Elyse Poinsett and Sharon Tewksbury-Bloom used their research, writing and photography skills to assist in compiling, editing, and illustrating a tour book of roadside historic markers in Augusta County, Staunton and Waynesboro, Virginia.
Kimberly McCray utilized the techniques she learned in her public history courses, the records of the Staunton/Augusta County Courthouse, and the resources of the Augusta County Historical Society to interpret the objects and documents contained in a trunk owned by an early 20th-century African-American woman from Augusta County.
Greg Kellerman researched the history of the Second Presbyterian Church in Staunton, Virginia, from its inception in 1875 to 1945. Much of his research involved reading Staunton newspapers as well as publications of the Lexington Presbytery.
Jessica Charles transcribed an 1850s cookbook, tested a variety of the recipes, and is also publishing her findings in an updated version of the cookbook.