 No. 1, pp. 74-82. https://doi.org/10.1108/EDI-07-2020-0178. Open Access version: https://doi.org/10.17615/yhe2-8w37 (Invited essay, refereed)
    8. Shorish, Y. & Chan, L. (2019). Co-creating Open Infrastructure to Support Epistemic Diversity and Knowledge Equity. ScholarLed Blog. (Invited post)
    9. Kennison, R., Ruttenberg, J., Shorish, Y., & Thompson, L. (2019). OA in the Open: Community Needs and Perspectives. LIS Scholarship Archive. https://doi.org/10.31229/osf.io/g972d
    10. Shorish, Y., & Hall, N. (2019). Creating the ACRL research agenda for scholarly communication: A move towards more equitable, open systems. College & Research Libraries News, 80(8), 430. doi:https://doi.org/10.5860/crln.80.8.430 (Invited)
    11. Association of College and Research Libraries. (2019). Open and Equitable Scholarly Communications: Creating a More Inclusive Future. Prepared by Nancy Maron and Rebecca Kennison with Paul Bracke, Nathan Hall, Isaac Gilman, Kara Malenfant, Charlotte Roh, and Yasmeen Shorish. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries. https://doi.org/10.5860/acrl.1 (Editorial Review)
    12. Nurnberger, A. L., Lach, P., Goben, A. H., De Groote, S., and Shorish, Y. (2018). ACRL Primer for Protecting Sensitive Data in Academic Research. LIS Scholarship Archive. https://doi.org/10.31229/osf.io/h6uwq (white paper)
    13. Asher, A. D., Briney, K. A., Gardner, G. J., Hinchliffe, L. J., Nowviskie, B., Salo, D., and Shorish, Y. (2018). Ethics in Research Use of Library Patron Data: Glossary and Explainer. https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/XFKZ6 (white paper)
    14. Shorish, Y., (2018). Special Issue: The Role of Scholarly Communication in a Democratic Society. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication. 6(2), p.eP2257. DOI: 10.7710/2162-3309.2257 (Editorial)
    15. Coates, H., Carlson, J., Clement, R., Henderson, M., Johnston, L., and Shorish, Y. (2018). How are we Measuring Up? Evaluating Research Data Services in Academic Libraries. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication. (Refereed)
    16. Gibson, A., Chancellor, R., Cooke, N., Dahlen, S., Lee, S., and Shorish, Y. (2017). Libraries on the frontlines: Neutrality and social justice. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal. doi: 10.1108/EDI-11-2016-0100 (Refereed)
    17. Shorish, Y. (2017). Data Information Literacy and Application. Educause Review, 52(3). (Editorial Review)
    18. Conrad, S., Shorish, Y., Whitmire, A., and Hwse, P. (2016). Building professional development opportunities in data services for academic librarians. IFLA Journal – Special issue on Research Data Services, 43(1). doi: 10.1177/0340035216678237. (Refereed)
    19. Shorish, Y. & Reisner, B.A. (2016). Building Data and Information Literacy in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum. In C. Lovitt, K. Shuyler, Y. Li (Eds.), Integrating Library and Information Literacy Into Chemistry Curricula. ACS Symposium Series. Washington DC: American Chemical Society. doi: 10.1021/bk-2016-1232.ch002. Open Access to Author Accepted Manuscript via JMU Scholarly Commons
    20. Shorish, Y. & Schubert, C. (2016). Data Information Literacy: Engaging with the Undergraduate Health Sciences Population. In L. Federer (Ed.), The Medical Library Association’s Guide to Data Management for Librarians. Chicago: Rowman and Littlefield.
