Urban Dwellers


  During the Fall semester of 2020, students in History 302 advocated to hear the voices of actual Latin Americans in our course. We were studying urban problems and began to think of the new challenges  urban dwellers faced in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The students in this class helped create a google form, and translated it, and then distributed it to our colleagues, friends, and family members living in Latin America. Over twenty of them responded, giving us a first hand account of life in urban Latin America. We thank everyone who took their time to help us understand new perspectives on Latin American cities:  São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, Guatemala City, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and many others are represented here. Just click on a window for an overview of the interview. You can click again to reach the full interview.

[Unfortunately we know that things have gotten worse since the fall semester for many Latin American countries.]