My name is Caroline and I am a foreign-born resident of Guatemala City with an advanced university degree. I am living comfortably in my own home within the city suburbs. Since mid March, schools have been closed and distance learning modalities have been set in place...
My name is Claudia and I am a forty five year old mestiza woman with doctoral university training currently working at the University of Costa Rica. Public education in the city of San Jose has been negatively impacted due to the lack of access to internet and...
I am Emilia, a sixty-five year old woman with a PhD in Sociology and I live in San José, Costa Rica. I stay home most of the time and I only see my daughters and grandchildren once every few months reduce my exposure to others. Most of the precautions set in place...
I am a twenty eight year old, White, American woman living in Rio de Janeiro, Flamengo. I live here with my wife who is a white Brazilian woman, we both have postgraduate degrees and we are working at a podcast production company in Rio. I used to take public...
My name is Gisele and I am a forty-one year old nurse, post graduated in public health, but I have not worked in the area for a year. I live in Santo André in São Paulo in the neighborhood of Vila Lucinda in Brazil. My family and I own a Japanese food restaurant which...
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