    21. Hall, N., Arnold-Garza, S., Gong, R., Shorish, Y. (2015). Leading by example? ALA division publications, open access, and sustainability. College & Research Libraries, 77(5), 654-667. doi: 10.5860/crl.77.5.654 (Refereed)
    22. Shorish, Y. (2015). Data Information Literacy and Undergraduates: A Critical Competency. College & Undergraduate Libraries, 22(1), 97-106. doi:10.1080/10691316.2015.1001246 Open Access to Author Accepted Manuscript via JMU Scholarly Commons (Refereed)
    23. Reisner, B.A., Vaughan, K.T.L., Shorish, Y. (2014). Making Data Management Accessible in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum. Journal of Chemical Education, 91(11), 1943-1946. doi: 10.1021/ed500099h (Refereed)
    24. Mandernach, M.A., Shorish, Y., Reisner, B.A. (2014). The Evolution of Library Instruction Delivery in the Chemistry Curriculum Informed by Mixed Assessment Methods. Issues in Science & Technology Librarianship, 77. doi: 10.5062/F46H4FDD (Refereed)
    25. Henderson, M., Raboin, R., Shorish, Y., Van Tuyl, S. (2014). Research Data Management on a Shoestring Budget. Bulletin of the Association for Information Science & Technology, 40(6), 14-17. (Editorial Review)
    26. Schubert, C., Shorish, Y., Frankel, P., Giles, K. (2013). The evolution of research data: Strategies for curation and data management. Library Hi Tech News, 30(6), 1-6. doi:10.1108/LHTN-06-2013-0035 (Editorial Review)
    27. Shorish, Y. (2012). Data curation is for everyone! The case for master’s and baccalaureate institutional engagement with data curation. Journal of Web Librarianship, 6(4), 263-273. doi:10.1080/19322909.2012.729394 (Refereed). Open Access to Author Accepted Manuscript via JMU Scholarly Commons
    28. Shorish, Y., & Puryear, T. (2009). Cognitive and behavioral effects of mid pregnant (day 14) folinic acid supplementation on mice as illustrated by T-Maze and water maze performance. Developmental Biology, 331(2), 455. doi:10.1016/j.ydbio.2009.05.258. (Refereed)

Presentations and Workshops

  1. “Responsible Collections as Data” – presentation with Thomas Padilla, Hannah Scates Kettler, and Stewart Varner at the 2023 IFLA WLIC, Rotterdam, Netherlands. (Refereed)
  2. Collections as Data: State of the Field and Future Directions” – two-day international summit with Thomas Padilla, Hannah Scates Kettler, and Stewart Varner in Vancouver, Canada on April 25-26, 2023. (Organizer)
  3. “Equitable Practices in Scholarly Communications” – presentation at the ACRL Science and Technology Section Annual Program on June 14, 2022. (Invited)
  4. Once More for Those in the Back—Libraries Are NOT Neutral!” – panel discussion with Nicole A. Cooke and Renate Chancellor, moderated by Andrew Albanese, at “Libraries are Essential – U.S. Book Show” on May 24, 2022. (Invited)
  5. Collections as Data: Part to Whole — Lessons Learned and Next Steps” – presentation to the Coalition of Networked Information (CNI) Spring Meeting on March 29, 2022 at San Diego, CA. (Accepted)
  6. Community-Based Solutions to Shared Challenges: Innovating Together for Inclusion, Equity, and Justice in Scholarly Communications” – panel presentation with Charlotte Roh, Harriet Green, and Maurice York, moderated by Melanie Schaffner, at MUSE Meets 2022. April 5, 2022. (Invited)
  7. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign School of Information Sciences Convocation Speaker. December 17, 2021. (Invited)
  8. Library Support for Equitable Access to Knowledge” – panel presentation with Roger Schonfeld and Kaitlin Thaney, moderated by Jon Cawthorne, at the Society for College and University Planning event “Libraries in Shaping the Future of Higher Education” on June 24, 2021. (Invited)
  9. VIVA AntiRacism Webinar Series #1: Leadership. Panel presentation for VIVA (Virginia’s Academic Library Consortium) on February 25, 2021. (Invited)
  10. “Advocating for Open and Equitable Scholarly Communications” – Network of the National Libraries of Medicine’s Love Data Week: Spotlight on “Open.” Presentation and panel. February 10 & 12, 2021. (Invited)
  11. “On Being a Critical Partner: Valuing Privacy in a Surveillance Society.” – Ashton Speaker lecture presentation and half-day workshop at the University of New Mexico Libraries.  March 10, 2020, Albuquerque, NM. (Invited)
  12. “OA in the Open” – presentation with Liz Thompson on October 16, 2019 at the 2019 DLF Forum, Tampa, FL.
  13. “Completing the Circle: How LIS educators and practitioners can collaboratively contribute to the data ethics education landscape” – presentation as part of the “More Data, More Problems: Strategically Addressing Data Ethics and Policy Issues in LIS Curricula and Courses” session on September 24, 2019 at ALISE 2019, Knoxville, TN. (Refereed)
  14. “Getting to Inclusive and Equitable: Using the ACRL research agenda as a mechanism for change” – presentation at the Library Diversity and Residency Series Conference. August 26, 2019, Greensboro, NC. (Refereed)
  15. Open and Equitable Scholarly Communications” ACRL webcast presentation with Nathan Hall, Nancy Maron, and Rebecca Kennison on July 15, 2019. https://youtu.be/qn_EK4jctZw
  16. “Update on ACRL Research Agenda for Scholarly Communications” – presentation with Nathan Hall on June 22, 2019 at ALA Annual 2019, Washington DC.
