Interact With Our Prototype!

Interact With Our Prototype!

We’ve finished out final prototype design and you can now virtually interact with it! To learn more about our drone and the parts we built, hover your mouse over the blue circle hotspots. These “hotspots” are vital parts of the drone and our mechanism that we have...
Meet the Landmine Disarming Team!

Meet the Landmine Disarming Team!

Premal Patel Hi, I’m Premal. I’m a pre-med student with a physics major and math minor. I’m passionate about robotics and electronics. I mentor the FIRST Robotics team and work on various robots like hexapods, arduino bots, lego robots, and quadcopters.   Urvi...
Makerspace: It’s Out of This World!

Makerspace: It’s Out of This World!

We don’t have desks, we have work benches. We don’t have a whiteboard, we have multi-screen teleconferencing and presentation walls. We don’t have one professor, we have seven, three of which roll around the classroom in robots called Beams. Instead of normal...
Design. Create. Exhibit.

Design. Create. Exhibit.

Our final presentation design is inspired by interactive learning! The centerpiece will stand 8 feet tall and 4 feet wide. On the rectangle faces, we plan to display statistics, including information on the number of landmines in the ground and the percentages of...
Countdown to Exhibition: 45 Days!

Countdown to Exhibition: 45 Days!

Before the exhibition on December 9th, there are a few things we need to accomplish. Last class, we conducted a mind mapping exercise to organize the tasks we need to complete in our final six weeks. These include finalizing our bill of materials, completing more...