Eric Crowell Final Presentation

Tinkercad Final Project

This was our first big project, and to be honest, my most difficult project. For this assignment, I recreated a relatively accurate 3D model of lower Manhattan. The shapes themselves are primarily rectangles and squares. The hard part was going back and forth between tinkercad and googlemaps trying to make every single building in the area. I did end up making every building in the area with pretty accurate placement. It really helped that I was able to turn off the snap grid as that was making hard to put the buildings in the perfect place. I chose to make this becauseI really like architecture and city scapes in general.

Fusion360 Final Project

For the Fusion360 final project I made an iphone xr. I know this relatively simple but I had a lot of difficulty with fusion in the beginning. I found the workplane to be hard to maneuver. Regardless, I figured an iphone would be a good open to make in fusion. This is because I knew it was realistic for me to be able to make it at my level and because the object itself is a good display of fusion’s ability to make curves and model. The phone actually came out looking very realistic and Im pretty happy with it.

OpenScad Final

As was the case with Fusion, I also had a lot of difficulty with openscad. I didnt have any previous coding experience so this was brand new me. It was interesting how computer aided design is really nothing more than math. I decided to go with a vase for similar reasons as the iphone in fusion. It was something I knew I could feasibly create and it is a good showcase of openscads abilities. What I found special about openscad was the interesting geometric shapes and spirals that can be easily created in the program. I had to look at some tutorials and do some research because I couldnt get the object to render when I tried to start by myself. The vase is twisted and has a bottom so it would be able to hold water if it was printed.

Final Final Project

For my final final project I went with tinkercad, plain and simply because Im most confident with it. During quarantine, I’ve been major bingeing Game of Thrones so I figured Id build a building a liked from the show. This is supposed to be a church in the fictional capital city. This project, like my other tinkercad project, was pretty tedious because of detailing. I also had to figure what were the best shapes available in tinkercad to make the shapes of the building. The simplicity of tinkercad makes for a challenge in itself when trying to create something more complex and detailed.

Another project that I really enjoyed was the silly/serious class challenge just because it was interesting to see everyone else’s ideas.

Thanks for a great semester


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