  17. “ACRL Research Agenda for Scholarly Communications and the Research Environment” –presentation with Nancy Maron on May 9, 2019 at Library Publishing Forum 2019, Vancouver, Canada. (Refereed)
  18. “Centering Humanity in Digital Scholarship” – Featured Speaker at the 2019 Digital Initiatives Symposium. April 30, 2019, San Diego, CA. (Invited)
  19. “ACRL Research Agenda for Scholarly Communications and the Research Environment” – Chair’s Choice presentation with Nathan Hall and Rebecca Kennison on April 13, 2019 at ACRL 2019, Cleveland, OH. (Accepted) 
  20. “Digital Surveillance and Instruction” – webinar presentation for the Medical University of South Carolina, March 18, 2019. (Invited)
  21. “Indexing the Open Access Journal: A Conversation” – panel presentation for the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) Scholarly Communications Interest Group on January 26, 2019 at ALA Midwinter, Seattle, WA. (Invited)
  22. Enacting the Mission” Moderator for the Closing Plenary of the 2018 DLF Forum on October 17, 2018, Las Vegas, NV. (Invited)
  23. Technologies of Surveillance Working Group Discussion.” Working session presented with Michelle Gibeault and Jacob Levernier on October 15, 2018 at the DLF Forum, Las Vegas, NV. (Refereed)
  24. “Digital Surveillance and Instruction: Incorporating privacy and data ethics into instruction and outreach sessions.” Presentation with Michael Mungin on September 29, 2018 at the Joint Conference of Librarians of Color (JCLC), Albuquerque, NM. (Refereed)
  25. “Library and Research Computing Efforts and Tools to Improve Data Sharing and Archiving.” Workshop produced with Thomas Morrell, Aaron Culich, Susan Borda, Jonathan Petters, Reid Boehm, Amy Nesser and Rick Jaffe on July 24, 2018 at PEARC18, Pittsburg, PA. (Refereed)
  26. “Valuing Privacy in a Surveillance Society.” Presentation as part of the Data, Libraries, and Justice conference on May 22, 2018 at the ENY/ACRL Conference, Colgate University, Hamilton, NY. (Invited)
  27. “Getting started with Open Science Framework.” Presentation produced with Kelly Giles and Alyssa Valcourt on October 23, 2017 at the JMU Teaching and Learning with Technology Conference, Harrisonburg, VA. (Refereed)
  28. “The State of OA in the United States.” Keynote address as part of the IRRT Preconference, “Supporting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals with International Open Access Initiatives” on June 23, 2017 at the 2017 American Library Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. (Invited)
  29. Presenter/moderator at the 2016 National Diversity in Libraries Conference Town Hall, “Caught in the Crossfire: A Conversation on Libraries and Communities in Distress.” August 10, 2016, Los Angeles, CA.
  30. “Strategies and Partnerships: Tailoring Data Services for Your Institutional Needs” – ACRL President’s Program presentation with Kristin Partlo and Sara Bowman at ALA Annual 2016, Orlando, FL. (Invited)
  31. “Building Without a Plan. How do you assess structural strength?” on May 5th, 2016 for the “Measuring Up: How Are We Defining Success for Research Data Services?” panel at the Research Data Access & Preservation (RDAP) Summit 2016, Atlanta, GA. (Refereed)
  32. “We built it. They came. Now what?” on May 4th, 2016 for the “Sustainability” panel at the Research Data Access & Preservation (RDAP) Summit 2016, Atlanta, GA. (Invited)
  33. “Getting Down to Brass Tacks: Practical Approaches for Developing Data Management Services” – full day preconference with Amanda Whitmire, Suzanna Conrad, and Patricia Hswe on March 25, 2015 for “ACRL 2015,” Portland, OR. (Invited)
  34. “Data on a dime: building data services at James Madison University” on March 26, 2014 for the “Building a data management and curation program on a shoestring budget” panel at the Research Data Access & Preservation (RDAP) Summit 2014, San Diego, CA. (Refereed)
  35. “Research Data Approaches and Best Practices at James Madison University” – panel presentation on May 16, 2013 for “The Evolution of Research Data: Strategies for Curation and Data Management”, Charlottesville, VA. (Invited)
  36. “Data Curation for Information Professionals” - Four hour Continuing Education (CE) course taught on May 3, 2013 with Andrea Denton and Patricia Hswe for the Medical Library Association (MLA) Annual Meeting 2013, Boston, MA. (Invited)
  37. “Wading into the Data Pool Without Drowning: Implementing new library data services in the campus context” – panel presentation with Patricia Hswe and Marisa Ramirez on April 12, 2013 for “ACRL 2013,” Indianapolis, IN. (Refereed)
  38. “Data Management at JMU: One Year Later”presentation on January 4, 2013, for James Madison University January Symposium 2013, Harrisonburg, VA.
