Interview with Nureldin Azhmi Abdeen.
The immigrant journey is often filled with challenges and opportunities. It is an act of courage to leave one’s homeland in hopes of a better chance to lead to a better future. I had the privilege of interviewing my father, Nureldin Azhmi Abdeen. A first-generation Palestinian immigrant who left his home in Jerusalem in 1985 to build a new life in the United States. His story shared in this interview shows the resilience required to overcome culture shock, and political corruption (in his homeland), navigate life in a foreign land, and establish new roots in a new country. My dad has shown that through hard work and determination, the United States offers a vast array of opportunities, while still being able to stay connected to his Palestinian roots.
My father’s journey to adapting to the U.S. was shaped by resilience, community connections, and hard work. My father’s journey started in the Tel Aviv airport (about 30 kilometers away from Jerusalem), over the next couple of days my father originally settled in Bakersfield, California. My father gained legal residency and citizenship through his marriage to my mother in 1987 (receiving his citizenship in 1989), which helped him establish a stable foundation in the United States.
Early Life:
My father and a portion of his direct family.
My father was born in Jerusalem in 1962 and spent his childhood and early adulthood in the city of Jerusalem. Growing up under Israeli occupation was obviously no easy task, life was challenging. My father experienced restrictions on movement, frequent discriminatory ID checks by the Israeli Defense Force, and discrimination. Despite all these struggles, my father attended school in the Old City of Jerusalem, where classes were primarily taught in Arabic but still incorporated English into the school curriculum, along with other subjects like math and science.
School should be a safe area for everyone involved, no matter their ethnicity or cultural background. Unfortunately, his school life was often interrupted by raids from Israeli soldiers, who sometimes arrested or even physically assaulted students in front of my father, this happened so frequently that it practically became the norm for a Palestinian under Israeli occupation.
Outside of school, my dad helped in his father’s shop, a tourist store in the Old City that sold traditional Palestinian goods, such as traditional Palestinian Bedouin dresses and rugs. Prior to the occupation in 1967, my grandfather’s business primarily revolved around traveling across the Arab world to trade goods in countries such as Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon. Sadly, after the occupation, my grandfather had to repurpose his business to attract tourists rather than relying on regional trade to survive and support a family of twelve.
Transition into the United States:
My father had mentioned that “everything is different” in the interview, from the language, the schools, to everyday activities like shopping and driving around, absolutely everything was different. The shift from culture in Jerusalem to a new country with different customs and ways of life was overwhelming at first for him even simple things such as going to a restaurant or the structure of college life at Northern Virginia Community College.
In the early stages of my father’s immigration, my dad had limited ways of staying connected to his family back home in Palestine due to the high costs of long-distance calls in the 1980s, emphasizing that he would spend around $300 a month in order to get in contact with his family, which gave him a sense of isolation. However, he found that through networking he was able to connect with other Arab immigrants who were in a similar position to his own and gradually build a foundation in the United States, “slowly” as my father stated in the interview.
Although at first, my father didn’t have enough time or money to engage in particular cultural practices due to his work schedule being primarily both day and night, my dad did maintain his religious practices for a period of time. He attended a small mosque in Falls Church and recollects that the community, although very small when he first arrived, has grown very significantly since then. The existence of a larger Arab community today in the Northern Virginia/D.C. area shows how much the cultural landscape has developed since my dad has arrived in the United States. As discussed in class, this can be seen as a form of “Arabinization” (play-on-words for Latinization but for Arabs) which is very prominent in this example, as it shows how the Arab community has flourished and built a life for itself in Northern Virginia.
My father’s migration to the United States highlights the segmented labor market theory in the United States. The idea of dual or segment labor markets that are made up of the Primary Sector: Well paid, stable jobs, high prestige, and opportunities to move up the hierarchy, as well as the Secondary Sector: Poorly paid, unstable, seasonal jobs, with low paying wages and no chance to move up the hierarchy. Upon my father’s arrival to the United States, my father found himself entering the Secondary Sector, despite having management experience and running his own store in Jerusalem. The shift from being in charge to working in a restaurant was a culture shock to my father, as he was forced to accept a role in the service industry despite being a previous business owner. This led him to adjust to a different economic reality, where job opportunities were limited and the chances for promotion were slim.
