For the Safety of Our Children

Interview with Sandra by Austin Shea | Sociology of Immigration ReportTranscript             Immigration is constantly happening all across the world. Using...

A Piece of the Middle East

Interview with Lyzan Rashid by Mastan Rashid ReportTranscript I interviewed my older sister, Lyzan Rashid, who is a 26 year old Kurdish American Refugee. Lyzan came to the U.S. when she was...

The Grit and Spirit of Tai Shin

Interview with Tai Shin by Andrew Oh ReportTranscript The purpose of this project was to interview an individual that has had the pleasure, or under unforeseen...

Poppy Vest’s Story

Interview with Poppy Vest by Kallie Grove ReportTranscript Introduction:The goal of this project is to get people’s stories to be heard. Our job is the magnify the stories of individual...

From Cameroon to Virginia

Interview with Emmanuel by David Lambert ReportTranscript David Lambert December 13, 2020SOC 318Interview ProjectFrom Cameroon to...