The JMU Drones Challenge is a unique collaboration in that group members’ studies span across different majors. Working in a group dynamic is not always the easiest thing to do among groups of overachieving individuals such as those members of the Stream Team (formally Riverbeds and formally Bearz). Between jobs, sports practices, and other class commitments, it has become increasingly difficult to find a time and meeting place convenient for everyone. In the past our group has tried to meet every Sunday at a social meeting place on campus, which also contained an enticing Auntie Anne’s Pretzel shop*.

While we snacked on salty pretzels dipped in somewhat concerning overly orange colored queso cheese, it is incredible to realize how a group of such differently academic minded people can come together in the efforts to produce something truly beneficial to our community.

The Stream Team will be using state of the art Sony cameras attached to our drone

The dynamic of our group is fostered by our ability to recognize each other’s academic strengths and weaknesses on different tasks, and then push each other outside our comfort zones. This is not to say we disregard each other’s strengths in the group (we do want to be actually successful in our project), but instead we strive to take advantage of the unique opportunity to learn from the expertise of our fellow students in different majors. We encourage each other to work on tasks not specifically related to out major, and encourage each other to give everything a try (including that unearthly orange queso).

In one of our first meetings as a group, the Industrial Design students gave us several tips to facilitate brainstorming that has been the key to our positive group dynamic; mind mapping sounds dangerous but can generate great ideas, no idea is a dumb idea, a “compliment sandwich” isn’t that tasty but promotes cordial discussions, and most importantly, don’t be an A-hole.


The Stream Team explores new ideas on a design board

(*The Stream Team is not sponsored by or affiliated with Auntie Anne’s Pretzels, but if they would like to give us free pretzels for this free PR we would not be opposed.)