The Initial Attempt

Post Author: minksc

In the fall of 1969 the Student Government Association held a meeting to review the rules and regulations of Madison College, particularly pertaining to female students. On October 23, 1969 a proposal was made to do away with the Parental Approval Card, and replace with alternative regulations (no alternatives were proposed at this meeting). Both male and female students supported this movement saying that the Parental Approval Card was discriminatory against female students.

The SGA felt the rules were very unfair to female students. They were required to sign out of their dormitories at night, when leaving campus or when in the company of a gentleman caller. Their whereabouts and time had to be accounted for always. Male students at Madison College were not held to the same restraints, even their dorms had less constricting rules. Despite many students voicing their    dissatisfaction with the current rules, they offered no alternative. When the idea of sending a letter home to the parents was proposed, all students approved.

While the general consensus was that a change should occur, not everyone was sure that it would be approved by administration. The students seemed to view President Miller as an obstacle to this change, though it is never specified as to why.

The SGA decided that (pending approval from administration) a letter would be sent home to the parents over Thanksgiving break. This would give parents and students a chance to discuss the possibility of changes to the rules. The letter and a short survey was sent home to the parent of each student, it stated why the students were seeking this freedom and asked the parents their thoughts on the matter. The letter did not possess an alternative for parents to chose over the Parental Approval Card.

A copy of the Survey sent home by SGA

Rules Review (SGA), October 23, 1969 7pm. Special Collections, Carrier Library, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Va.

Featured Image- Taken from The Bluestone 1973, “Student Senate,” 240, Special Collections, Carrier Library, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA.

Letter- Copied from, Student Government Association Records, SGA 93-0401, Box 2, Folder IV- Rules and Regulations, 1930s-1971.