
The Town of Haymarket Museum is pleased to offer short and long-term internships to college students. Internships are unpaid, but provide a wide variety of learning and research opportunities for History, Art History, Public Relations and Communications majors.
The following positions are available starting May 1, 2016 through November, 2016:
—Research Assistant to museum director.
—Museum Docent – welcome visitors and act as interpretative guide for exhibits.
—Exhibit and Set-up Assistant – work with other team members to help plan and set-up special exhibits.
—Website and Social Media Specialist – publish stories, event calendars, photos and write-ups about exhibits on the museum’s Facebook page and website.Students are invited to apply for one or more positions or hold two positions at a time to provide them with a more comprehensive learning experience.

Application requirements:
—Must be enrolled in an accredited college or university, either full or part-time.
—Application must include a letter of reference from one of the student’s professors.
—A grade point average of 2.0 or above.

Job requirements:
The ability to work a minimum of 15 hours per month, including some weekends from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Each position requires a minimum 3-month commitment.
For security purposes, applicants must submit to a criminal background check (at no cost to them).
Applicants must have the ability to work independently or as a team member.

How to apply:
To obtain a Volunteer Application, visit www.haymarket museum.com or in person by visiting the museum Saturdays or Sundays starting May 7th from 11 am until 2 pm.
Completed applications can be e-mailed to: www.museum@townofhaymarket.org or by postal mail to: Town of Haymarket, attention Denise Andrews, 15000 Washington Street, Suite 100, Haymarket, VA 20169.

The Haymarket Museum is located in the Town of Haymarket, at 15025 Washington Street. If you have any questions, please call Denise Andrews at 571-469-1974.

The Town of Haymarket Museum, Haymarket, VA (near Greenville & Manassas)