The primary economic push factor for my father to immigrate was rooted in the challenging economic and political environment of Palestinian territories under Israeli occupation. As previously mentioned my grandfather’s business involved traveling across the Arab world for trading, but this freedom of movement and economic opportunity came to a stop as a result of Israeli occupation. The limited economic opportunity, constant military presence, and restriction of the Palestinian movement created this push factor for my father to immigrate to the United States, seeking a better life.
The United States on the other hand represented the pull factors that attracted my father into immigrating to the United States. He was compelled to go by the promise of “opportunity”, a term he repeatedly used in the interview. Despite initially facing challenges when he first arrived, such as working three jobs at once (all in the “secondary sector”) which was a significant shift from owning his own store, and facing culture shock in places like Bakersfield, my dad saw the U.S. as a place where hard work was able to lead to better economic advancement. This “American promise” was shown true, as he now works for the United States State Department and has had the opportunity to travel overseas countless times.
My father alongside myself and my brothers with President Joe Biden in Mumbai, India.
My father’s journey from Jerusalem to the United States is a powerful story of hope and hard work. Leaving behind the limited opportunities of the Israeli occupation, he arrived in America with determination for a better life for himself, and his family. Through hard work and perseverance, he gradually overcame cultural barriers/shock, economic challenges, and personal struggles to build a new life.
From working in restaurants to make ends meet, to eventually securing a position with the United States State Department, my dad’s story shows how immigrants can transform their lives through determination and opportunities. Ultimately, my dad’s story is an example of the immigrant experience, showing that with courage, and hard work, it is possible to create a new life in a foreign land, while still maintaining your roots.
Gabriel Abdeen: I’m with my father, Nur Abdeen. Thank you for joining, Baba.
Nur Abdeen: You’re welcome, anytime.
Gabriel Abdeen: Do you want to introduce yourself a little bit? What’s your name, your full name? Where did you immigrate from?
Nur Abdeen: My name is Nur Abdeen. I’m currently in Baghdad, Iraq, with myself and my wife.
We work at the US Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq.
Gabriel Abdeen: Where did you immigrate from?
Nur Abdeen: I born and grew up in Jerusalem in 1962, and I left Jerusalem in 1985. I went to the United States.
Gabriel Abdeen: And what, part of Palestine did you immigrate from? Was it more of like the country? Was it in a city?
Nur Abdeen: No, it’s the city, the city of Jerusalem.
Gabriel Abdeen: And what was life like there in Palestine under Israeli occupation?
Nur Abdeen: It’s a kind of, I would say it’s, it’s a kind of tough, Being under, occupation is not something, easy to live
Gabriel Abdeen: Are there, some examples you have, like what are some of the things that the IDF prevented you from doing?
Nur Abdeen: So most of the usually all the times while you traveling, between places in Jerusalem. The Israeli soldiers, all the time, they stop you and they ask you for ID.
It’s a little bit, hard sometimes to go places at night or to do something.
Gabriel Abdeen: Was it the same for Israelis? Did the Israeli soldiers stop Israelis or was it just Palestinians?
Nur Abdeen: No. I mean, it’s one of the area that’s, it’s probably the most common area. In Jerusalem that they stop people is the entrance. It’s one of the main gate in the, to the old city of Jerusalem. It’s called Damascus gate. So Jew Orthodox, you could tell that they do from the way, they dress and the way they look. Okay. I don’t think, and I’m a hundred percent sure.
I never saw them. I never saw the Israeli soldiers or the Israeli police stop them too. Ask them for ID or to let them, start searching them, but they will do that with, Palestinian, whether they’re young men or women or older.
And so you were in Jerusalem when you were younger, what was your school life like?
The school life, it’s, uh, it’s a pretty, my school used to be in the old city of Jerusalem. It’s a very, very old and, Beautiful architectures and the structures is very beautiful. I don’t know what it’s spelled, but it’s very old. And it’s a good school for education.
I used to remember this when we used to be in the class. that the Israeli soldiers, they attack the school and they go into, our school and sometimes they hit the students and they arrest students from school
Gabriel Abdeen: Was it, were the people who went to your school, were they primarily, were they Palestinians?
Nur Abdeen: No, my school is only for Palestinian.
