Author: Matthew Bentley Interviewer: Liam Mullen A desperate South is looking for any advantage they can to break the tight Union blockades of their most vital ports. These Northern blockades are cutting off major Confederate supply routes leaving them fractured and...
The Lindbergh Kidnapping by Katherine Dillman and Sophia Cabana The Lindbergh Kidnapping occurred on March 1, 1932, during the Great Depression. Charles Lindbergh and Anne Morrow Lindbergh were the...
Author: Alexandrea Riddell Interviewer: Aaron Myers Korean Comfort Women were sex slaves for Japanese soldiers during WWII. The soldiers raped, beat, and tortured the women and once they were free their lives were never the same. Hidden until the 1990’s the...
Author: Charles Rollin Buffington V Interviewer: Drew Holt During October of 1962, the United States came close to thermonuclear war. The Soviet Union placed missiles on the “imprisoned island” of Cuba and Fidel Castro aligned himself with the communist...
Author: Philip Jackson Interviewer: Kyle Saunders Philip Jackson explores how the U.S. government, beginning in the Eisenhower era, began sending prominent jazz artists overseas to Cold War strategic zones, hoping to represent American culture in a positive light, and...
Author: Nicholas Suk Interviewer: Gohar Tahir Nicholas Suk investigates the origin of hip-hop and how the decaying city of the Bronx helped birth the movement. The Bronx was in the midst of social and economic breakdown, leading to issues such as violence and gang...