  39. “How to Engage with Data Management at Any Level” – presentation with Andrew Sallans, Head of Strategic Data Initiatives at the University of Virginia on December 7, 2012, for the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) Library Advisory Committee Meeting, Charlottesville, VA. (Invited)
  40. “Scholars’ Cafes in the Academic Library: Catalysts for Community Learning” – presentation with Sara Williams, Patricia Hardesty, and Michael Trocchia on October 25, 2012, for the Virginia Library Association Annual Conference, VACRL division, Williamsburg, VA. (Refereed)
  41. “Wading into the Data Pool: Engaging with data management without drowning…hopefully” – presentation on April 12, 2012, for “Data Management Day,” University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. (Invited)
  42. “Wading into the Data Pool: Engaging with data management without drowning…hopefully” – presentation on March 16, 2012, for “Data Curation for Information Professionals,” Continuing Education course for Philadelphia Chapter of the Medical Library Association, Philadelphia, PA. (Invited)
  43. “The National Science Foundation Data Management Plan Policy: What You Need to Know”– presentation on January 6, 2012, for James Madison University January Symposium 2012, Harrisonburg, VA.


  • Mannheimer, S., Clark, J., Rossman, D., Scates-Kettler, H., Sheehey, B., Shorish, Y., Young, S. (Awarded August 2022). Responsible AI: Tools for values-driven AI in libraries and archives. Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) awarded $248,220 for a National Leadership Grant for Libraries.
  • Shorish, Y., Thompson, L. (Awarded August 2018). Supporting OA collections in the open: community requirements and principles. Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) awarded $89,333 for a National Forum Grant as part of the National Digital Platform program.
  • Padilla, T., Scates Kettler, H., Varner, S., Allen, L., Shorish, Y. (Awarded 2018) Invited to join the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation funded Collections as Data: Part to Whole project in 2019, post-award.

Courses Taught

  • Introduction to Data (JMU DATA 200), 3 credits, Fall 2019-20, Spring 2020
  • Data Management Skills (JMU GRAD 550-e), 1 credit, Fall 2017, Spring 2019-22
  • Literature and Seminar I (JMU CHEM 481), 1 credit, Fall 2012-15, 2017
  • Seminar (JMU PHYS 391/2 & PHYS 491/2), 1 credit, Fall 2014-15, Spring 2015-16


  1. Mannheimer, S., Shorish, Y. (2023). “AI in libraries: Engaging responsibly with new technology.” ALA Core Forum, New Orleans, LA, October 21, 2023. (Refereed)
  2. Shorish, Y., Scates Kettler, H., Padilla, T., Varner, S. (2023). “Collections as Data: Charting International Futures.” IFLA WLIC 2023, Rotterdam, Netherlands, August 22-23, 2023. (Refereed)
  3. Mungin, M., Shorish, Y. (2017) Racial Tension On Display: Engaging with Black Lives Matter and Negotiating Public Push-back. Outreach Program Poster Session. American Library Association Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, June 24, 2017. (Refereed)
  4. Mungin, M., Shorish, Y. (2016) “Why are we still talking about diversity?” Combating misconceptions in an academic library. 2016 National Diversity in Libraries Conference, Los Angeles, CA, August 11, 2016. (Refereed). URL: http://commons.lib.jmu.edu/letfspubs/62/
  5. Shorish, Y., Pickle, S., Wiley, CA., Bresnahan, M., Johnson, AM. (2015). DataQ: A Collaborative Platform for Answering Research Data Questions in Libraries 2015 Digital Library Federation Forum, Vancouver, Canada. (Refereed). URL: http://commons.lib.jmu.edu/letfspubs/57
  6. Mandernach, M., Shorish, Y., Reisner, B. (2013). Evolving instruction delivery for chemistry information literacy course. ACRL Science & Technology Section. STS Program Poster Session. American Library Association Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, July 1, 2013. (Refereed). URI:http://hdl.handle.net/1811/55057
  7. Shorish, Y., Arnold-Garza, S., Gong, R., Hall, N. (2013). Developing a financially sustainable business model for Library Resources and Technical Services (LRTS), the official journal of ALCTS. Emerging Leaders Program Poster Session. American Library Association Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, June 28, 2013. URI:http://hdl.handle.net/10919/23249.