Interact With Our Prototype!

Interact With Our Prototype!

We’ve finished out final prototype design and you can now virtually interact with it! To learn more about our drone and the parts we built, hover your mouse over the blue circle hotspots. These “hotspots” are vital parts of the drone and our mechanism that we have...


Through an online platform called ThingLink, the image of our quadcopter shows hotspots allowing the viewer to hover over various parts of the drone and understand what we’ve built. To view the parts, hover over the white circles on the image below to check out...
Our Prototype!

Our Prototype!

Interested in learning more about the parts of our drone? Check out the interactive image below! Hovering over different areas of the drone will bring up an information box. These particular points will tell you what the different parts of our prototype are and why...
Meet the Landmine Disarming Team!

Meet the Landmine Disarming Team!

Premal Patel Hi, I’m Premal. I’m a pre-med student with a physics major and math minor. I’m passionate about robotics and electronics. I mentor the FIRST Robotics team and work on various robots like hexapods, arduino bots, lego robots, and quadcopters.   Urvi...

Identified Flying Object

The image below is a sketched image of our UAV. When you roll over the different hot spots on the image, it gives a description of what that area of the UAV is and why it’s needed. Try it out by hovering over the image below! By: Katrina Aducci