Gabriel Abdeen: Did they teach in Arabic or English or Hebrew?
Nur Abdeen: They teach, in Arabic, but we do take English and different other subjects.
You know, of course, if we got math or physics or chemistry, it’s solely in Arabic.
Gabriel Abdeen: What did your parents do for a living?
Nur Abdeen: My dad used to own several store in the old city, of Jerusalem. And it’s, it’s a tourist store. He used to sell the Palestinian antics, Bedouin dresses, rug, and so on.
But before 1967, They used to sell, clothes, and they used to go to a different part of the Arab world before the 1967 occupation. They used to travel. To Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq, and do some business there.
Gabriel Abdeen: When did you decide to immigrate to the United States?
Nur Abdeen: I finished my high school in 1981.
And then, in 1982, I used to, run of my father’s store. Until 19 84, 85, I left there to the United. June 25th, 1985. I left Jerusalem to the United States.
Gabriel Abdeen: And when you immigrated, what did like your neighbors, your family, your friends think about your decision to move to the United States? Because you were the first one in your family to move, right?
Nur Abdeen: No, it’s actually about one of my, younger brothers who left before me, about five months before me.
But, it wasn’t, a lot of people at that time, that they travel or go to the, they leave to the United States.
But it’s, also a kind of a big shot.
Gabriel Abdeen: Yeah. And how did you immigrate? Did you immigrate by like a plane? Did you cross the-
Nur Abdeen: From Vindy on Tel Aviv airport, Vindy on the airport in Tel Aviv. It’s about 30 kilometers from Jerusalem. I went to Italy, to Rome for one night and the next day, I moved, from Rome to Los Angeles. I spent one night in LA and then from LA to. The next days, I went to another, it’s called Bakersfield. Stayed about three months bakersfield was, I would say a very tough place. About now, but
Gabriel Abdeen: Why was Bakersfield such a hard place?
Nur Abdeen: Think, it’s a very, it’s not a big, What is it, city or, place, you know, and, there is not a lot of work and, it’s a very, thing is very limited. If I remember right, it’s a part or the area or the, they depends on oil, but, so it’s completely, and it was my first problem overseas. So it was a big, as I said, the, stayed about three months there. It was completely what they call it, culture shock.
Gabriel Abdeen: Yeah.
Nur Abdeen: Big, big culture shock. Then I moved from Bakersfield to Washington DC.
Gabriel Abdeen: Okay, and how was Washington DC once you got there?
Nur Abdeen: It’s a completely, you know, it’s a, it’s more than, I would say DC, Washington DC, it was the kind of, more that What I was thinking or imagining the U. S. would look like. It’s a lot more than, I wasn’t thinking the U. S. looked like Bakersfield, okay? So Bakersfield wasn’t for me, a place that I will be able to adjust. But yes, Washington, D. C. It wasn’t easy. It was, you know, it was hard, too. I mean, for even if there’s more job and more stuff. But it will be easier.
It’s not easy, but it will be easier than they could feel.
Gabriel Abdeen: Yeah.
Nur Abdeen: To adjust and
More opportunity, more. international community.
Gabriel Abdeen: When you move to the United States, what was the legal process like how did you get your naturalization form?
Nur Abdeen: I came with the visa. I stayed there for, around, D. C. area. The way I get my, naturalization and citizenship for the green card, it’s, when I get married to mom, I get the green card and then, two years later I get my citizenship. That was, I think 1987. By 1989, I get my citizenship.
Gabriel Abdeen: Did you run into any, legal problems with the naturalization form with your citizenship?
Nur Abdeen: No, not really.
Gabriel Abdeen: What were your feelings about moving to the United States?
Nur Abdeen: I would say before you leave, you expect something, but it’s a very hard, thing, but it’s a place that, the U. S., I mean, it’s a place That you will be able to have, more opportunity, for people than any other place in the world. It’s very difficult, in the beginning. It’s not easy, but, You’ll be able to adjust if you, determine and you work hard until you get yourself established.
Gabriel Abdeen: How did you connect with the Arab American community in the US when you were starting to get settled?
Nur Abdeen: When I start working, yes, I work with some, Arab, people, they are originally from a different part of, city in Palestine. So I start working with them and we work, you know, so you start to get to know people slowly and, You start to get yourself established, find a place to live, find a job, find a car, to get your driver’s license, open bank account.
