My name is Paola and I live in the city of Chilpancingo in the San Francisco neighborhood. I am a forty seven years old mestiza woman and I have a degree in secondary education in the specialty of Civics and Ethics Training. SInce March, students have been taking classes online but there are many difficulties as there are communities where there is no internet access nor do they have the devices to support such remote learning. In some cases, teachers must take the work and assignments to students’ homes. “Here the support of parents in the tasks of the children counts a lot.” In the city, public transportation such as taxis and urbans continue to function but riders must use a mask and sanitation practices are in place. I use my own car to move around the city. As I work for in a school, I am not attending in person, and only go to the school when the managers summons us. When I do travel I take my precautions. If I go to the store, I do not bring children or grandparents as they are not allowed entry and only one member per family is allowed in. Public parks are closed and some restaurant that are open practice social distancing. “The center or zócalo of the city is closed by fences.” The national government has encouraged people to stay home as much as possible and if one does need to travel, to do so with a mask on and glasses to help reduce infection rates. The government has also promoted the practice of social distancing and required those who are symptomatic to quarantine for at least 14 days and later sanitize your house. From what I have experienced, most people obey the mask mandates because it is obvious that cases keep rising. “The federal government implemented some COVID Care centers, but they have an average of 10 to 20 beds with very few respirators and the number of infected far exceeds that. It is the federal government also provides aid through the Mexican Institute of Social Security IMSS), Institute of Social Security and Services for State Worker (ISSSTE) and popular insurance; the first two are employee insurance and the last of people who do not have social security. Testing is provided free through its preventative health centers but “the result is given after 10 days when the patient has already recovered or died.” In order to get results back quicker, you have to pay a private laboratory $2000 pesos ($101.15 USD) to $7000 pesos ($354.03 USD).
“Indeed, within the field of education it is said that children and young people do not learn the same in online classes, so there will be educational lag, socially, people complain that there are no parties, in the family affective, families do not visit and miss each other a lot, in terms of employment, many have been lost because companies and businesses closed, there will be more poverty and more robberies and kidnappings.”