The lasting impacts will definitely shift the culture in Latin America in the long run. People were very close knit and met in large gatherings for every event, but with the virus it will make people more precautious to join these. I believe people will be much more aware of sanitization as well as the spread of other illnesses like the flu or cold. Hopefully people will be more likely to wear a mask and take care of their sicknesses in isolation before spreading it to others.

Economic instability will also impact Latin America greatly as the tourist industry and other businesses that the L.A. economy relied on have plummeted since the start of COVID. Many people have lost work and have been relying on government aid to survive. The long term impacts of this are unknown but however they reinvent themselves from this will definitely shape the way the economy and other social fabrics are rebuilt. I believe it will take a lot of people and planning to find success in reshaping these cities for the better.

Countries with more economic developments have begun working on vaccines but this impact may not be clearly seen in Latin America. In many of these cities the testing is an upward cost already, testing is limited and sometimes inaccessible. Some of these cities may not see the vaccine to the virus for years to come and the lasting effects could be detrimental to city life and culture. In the U.S., the time frame for reaching a level of resistance to the virus with the introduction of a vaccine has been set to some time in the upcoming year, but in reality, this time frame is not feasible in Latin America as access to a vaccine will not be widespread nor available to vulnerable people in the population.