All of this, you know, it won’t happen right away. It’s all, it’s going to take time.
Gabriel Abdeen: so would you say there is people who helped you, you know, like find work or navigate through your new life?
Nur Abdeen: Nobody know or nobody will tell how, what is going, or what he’s going or when he’s going to need someone to help him. It could be one day you’re sitting in a restaurant, walking in the mall, walking, and you need, so it’s communication. It’s communication. Lead you to the other.
And you find the network of, exactly.
So, you move from one place to place, you find room with some other guys, or you move from one area, you find another room with other people, and so on. You find another job. It’s, it’s not something easy, but you get yourself established and you know, when you come here by yourself, and you are away from your family.
It’s hard. Yeah, it’s hard.
Gabriel Abdeen: What do you remember being different from home? You said you went through a culture shock. What was different about.
Nur Abdeen: Everything is, I would
say everything is different, language is different, school is different, college is different, restaurant is different, going, shopping, whether supermarket or, the driving industry.
All going to a small college is different. Everything is is different. You know?
Gabriel Abdeen: Yeah. Do you still stay connected with the people from Palestine, like your family
Nur Abdeen: At that time? Yeah, all the time.
There wasn’t, you know, I’m talking about 1985.
limited compared to nowadays, the telecommunication is very limited compared to today. You know, it is the only way to communicate is telephone or sending letters. And at that time,
making a long distance call is crazy expensive. I mean, I remember one time
I have to pay, I think, 300, my telephone bill, and that’s in 1985. It’s how much call I used to make to call people overseas. You know, they used to charge you per minute, and I don’t really remember how much. But there’s, Different phrase, different, but I, if I remember right, sometimes, or, different times, sometimes, you could, it used to be more than one quarter for each minute.
Nur Abdeen: Yeah, very expensive. I’m talking about three hundred dollars in 1985. That’s a lot
Gabriel Abdeen: So how did you pay for all of this? When did you find a job? When did you start working? Where did you work? How was the environment?
Nur Abdeen: It wasn’t an environment that I expected, but I never worked before for someone.
I used to have my own store back in the old city of Jerusalem. So, when I came here and I start working in a restaurant, it was, kind of hard for me to accept that. But, you know, in order for you to go ahead, this is the choices you had.
Gabriel Abdeen: Yeah.
Nur Abdeen: You need to accept the fact that it’s now, different.
Gabriel Abdeen: Yeah. Yeah. And when you came to the United States, what are some Palestinian traditions you brought with you or culture, like your food?
Nur Abdeen: Times, you know, I don’t have, I don’t know, because I’ve been working the whole time. I’ve been working day and night, so I don’t have the time for cooking or anything, so,
Gabriel Abdeen: What about religion?
Nur Abdeen: Religions, yes. Everyone, I used to go, there was, one mosque. It’s a very, very, very, very small, at that times, in the city of Falls Church, I used to live, around that area, so it used to be very small, I used to go to the most in Portshare, now they make it get, uh, a lot bigger, but at that times, When I used to go there, I mean, it used to be very small numbers of people , but now even they make it bigger.
I see the police, closing the street in order for them to control the traffic. Because of how much people, so many people, the same mosque, they can come on Friday prayer maybe five to six thousand people.
They come. Yeah, I believe it, but it’s also at that times, you know, there is, not so much Arab store or Middle Eastern store or, Middle Eastern restaurant, but now it’s, it’s a lot. The community is bigger. Near where we live near Dulles airport. At that time, there was nothing. Now, around that area, they have more than four or five mosques.
And they all on Friday, full, full. So the community is growing a lot.
Gabriel Abdeen: Last question, do you think that decision to immigrate to the United States was the right decision?
Nur Abdeen: Absolutely.
Nur Abdeen: I do. Think, as I said in the beginning of our conversations, you know, the United States, it’s, has so much opportunity or for people more than any other place in the world.
And it’s an open opportunity for people, but you need to look for it, and you need to work for it. It’s not something easy. In the United States a lot more than in any other country in the world.
Gabriel Abdeen: Okay. Well thank you this is the conclusion of the interview thank you for joining,
Nur Abdeen: Anytime.
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