by winterea | Oct 26, 2015 | Landmines: Disarming
Before the exhibition on December 9th, there are a few things we need to accomplish. Last class, we conducted a mind mapping exercise to organize the tasks we need to complete in our final six weeks. These include finalizing our bill of materials, completing more...
by winterea | Oct 26, 2015 | Ecology: Riverbeds
On Sunday, October 4th, we had our first experience with flying quadcopter vehicles. Collier brought down the test copters used in his class from last semester. These test quadcopters are a third of the size of the actual drone quadcopters we are using...
by winterea | Oct 25, 2015 | Ecology: Riverbeds
The JMU Drones Challenge is a unique collaboration in that group members’ studies span across different majors. Working in a group dynamic is not always the easiest thing to do among groups of overachieving individuals such as those members of the Stream Team...
by winterea | Oct 21, 2015 | Landmines: Detection
In the perfect college-world there would be no problems; everyone would have a 4.0 GPA, class attendance would be optional, and every group project would operate as seamlessly as was first imagined. Well, the “perfect college-world” doesn’t exactly...
by winterea | Oct 21, 2015 | Ecology: Pollution
As someone inexperienced with drones and anything related to robotics, I was reluctant to fly the big drone before experimenting with Brandon’s pocket drone quad copter first. For this reason, I documented the flights of other group members using images and video....
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