“It’s not easy, but it’s not impossible.”

Interview with Raul Gonzalez by Emma Kliewer https://sites.lib.jmu.edu/immigrantstoriesproject/files/2020/12/Sociology-Immigration-Interview-online-audio-converter.com_-1.mp3 ReportTranscript Introduction:People migrate for various reasons, whether it be for...

Crossing the Pond: UK to US

Interview with Jane Boyles by Nicole Perrone https://sites.lib.jmu.edu/immigrantstoriesproject/files/2020/09/Janes-Boyles-Compressed.mp3 ReportTranscript Choosing to move to a new country is not something to be taken lightly. From the first set of immigrants that...

From the Land of the Rising Sun to the Land of Liberty

Interview with Masako Winters by Jasmine Winters https://sites.lib.jmu.edu/immigrantstoriesproject/files/2020/12/FINAL-VERSION-2nd-round-EDIT-intro-interview-merged.mp3 ReportTranscript From the Land of the Rising Sun to the Land of LibertyFor this Immigration Stories...